Premium Essay



Submitted By idmoore
Words 641
Pages 3
Critically examine the traditional tools and social interactive media outlet of IPR.

Traditional and social media both have roles in public relations. It's important to understand those roles and learn how to use them in your public relations efforts.
International public relations is referred to as the process of building a cordial relationship between countries or organisations or a public figure of an international community.
In the early years of human existence in the social world, there have been various ways at which people communicate or disseminate information to others or interact with others. Face to face is the first form of communication between people in the early days of human existence because communication is a vital aspect of human relations which can be used in all communique areas of socio-interaction amongst people, ranging from persons to person.

Traditional public relations tools include press releases and press kits which are distributed to the media to generate interest from the press. Other widely used tools include brochures, newsletters and annual reports etc.

Social media is a great tool for public figures and the public relations field. While mass media -- TV, newspapers, radio and magazine can reach incredible amounts of people, it's a one-way message. There's no dialogue, no feedback, no interaction. Social media like Twitter make it personal. They make it social. You can connect with the press and public in ways that mass media simply can't let you do.

Traditional media also provide a lot of opportunities for companies to send out their messages across. This means that traditional media forms provide an expansive set of options. Some PR efforts may have been made specific to a particular media form. There are campaigns that are specifically formulated for radio such as radio jingles. There are others that are made

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