Premium Essay

I Am the Bread of Life


Submitted By leahpmiller
Words 1369
Pages 6
Liberty University



AUGUST, 2012

The most popular period in the ministry of Christ begins in John chapter 6, (Towns, pointecast) and John begins this chapter with the events of the most popular of the sign miracles: the feeding of 5,000. It was the time of the Feast of Passover, and multitudes had traveled to Jerusalem for the purpose of attending this mandatory event. Jesus would use the miracle of feeding the 5,000 to satisfy their physical hunger, but also to illustrate their need for spiritual nourishment. [1]
Jesus went to the mountain to sit with His disciples, and a large multitude of people had followed Him due to the many miracles he had performed. The people did not follow Him because they believed that He was the Son of God, but because they believed that He could feed them food to satisfy their physical hunger.[2] They were physically hungry, and Jesus used the boy’s lunch of five loaves and two fishes to feed the multitude. The Passover combined with the sign miracle of feeding the five thousand were the perfect backdrop for the Bread of Life discourse.
Later that evening the disciples went out on the lake in a boat to head for Capernaum, and a storm came up. Jesus walked on the water to join them, and their boat miraculously ended up at the shore where they were headed. The multitude from the day before waited for Jesus on the other side, back near where He had fed them. Realizing that Jesus was not there, they headed to Capernaum to find Him.
[1] Elmer Towns, The Gospel of John: Believe and Live. (Chattanooga, TN: AMG Publishers, 2002) P. 63.
[2] David Stanley, “The Bread of Life.” Worship 32, no. 8: 479. ATLASerials.
When the crowd found Jesus, He told them that they were only following Him because they were physically

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