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Immigration Crisis In America

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In America, the immigrant crisis runs a lot deeper than eight years. In order to understand what is happening to other countries when they welcome people into their countries for Communities in their schools, we have to understand that many times be same people turn around when they’re when they went there are enough of them and stab the very people welcome to them in the back. There are many countries that have allowed Muslims to basically take over their country or parts of by spreading their religion. This is not the first time this happens and it is not the last. The battle in the Middle East has been going on long before America was born. One of the many things I can quickly get out of control is when a religion spreads especially …show more content…
If people are coming here to be safe then we need to make sure that our country is safe for those living in the country in those coming here for refuge. Which means large part keeping radical Islamic people out. Because this is a spiritual war we must examine thoroughly what a person who seeks to enter this country believes. Yes, America has freedom of religion but that does not mean that a person can break the law because it coincides with their religion. Freedom of religion in the separation of church and state are often misunderstood Rights. Freedom of religion does not necessarily mean freedom from religion in the separation of church and state is meant to protect the churches from the …show more content…
More importantly what they think the president is doing. Everything in America hasn’t recently become political and there is the need to always be politically correct in order to not offend someone. But in order to have a real conversation as a country we need to throw political correctness out the window. For example recently people took the day off of work and called it “ a day without immigrants” I am sure even people who are not immigrants skipped work for this so called protest. Many people lost their job because they participated in this protest instead of going to work. Many people may this in a different way than I but very simply if you do not show to work than you don’t get paid and if you do not call ahead then you will most likely be fired. It does not matter who you are this is the way how many places are because I need to be able to rely on people to do their

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