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Influence of Family Factors in Delinquency


Submitted By hpnotq
Words 430
Pages 2
Lifespan development psychology
Module 2 discussion 1
Gibson’s differentiation theory concerns perceptual learning that entails improvement in perception due to experience and acquisition of knowledge due to perception. The theory posits that cognitive processes such as imagining and reasoning develop in proportion to the quantity of information gained from the environment. Based on this theory, perception as a function of experience entails exposure to certain stimuli: the more a child hears, sees, or touches an object, the more they can identify and distinguish differences in them (Berk, 2014). The more the child is exposed to the object, more knowledge and experience is gain that aids in differentiate the objects and the manner these objects are perceived.
Regarding an infant (from birth to 12 months), their hearing is attuned to their native languages from the second day. When they perceive another language, they do not respond to it. Concerning pattern perception, babies focus on faces instead of object when they are very young. The repeated exposure to family members leads to recognition of parents and siblings (Berk, 2014). The baby is able to differentiae a new face and will respond by being fearful or by crying. Intermodal perception is the identification of information from events or objects by different senses at the same time. In the study, the babies are able to distinguish soft from hard objects that they had previously experienced by touching their textures of putting in the mouth.
Berk, Laura E. (2014). Development through the lifespan, 6th edition. Boston : Pearson.

The toys for toddlers aged 1-2 years include hippo and giraffe toys, Koby & puppy, farmhouse, Boulder launcher and big animal zoo. These toys are age appropriate and consistent with development information in the textbook because babies at this stage can walk

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