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Ignorance In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451

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Fahrenheit 451 revolves in the bizarre era where everyone and everything is controlled by the government. From the beginning, since Montag and Clarisse met, he thought that Clarisse was different from the rest of the people even himself. He mentioned that Clarisse had a very thin face like the dial of the small clock which tells the time, the hour, minute, and second. Clarisse knows the time, she knows the truth, the facts, and she is like a mirror that reflects deep thoughts of the people. She made Montag curious about what happiness really is, true love, pure emotions, and knowledge, in which is not embraced in their society, making him the outsider. In this society, ignorance is a bliss;reigning across their culture, and what is thought to be the answer for happiness.

There are many reasons why ignorance revolves in the society where this story took place. The fireman's job is to burn books, which contains the facts and the information, therefore burning knowledge. Books are no longer able to be read, not only because they might offend …show more content…
Universities produce athletic people, such as football players and track stars, instead of future business leaders, doctors, and great mind thinkers. People don't want to think for themselves nor to be included with what is going on with their nation, instead they want the government, media, and technology to throw them the answers like a projectile.The government made them fear the thought of knowledge, which leads them to be inferior and non independent individual.They base their daily lives with television, that seems to be taking over their lives instead of spending time with their loved ones. For example, one of the reasons that Mildred and Montag are drifting apart is due to the fact that they have shallow conversations due to Mildred being busy talking to her wall instead, leading Montag to question the meaning and value of their

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