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International Managment


Submitted By ash2k709
Words 452
Pages 2
Tata is an Indian based automotive company and Geely is a China automotive based company. Geely bought Volvo for 1.8 billion dollars, and Tata bought Land Rover and Jaguar. These brands all are European brands. Because of these purchases the automotive production has shifted to more overseas jobs and as a result people working in American and Europe are now used to having an Indian or Chinese boss. Doing business in other cultures is not as easy as it seems. There are many different ways that people do things all around the world. What may be accepted in one area may seem offensive to someone in another area. In order for Tata and Geely to integrate their acquisitions in other global organizations they will have to find a way to train their employees and their managers in a way that they can deal with the culture change that they face. For example the book says that Haier set up in the small town of Camden, South Carolina and it had a series of challenges due to the not fully understanding American and Southern pride and sensitivity to culture. They put Chinese managers in charge of the plant and that was a mistake that was quickly fixed. It didn’t work because it is a slap in the face when someone living in America all their life and being in that plant working hard see’s someone who didn’t grow up here or have any history in America, takes management over the plant the locals won’t be very pleased. Most Multinational corporations have a strategic predisposition when it comes to doing things in other cultures, ethnocentric, polycentric, Regiocentric, and geocentric. A company with an ethnocentric predisposition allows the values and the interests of the original company to guide the strategic decisions. Polycentric predisposition makes decisions that are tailored to suit the culture of the countries where the MNC is located. Regiocentric leads a firm to try to

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