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Influence Tactics


Submitted By ctmplx3
Words 727
Pages 3
The types of influence tactics I use are dependent on who I am trying to influence and why I want to influence them. The exercise in Influence: Gaining Commitment, Getting Results requests that I not consider who I am attempting to influence when determining my answers (Scharlatt 17). The information I gain from completing the exercise will help develop a plan on how to use each influential tactic to better influence those around me (Scharlatt 19).

There are eleven different tactics used to gain influence. These are rational persuasion, consultation, inspirational appeals, collaboration, apprising, ingratiation, exchange, personal appeals, legitimizing, pressure, and coalition tactics. Rational persuasion includes logical explanations and factual and detailed evidence (Scharlatt 17). Consultation includes being open to ideas from the requested and thoughtful responses from me regarding those ideas (Scharlatt 18). Inspirational appeal includes showing how the request meets that person’s goals and is clear and appealing for that person to support (Scharlatt 17-18). Collaboration includes my ability to provide the necessary resources to complete the task and reduction of difficulty to ensure success (Scharlatt 17-18). Apprising includes explanation of long-term benefits of opportunities to learn a new skill (Scharlatt 17-18). Ingratiation includes my enthusiasm for the task and confidence that it can be completed in order to appeal to that person’s self-image (Scharlatt 18). Exchange includes my agreement to help with future projects and regular work in exchange for their help (Scharlatt 18). The Personal appeal includes my promise to repay this individual for doing a favor for me and my dependence on my working relationship with this person (Scharlatt 18-19). Legitimating includes how my position makes me responsible for the request and explaining how the request

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