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Information Speech


Submitted By thebestqrjls1000
Words 853
Pages 4
Eli Radparvar Information Speech

Attention getter- Morgen Robertson wrote a book called The Wreck of the Titan. It was about an “unsinkable” ship called the Titan that set sail from England to New York with many rich and famous passengers on board. On its trip the Titan hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic and sunk. Many lives were lost because there were not enough lifeboats. So, what is so strange about this story? Well, The Wreck of the Titan was written 14 years before the Titanic sank.

Thesis- to discuss the lesser known facts about the titanic

Preview – what was the titanic and why the titanic was so great. What happened. How it effects us today.

Point 1- What was the titanic .And, why was it so great? What was it ? It was the only ocean liner to ever be sunk by an iceberg. It was the largest, most luxurious ship it had 9 decks It burned 650 tons of coal each day 3000 people and 3 year to build it 75,000 lb of fresh meat 15,000 bootles of beer 5-First-class passengers were given a music book containing 352 songs. Musicians on board were required to know them all, in case requests were made. . 1- The last supper served to first-class passengers consisted of 11 courses. 6- It was noted in a magazine of the day that it was "practically unsinkable". It was the public that said it was unsinkable.

2-The 4 smokestacks on the Titanic was a ruse. Only 3 of them worked, the 4th one was just for show to make the ship look more impressive 7 -It sank on its maiden voyage. 8-It took 2 hours and 20 minutes to sink giving more than enough time for all this drama to unfold. 9-Most people on board didn't think the ship was actually sinking until it started to tilt. This is why there were so many lifeboats

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