Premium Essay

I Just Need to Make an Account


Submitted By A2usaNakan0
Words 308
Pages 2
Heterozygous | Two different alleles for the same trait | Homozygous | Two identical alleles for a particular trait | Dominant | Trait that expresses itself over another | Recessive | Trait that is masked when dominant trait is present | Incomplete dominance | One allele is not completely dominant over another | Punnett square | Diagram showing the gene combinations that might result from a genetic cross | Inbreeding | Continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics to maintain the desired characteristics of a line of organisms | Hybridization | Breeding technique that involves crossing dissimilar individuals to bring together the best traits of both organisms | Plasmids | a circular type of DNA that is often used as a vector to transfer genes | Cloning | | Transgenic | An organism that contains genes from other organisms | Mutations | Change in a DNA sequence that affects genetic information | Polyploidy | Condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes | HGH | | Insulin | | Interferon | Logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience | Selective breeding | Breeding to produce organisms with desired characteristics | Recombinant DNA | DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources | Taxonomy | Discipline of classifying organisms and assigning each organism a universally accepted name | Kingdom | Taxonomic group, contains related Phylum | Phylum | Contains related classes | Class | Contains related orders | Order | Contains related families | Family | Contains related genes | Genus | Organisms with many similar features | Species | organisms with similar characteristics that can successfully breed with each other | Domain | Most inclusive taxonomic category, larger than a kingdom | Breeds | | Strains | | Varieties | | Eukaryote | Organism whose cells

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Managing Money your account, and how much money you can take out from your account allows for quick access, thus avoiding hardship. Various accounts are used for different reasons. One should know the difference between the accounts, so that when they need to either deposit or withdraw money, they do it more efficiently and correctly. As for me, I would create a financial plan including a few accounts that will be used for different occasions. One account that I would open would be a savings account. Savings accounts are usually used to save money rather quickly for future uses. Savings accounts have higher interest rates than others. With college coming up, a savings account is a good option for me because education does not come at a cheap price. The money that I deposit would gain in value with the interest rates that coincide. A second bank account that I would open would be a checking account. Different than a savings account, a checking account is meant to be used on a daily basis and not really meant to save money like a savings account. With a checking account, I would be able to deposit and withdraw money at any time, depending on what I need it for. For example, if I want to make smaller purchases, I would withdraw money out of my checking account to pay for the item. In addition, another benefit of a checking account is that i would be able to access ATM's and have a debit card. In case of cash shortage, I could go to a nearby ATM and withdraw the money that I need. With a...

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