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Importance Of Child Labour Essay

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 Right to Education
Child labour & illiteracy are basically two sides of a same coin, as one inclines to raise the other. Maximum of child labours are either illiterate or partly literate. Generally parents of these children are also illiterate and thus does not understand the importance of education in one’s life. Children of illiterate parents are more prone to child and bonded labour. This is the only irony of the life that poor child in inida is born without education and dies without it. Government is trying to curb illiteracy and making ways for children to earn to live and study to progress. In leading case “the court held that the engagement of children in the match factories can be done but they cannot be directly connected with …show more content…
Some of the main challenges in curbing child labour are:-
1. Lack of awareness & education amongst the people
2. Lack of productive & income generating schemes which force poop people to let their children work as child labour for livelihood.
3. Child labour is Cleary an outcome of poverty until government will not be able to curb it child labour will remain.
4. Child labour is more youthful and agrees to work more for less which make their demand high .
5. Lack of proper reddresal leads to dominance of influential people and they misuse their power by making poor people work for them for minimum wages.
6. Corruption is another issue which is an obstacle in this regard.

Consequences of Child Labour
 Children generally residing in rural areas are deprived of their right to education and are forced to work
 Children are destitute of their right to healthy living, heathy growth and leisure

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