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Improving Job Performance


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Improving Job Performance
Calumet College of Saint Joseph
Improving Job Performance
Maslow’s hierarchy of need can apply to the workforce as well. Within a job, an employee has steps they need to fulfill in order to advance. The first step, basic needs, include air conditioning, salary and any other basic necessities that would motivate a person to go to work every day. The second step, safety, would include ones job being position and wage. Belonging includes compatible work-group, personal and professional friends, office parties and social gatherings. Self-esteem includes job title and merit salary increase. The last and final step, self-actualization, includes advancement, challenging assignments, development opportunities, and opportunities to use skills. (Clark, n.d.). With that being said, employees need opportunities to advance, they need to be challenged, and motivated. If the needs of employees are not met, how can a company succeed?
Improving job performance is the job of both the employer and employees. First, the major and minor problems must be identified. The next step is to figure out the necessary actions needed to take place in order for the improvement to begin. The last step is to then find preventing procedures so things will continue to run smoothly in the establishment.
What are the major and minor problems?
Time management may be one of the most major problems. Most people waste time doing other un-work related activities. Un-work related activities include: general procrastination like talking on the phone, and logging onto the social media websites. First, let’s talk about general procrastination. People tend to linger around, interrupting other people who are working, and hanging out consistently in the break room. Next there are the personal phone calls. I’m guilty of this part of time management. There were plenty of times, while I worked at Best Buy, I would use the phone and did not notice that a customer had walked up. This was very unprofessional and when the shoe was on the other foot, I was highly irritated.
The last time management problem is social media. There may a lot of downtime and people begin to log on to Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. There are a lot of other social media sites but those are the most popular at the moment. In my own experience, I always see people I know making the mistake of posting how bored they are on Facebook or twitter. Some go as far as taking pictures of their boredom. According to Kelly Services, 51% of U.S. workers believe using social media at work hurts productivity. Employers visit their employees’ social media pages and seen the things posted and have made decisions based off of what they are seeing. According to Jay White, creator of, “employers are increasingly using Facebook (and other social networking sites) to check up on potential and current employees. People have been disciplined at work, have missed out on job positions, or have even been dismissed due to comments they've left on Facebook and similar sites.
A few not so minor problems of time management are: early lunch breaks, late break returns, leaving before their shift ends, and being tardy. These are not so major because most people may not have paid lunch breaks and being tardy or leaving before your shift ends are potential ways for employees to get their paychecks docked. All will cause the loss of productivity. The company is not necessarily losing money, if the company docks their pay. These issues all need to be addressed immediately but I’m more than positive that once the employee sees how much pay has been docked, change may come almost immediately. This tactic may cause your employees to get their acts together on their own.
The next problem is lack of training. According to Tessa Holmes, this is a major problem because this is solely where a company’s production rate comes from. Training should be the initial requirement after hiring someone. They may or may not train, but because people are not always honest, training may not have been one of the prerequisites. “Without training, employees are less likely to complete tasks quickly and effectively enough. This can cause a lull in the production of the company, and that can in turn dramatically reduce the business' profit.” (Holmes, n.d.).
The next reason why is because they not only know what they are doing, but they are on payroll. This is another form of wasting company time. Another form of lack of training is the employee may not know how to use their resources to help solve problems, or how to use the correct tools to complete an assignment or task. If an employee cannot use the company’s equipment to their fullest potential, they definitely need to have a training course using company equipment and software.
Product theft is both a major and minor problem. The minor problem of thievery would be the mysterious lack of office supplies. Taking printing paper or paper clips or company logo items aren’t that major but might eventually become an expense. As a manager, let employees know that this is very unacceptable and disciplinary actions will be taken. The major part of thievery is money theft. This is not acceptable and could be considered automatic termination. Sometimes these actions are done because of the nature of a person and other times, they may actually need the money. Whichever the case, it should never be easy for an employee to steal let alone be accepted. An estimated 50 billion dollars are lost annually from US businesses due to employee theft. According to the International Foundation for Protection Officers statistics, approximately 75% of all employees have stolen from their employers at least once in the duration of their careers. Of those, about half will steal again from the same employer. More sobering workplace theft statistics: employee theft is responsible for approximately 33% of all bankruptcies, and this particular statistic impacts virtually every type of business. (Shaddock, 2011, n.d.)
This brings us to the last problem: lack of motivation. There are many reasons why; the employee may feel as though they are being under paid, not enough recognition, no easy job advancement, or any pay raises. According to Kevin of, as the manager, one should figure out if the lack of motivation is an environmental or individual thing. “If it’s an environment thing then you can do different things to make the workplace a bit more fun. If it’s an individual thing then you will need to find out what motivates them and use that knowledge to get them to be more enthusiastic about work.” (Kevin, n.d.)
What are the actions needed to take place?
My employer, the Horseshoe decided to call a mandatory training refresher when the “eye in the sky”-surveillance- began consistently reporting the same mistakes from their coworkers. This was after the fact that Horseshoe had already begun to downsize. This approach was set out a little too late. Maybe had they addressed the issue of procedures done wrong or common mistakes on live games first, they may not have had to let go so many employees. The first thing to do as a manager is to train and retrain. When an employee doesn’t know correct procedures training is very much needed. According to, whenever your company makes any changes, you as the manager should make sure your staff is fully aware of those changes. This would be called a training refresher. At the “meeting” make sure there is a segment where there are employees reenacting correct procedures and where employees can ask questions. Make sure that everyone understands and knows their new objectives. Once your employees are familiar with their new or newly refreshed objectives, you should continuously give them feedback. Let them know if they’re still not doing something correctly and praise them for working so hard. Watch them from time to time so you can see how they are progressing and where they are having trouble. When you feel the need to meet with them, plan out some goals for them to achieve.
Next, set up evaluations that is quarterly, three or four months, or biannually. These evaluations are held one on one and are written down. When you evaluate your employees key things to talk about include performance levels, are they exceeding or should they be retrained and brought back. Another topic to include is a possible raise. Raises are for motivation to inspire an employee to work hard. The evaluations go hand in hand with setting goals. Setting obtainable goals are next in the action plan. Our text suggests that letting the employee set their own will be more affective. This may be true, but somehow push them in the right direction. This way they will feel as though they have a say.
What are the preventing measures needed so these problems are not reoccurring?
Suggestion boxes are still very much effective. If employees aren’t happy about something, make it so that they can express this, respectfully of course. How the contents are handle is completely up to the manager. Once decision is made on what do to about the complaints, comments, and concerns, and begin to some type of action, employees will appreciate the fact that they have a voice.
Cross training is another way to help internal promotions. In most establishments, there are positions where there is only one person qualified for that position. Well, what happens if that person gets sick for a long period of time? As a manager, would one rather hire a new ‘stranger’ or would one rather have someone already available? Cross training helps eliminate that problem. “Cross training offers employees the opportunity to increase skills and open up more avenues for promotional prospects. Employees who are interested or anxious to climb the proverbial corporate ladder will in all probability be more productive in order to prove themselves. Cross training gives these staff members a terrific opportunity to demonstrate and show their supervisors what they're made of in terms of capability.” (Goessl, 2010).
Concluding, when trying to improve job performance, there are three steps to identify: the major and minor problems, the necessary actions needed to take place in order for the improvement to begin and preventing procedures so things will continue to run smoothly in the establishment. Keep Maslow’s need hierarchy in mind, employees need challenges, motivation, and advancement in order to feel as if they belong. If employees belong, their job performance will reflect that.

References 1. Conner, C. (2012, November 15). Employees Really Do Waste Time at Work, Part II - Forbes. Information for the World's Business Leaders - Retrieved February 8, 2013, from 2. Goessl, L. (2009, August 14). How cross training promotes productivity in the workplace - by Leigh Goessl - Helium. Helium - Where Knowledge Rules. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from 3. Holmes, T. (n.d.). The Effects of Lack of Employee Training | eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. | Retrieved February 8, 2013, from 4. K. (n.d.). Motivation In The Workplace - — Your #1 Source for Motivation. Retrieved February 9, 2013, from 5. Mayhew, R. (n.d.). Top Methods for Improving Job Performance | eHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the expert in you. | Retrieved January 21, 2013, from 6. Roberts, H. L. (2010, September 2). How To Improve Employee Job Performance | LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM - Lose Weight & Get Fit with Diet, Nutrition & Fitness Tools | LIVESTRONG.COM. Retrieved January 21, 2013, from 7. Shaddock, D. (2011, July 1). Employee Theft: Theft In The Workplace Statistics - Small Business Administration - Zimbio. Zimbio - Entertainment News, Celebrity News, Celebrity Photos & Videos. Retrieved January 30, 2013, from 8. Sterrett, E. (2007). Improving Performance of Employees: Getting Them to Work Harder. Leadership Skills You Can Learn. Retrieved January 20, 2013, from | 9. White, J. (2009, February). Make Sure Your Facebook Profile Doesn't Lose You A Job - by Dumb Little Man. Dumb Little Man - Tips for Life. Retrieved from 10. Workplace policies and procedures - NSW Industrial Relations. (n.d.). NSW IR Home. Retrieved February 10, 2013, from

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