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Integer Components


Submitted By goodstudent42
Words 3392
Pages 14
Integer Components Executive Development
Final Paper
Christopher E. Flores
Management Principles
December 14, 2013
Table of Contents:
Launching Integer Components Management Training Program…………………3
Grooming Candidate CEOs……………………………………………………………7
Choosing a Successor CEO………………………………………………………….11
Launching Integer Components Management Training Program This group of fifteen cohorts should have strong conceptual skills to move to the ranks of senior management. These are different from technical skills and human skills and include creativity, formulating abstractions, analyzing complex situations, understanding issues and solving problems. The individuals in this cohort must have excellent cognitive abilities that allow them to examine complex issues to devise specific and effective courses of action. They should have the ability to develop creative strategies by effectively seeing the organization as a whole, understanding the relationships among the various subunits, and view the organization in relation to its environment. He or she should be adept at articulating the goals of Integer Components into words and expressing the economic principles that affect the company. Comfort with talking about the ideas that shape the company and the intricacies involved is something they will be doing on a regular basis. Working with abstractions and hypothetical/what-if scenarios are aspects of this skill set. Without strong conceptual skills, they could potentially jeopardize the health of the organization. Human skills are another category of skills essential for senior management. In order to rise to their desired positions these individuals need to engender the cooperation of their subordinates. They need to be able to assist group members in working cooperatively to achieve common goals. On one hand they must be aware of their own perspective

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