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International Business Negotiations (China vs Usa)


Submitted By verka
Words 4745
Pages 19

CHINA | USA | The People’s Republic of China is in the midst of a major transition from rigid communist country to free-market society. For instance, significant cultural differences exist between rural and urban areas as well as between old people and younger ones. Generally, young people in major urban areas are more aggressive and willing to move faster than older ones in rural areas may be. Nevertheless, the country’s culture is quite homogeneous overall. While most Chinese businesspeople and officials have only limited exposure to other cultures, some are very perceptive in doing international business and may appear quite ‘westernized. However, it is crucial to show respect for the country’s history and importance. While there is no problem with calling China a developing country, do not refer to it as a third-world country. After all, China’s importance as a powerful nation reaches back some 5,000 years. | The US, the world’s third largest country both in size and in population, is a multicultural mosaic of 300 million people of mixed race and heritage. Yet, despite this ethnic and cultural diversity, the US still exhibits a distinct business culture. An important aspect of US culture is the American Dream: the widespread belief that every individual can succeed and prosper financially by working hard. This idea contributes to a strong work ethic and to a system that is merit based. The repercussions of this belief in US work life are long work hours and frequent overtime, as well as a clear distinction between management and subordinates. In addition to a strong work ethic, American business culture is also characterized by a heavy emphasis on individual initiative and achievement. Personal competence, professionalism and accountability for individual performance are highly valued. |

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