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Image of Elizabeth I


Submitted By oughweed
Words 1081
Pages 5
Elizabeth’s image

Elizabeth very well knew how important a good image is. If we look throughout the history, we would see that she was one of very few monarchs who really paid further attention to their image than to look grand and noble on special occasions. However Elizabeth was unique even among those few. She took things to a whole new level; her image building was so professional and elaborated that it has not been emulated until late 20th century. Elizabeth set the frame of her image right after she had acceded to the throne and during her reign she chiselled it into a true gem. Her behaviour during public appearances, her speeches, her make-up, dresses; that all helped her to in her effort to create image of a good semi mystic queen.
Shall it be understood why Elizabeth paid so much attention to her image and why she chosen such an extraordinary one, it much be first understood why she needed one.
As a daughter of Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth had to all her life face attacks concerning her legitimacy as well as her religion. She was constantly being treated by her cousin Mary Stuart, who claimed the English crown. Catholics naturally did not consider the marriage of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn valid; and after the death of Elizabeth’s half-sister Mary I (for them the only legitimate child of Henry VII) Mary Stuart was the hair apparent. Mary Stuart’s biggest supporter was Vatican; Henry did not get the obligatory papal agreement to divorce his first wife Catherine of Aragorn, but not only he did not step back, Henry created his own church and by the Act of Supremacy equalled himself (and all his protestant successors) to the Pope. This challenged and shattered the authority of Vatican to the core, so it is no wonder that Vatican was one of the biggest Elizabeth’s enemies.
Mary accused Elizabeth of usurping her crown and Vatican accused her of

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