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Indian Hardware Research Article


Submitted By mohitchauhan
Words 7679
Pages 31
Situation Analysis –


Situation Analysis – An Approach and Method for Analyzing the Context of Projects and Programme

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Global M&E Initiative


An Approach and Method for Analyzing the Context of Projects and Programme


j:\cc69\nmm\website docs\situation analysis\situation analysis approach and method.doc

Global M&E Initiative

An Approach and Method for Analyzing the Context of Projects and Programme


1. THE RATIONALE FOR SITUATION ANALYSIS IN IUCN ............................................ 5 2. THE BASIC STEPS INVOLVED IN SITUATION ANALYSIS ......................................... 6 3. GUIDING PRINCIPLES FOR GOOD PRACTICE............................................................. 7 PARTICIPATORY ........................................................................................................................... 7 OUTWARD LOOKING..................................................................................................................... 7 LEARNING FROM OTHERS ............................................................................................................. 7 USING THE FRAMEWORK OF PEOPLE AND ECOSYSTEMS ................................................................ 7 DATA BASED NOT ANECDOTAL..................................................................................................... 7 4. BASIC OR COMPREHENSIVE SITUATION ANALYSIS?.............................................. 8 5. UNDERTAKING A BASIC SITUATION ANALYSIS ........................................................ 8 STEP 1: STEP 2: STEP 3: STEP 4: STEP 5: STEP 6: STEP 7: STEP 8: DEFINE THE BOUNDARIES OF THE AREA TO BE INCLUDED IN THE ANALYSIS ............. 8 RESEARCH AND DESCRIBE THE STATE AND CONDITION OF PEOPLE

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...International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-8, September 2014 ISSN 2348-6848 Reality Check –Understanding and Adopting ICT Tools Rose Anthony & Kadvekar Shravan (Affiliation: Rose Anthony is Dean Academic, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune India while Shravan Kadvekar is Consulting Professor at the university as well as Head Products at Harbinger Knowledge Products India.) Contact:,, adopting ICT. Based on literature available Abstract in the forms of – research projects, MHRD Use of Information and Communication and UNESCO’s reports on ICT adoption, Technologies (ICT) in academia is well- Technology known for its importance and effectiveness. Change Management theory in technology At the same time, it is also one of aspects of adoption – researcher identified broad any education system, which needs a categories of challenges as hurdles faced by consistent reality check for its adoption by the educators. A set of technical education educators. A research has been undertaken institutions by the authors in developing ICT Adoption feedback from respondents on their take on Model for Indian Higher Education Sector. challenges in ICT adoption. Outcome of the The real pilot study was a list of major challenges challenges faced by the academia in ICT faced by educators in ICT adoption. The adoption, paper research aims measures ...

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