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Submitted By amedina94
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Pages 2
Hate Crimes * About 60% of hate criminals classified as “youthful thrill seekers.” Most will “age out” of criminality and most are not affiliated with organized WS groups. * Some youthful offenders will be brought into organized hate groups where violence is justified and cultivated. * The Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Klanwatch” Project monitors close to 900 hate groups in the US. * “Our side does better when the public is being pressured, when gas prices are high, when housing is bad, when a black man might be president” – Ron Dogget * SPLC counts about 500 US-based hate sites on the internet. * Traffic on internet hate sres has skyrocketed since Obama has been President. * Skinhead recruiters will also target boys from unstable or violent homes. * Skinheads recruiters are attracted to subgroups of alienated “outcasts” * Older skinheads will often recruit by serving as caring “big brother” * Most major hate groups incorporate a heavy anti-immigrant message into their campaigns-both for ideological discourse is far more mainstream. * Both mainstream and extremist anti-immigrant discourse heighten the perceived threat level by invoking possibility of a “demographic race.” * Demographic Race: attempt by 2 or more groups to gain power, land, or resources by “outbreeding” others.
Hate groups and gender * Hate culture is extremely masculinist/ male dominated. * Skinhead belief is based on traditional superiority of White, heterosexual men. WS men often feel there are no options lift in wider society for htem to be “real men”. * The WS man gets a “Psychological Wage” * W.E.B Du Bois: “The psychological Wage of Whiteness:” Poorest whites are invested in myth of white supremacy because it allows them to
The Seven Stages of Hate * 1. Grouping – Search for like-minded others. Formation of group. * 2. Self Definition – Hate groups create identities through symbols & mythologies designed to enhance sense of status and belonging. * 3. Disparaging the target – Debasing/dehumanizing target. Use of aggressive and violent fantasies to “wind up” members of the group * 4. Taunting the Target – “Stepping up” risk/aggression by verbally confronting members of target group. * 5. Attacking without weapons – Violence “weeds out” less committed members, bonds together serious recruits, and isolates them from mainstream society. * 6. Attacking with Weapons – “Steps-ups” violence even further – brings potential for loss of life. * 7. Destroying the Target – Violent attack with intent to kill one or multiple people/create wide-scale destruction of property. * Mulugeta Seraw (1960-1988) Beaten to death by members of “East Side White Pride” and :White Arayan Resistance” in Portland, OR. * Seraw’s family won a $12.5 million judgment against WAR leadership for “inciting skinhead members to violence against Jews minority members.” * Anders Behring Breivik: Killed 77 people in bombing and mass shooting in Norway on July 22, 2011 * Believed

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