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Internet Bankarstvo


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Projektni zadatak iz kolegija Informacijski sustavi u trgovini

Naslov projektnog zadatka:

Profesori: Članovi studentske grupe: Nikola Knego Ivana Blažek
Doc. dr. sc. Blaženka Knežević Toma Pasarić ( Martina Ruškač Tea Sever

U Zagrebu, 15. prosinca 2010.

1.UVOD 3
4. INTERNET BANKARSTVO U HRVATSKOJ 8 4.1. ZAGREBAČKA BANKA 9 4.2. PRIVREDNA BANKA ZAGREB 9 4.3 Erste & Steiermarkische Banka 10 4.4. Raiffeisen BANK Austria 11


Predmet i cilj našeg rada je jedna vrsta elektroničkog poslovanja, a naziva se Internet bankarstvo. Internet bankarstvo zahvaljujući suvremenoj tehnologiji i Internetu ima brojne prednosti u odnosu na klasično poslovanje. Karakteristično je po tome što se razvilo u relativno kratkom roku te je u velikoj mjeri prihvaćeno od strane svih korisnika zbog toga što pruža jednostavnost i brzinu korištenja. U Hrvatskoj broj korisnika bilježi kontinuirani rast, kako broj građana korisnika, tako i broj poslovnih subjekata korisnika te usluge.

Izvor podataka za izradu ovog projektnog zadatka velikim dijelom je Internet, odnosno web stranice sa stručnim člancima i tematikom Internet bankarstva.

U ovom projektnom zadatku naš je zadatak pojasniti i približiti vam pojam, nastanak, razvoj, strukturu i uporabu Internet bankarstva.


Posljednjih nekoliko godina razvoj svjetskih bankarskih usluga pokazuje dominantnu težnju da se klijentu pruži usluga u svakom trenutku, bez obzira gdje se on nalazi. Ta se težnja manifestirala na početku korištenjem automatskih telefonskih servisa, no od kada je Internet velikim koracima zakoračio u područje ekonomije, rođenjem "nove ekonomije" zasnovane na prednostima Interneta pojavilo se Internet bankarstvo.

Internet bankarstvo koristi Internet kao kanal distribucije po kojem se vrši bankarska aktivnost, kao na primjer, prijenos sredstava, plaćanje računa, pregledavanje i provjera stanja računa, plaćanje stambenih kredita, kupnja financijskih instrumenata itd. Kod Internet bankarstva klijent pristupa svojom računu iz preglednika kroz koji se pokreće program Internet bankarstva koji se nalazi na serveru banke, a ne na klijentovom računalu.[1]
Brzina, točnost i komocija koju osjećaju korisnici online bankarstva, nenadmašne su poluge razvoja nove vrste bankarstva, jer današnji klijenti banaka trebaju i žele jednostavan, brz, točan, diskretan, siguran, ali i jeftiniji pristup u raspolaganju svojim sredstvima. Takvim zahtjevima za sada može odgovoriti jedino Internet bankarstvo, koje je, prema nekim računicama, čak deset puta jeftinije od klasičnih bankarskih usluga, dok je telefonsko jeftinije od dva do četiri puta. Osim znatnog racionaliziranja poslovanja banke i pojeftinjenja bankarske usluge, Internet bankarstvo omogućava svojim korisnicima da prepuste zaboravu dobro poznate slike čekanja u redovima na šalterima i trčanje u banku prije zatvaranja. Velika prednost prema klasičnim odlascima u banku je da klijent transakcije može obavljati kada sam želi, neovisno o radnom vremenu banke.


Svaka osoba koja posjeduje osobno računalo, te ima pristup Internetu, može koristiti uslugu Internet bankarstva. Prednost je u tome da klijent ne mora fizički doći do banke, nego, može uredno sa svog računala obaviti željene bankovne transakcije. Da bi korisnik pristupio korištenju e-bankarstva on treba ugovoriti uslugu s bankom. Banka naplaćuje naknade za otvaranje računa te klijentu daje na korištenje Token uređaj. On služi za identifikaciju korisnika koja je izuzetno bitna jer banka mora pouzdano znati tko je korisnik, a isto tako korisnik mora biti siguran da se nitko drugi umjesto njega ne može predstaviti i poslovati u njegovo ime. Koristi se kod stvaranja sigurnosnog kanala između korisnika i banke, te za potpisivanje i autentičnost. Korisnik se predstavlja banci s dva podatka. Prvi je podatak identifikacijski broj otisnut na poleđini tokena te dodatno i kratkotrajno prikazan na zaslonu tokena prilikom njegova uključenja. Drugi je podatak jednokratni tajni broj kojega token generira i ispisuje. Nakon svakoga uključenja njegova je vrijednost različita od svih prethodnih, a buduću vrijednost nije moguće predvidjeti.
Alternativno rješenje identifikacije je identifikacija preko takozvanih pametnih kartica (smartcard), na koju su stavljeni podaci potrebni za uspješnu sigurnosnu komunikaciju s bankom. Uz to je potrebno imati i čitač tih kartica, koji se moraju prikopčati na računalo. Kod sustava sa smartcard pristupom aplikaciji nastaje problem u mobilnosti, tj. ako klijent često mijenja lokaciju i radno računalo, mora nositi sa sobom čitač (ako ga novo računalo nema). To predstavlja problem, jer se svaki uređaj kad se prvi puta spaja na računalo mora instalirati.


Elektronsko bankarstvo, kao specifičan dio elektronskog poslovanja i zahvaljujući Internetu i suvremenoj tehnologiji, ima mnoge prednosti u odnosu na klasično poslovanje: ▪ brzina i kvaliteta provođenja platnog prometa, ▪ smanjeni troškovi transakcija, ▪ racionalno korištenje vremena i ubrzavanje dostave naloga za plaćanja, ▪ siguran platni promet, ▪ mogućnost obavljanja transakcija sa radnog mjesta, ▪ brzo izvješćivanje o obavljenim transakcijama, ▪ mogućnost on-line upita o stanju i prometima po računu.


Najveći problem o kojem treba voditi brigu je sigurnost. Ne smije se dopustiti neželjeni ulaz u sustav poslovanja, jer se ovdje radi o velikoj odgovornosti. To znači da neovlaštena osoba ne smije obavljati transakcije, tj. ne smije imati apsolutno nikakve ovlasti za korištenje sustavom.[2]
Ima puno verzija sigurnosnih sustava, od kojih svaki koristi neki način kodiranja. Enkripcija se omogućava preko matematičkih funkcija tzv. hash funkcija. Rade na principu da se na brz i lak način kodira neka ulazna riječ, a iz te kodirane riječi gotovo je nemoguće saznati izvornu informaciju bez ključa koja je kodirana tom funkcijom. To znači da samo onaj tko posjeduje ključ (key) može pročitati informaciju. ▪ simetrično šifriranje - podrazumijeva da su ključ za šifriranje i ključ za dešifriranje isti. Tajnost se zasniva na tajnosti ključa. Glavni problem je distribucija ključeva. Za više korisnika mora postojati više ključeva. Nije pogodno za Internet. ▪ asimetrično šifriranje - podrazumijeva dva ključa: javni i tajni. Postoji relacija između njih. Javni ključ se šalje kroz mrežu. Tajni se unosi samo kod dešifriranja.
Kad se korisnik spoji na Internet, on je jedinstveno identificiran IP adresom. To povećava sigurnost sustava jer preko vatrozida (firewall) može doći do informacija koje su sigurno korisnikove. Sustav firewall-a radi na pricipu čitanja IP adresa koje žele pristupiti poslužitelju (serveru) te odlučuje da li je pristup dozvoljen ili nije.
Kao i kod klasičnih odlazaka u banku, transakcija se potvrđuje vlastoručnim potpisom. U svijetu Interneta se taj potpis preslikava u elektronički potpis. Tako se može ustanoviti autentičnost potpisanog dokumenta.


U današnje vrijeme globalizacije tržišta i sveopće digitalizacije, poslovanje ne može biti uspješno bez upotrebe suvremene informacijske tehnologije. Umrežavanje poduzeća i javne administracije te razvoj Interneta doveli su do velikih promjena u načinu poslovanja. Omogućena je jednostavna i brza komunikacija te gotovo trenutno prenošenje velike količine podataka. Ovaj cjelokupni napredak dovodi nas do jednog potpuno novog oblika poslovanja koji se naziva elektroničko poslovanje (electronic business), a potom nas to elektroničko poslovanje dovodi do relativno nove aktivnosti koja se zove Internet bankarstvo. Glavni cilj je što brže povezivanje klijenata i tokova informacija bez obzira na geografski položaj. Internet bankarstvo nam nudi brojne mogućnosti, a najznačajnija je mogućnost obavljanja bankarskih transakcija iz kuće posredstvom Interneta. Korištenje usluge Internet bankarstva omogućeno je 24 sata dnevno. Internet bankarstvo je usluga i primjer toga je transakcija s računa korištenjem Interneta: dok vršimo transakciju, usluga je potrošena istodobno dok je i proizvedena. Rezultat usluge je očigledan i traje neko vrijeme.[3]

Internet bankarstvo, omogućuje korporativnim klijentima da izvode i jednostavne i komplicirane operacije putem domaćeg i međunarodnog bankarstva, s klijentovih "radnih površina", gdje je klijent instalirao sve komponente potrebne za funkcioniranje Internet bankarstva.

Mogućnosti koje se nude klijentima koji koriste usluge Internet bankarstva su: domaće i međunarodne platne transakcije, trenutno izvršenje platnih naloga u korist dužnikovog računa u banci ili drugim bankama, platni nalog unaprijed ili na dan izvršenja, uvid u račun, pregled prometa po računu, konverzije, isplate kamata i glavnice.

Osnovne usluge koje pruža Internet bankarstvo 1. Obavljanje unutrašnjeg platnog prometa 2. Obavljanje inozemnog platnog prometa 3. Trenutno izvršavanje naloga u korist računa primatelja u banci 4. Ispostavljanje naloga u korist računa primatelja u drugoj banci 5. Mogućnost ispostavljanja naloga unaprijed ili na datum izvršenja 6. Uvid u stanje računa 7. Pregled prometa po računu 8. Primanje izvoda


Za početak ovog dijela projektnog zadatka nešto će se reći općenito o bankarskom sektoru u Hrvatskoj. Danas u Hrvatskoj posluju 32 banke, dvije štedne banke, Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak te pet stambenih štedionica. U pogledu vlasništva u stranom vlasništvu je 15 banaka, dok je u domaćem 17 banaka. Međutim taj podatak možemo slobodno reći navodi na krivo mišljenje iz razloga što je udio stranog vlasništva u aktivi banaka u 2009. godini iznosio čak 91%.

Na bankarskom tržištu vlada prilično jaka konkurencija i svi nastoje zadržati starog i privući novog klijenta. Jedan od načina povećanja broja klijenata je pružanje novih usluga. Stoga je u zadnjih desetak godina došlo do razvoja novih proizvoda banaka, prije svega zbog značajnog razvoja informatičke tehnologije i kako bi se banke što više približile klijentu i olakšale mu poslovanje. Tako danas banke u Hrvatskoj nude pored Internet i telefonsko bankarstvo, mobilno bankarstvo i "drive - in - banking". Značajan porast dogodio se i kartičnom poslovanju pa se analogno tome povećao broj bankomata i EFT POS uređaja. Danas čak 75% kartica su chip kartice.[4]

U nastavku će se analizirati ponuda Internet bankarstva nekih najvećih banaka koje posluju na teritoriju Republike Hrvatske. Redom će se analizirati Zagrebačka Banka, Privredna banka Zagreb, kao dvije najveće banke, a potom još i Erste & Steiermarkische Bank i Raiffeisenbank Austria.

Razloga za uvođenje Internet bankarstva je mnogo. Prema istraživanju GFK u Hrvatskoj 66% kućanstava posjeduje računalo, dok se 49% građana koji se nalaze u populaciji od preko 15 godina služe Internetom[5]. Posjedovanje računala u kućanstvima preduvjet je razvoja Internet bankarstva. Malo koji građanin danas ne treba bankarske usluge, stoga zašto mu ne omogućiti da te usluge obavlja iz topline svog doma i uz manje troškove. Pored toga bankarske usluge može obavljati bilo gdje ukoliko ima pristup Internetu i ukoliko posjeduje token. S bankarskog aspekta bankama je itekako u interesu da njihovi klijenti koriste Internet bankarstvo s jedne strane zbog naknada koje ubiru, a s druge strane zbog manjih gužvi po poslovnicama i manjeg broja potrebnog djelatnika. Time se automatski troškovi snižavaju.


Zagrebačka banka uslugu E - Zaba pokrenula je sredinom 2002. godine. Usluga E - Zaba može se reći da se dijeli na dvije pod usluge. To je E - Zaba za građane i E - Zaba poslovno bankarstvo ili Internet bankarstvo za pravne osobe. Usluga E - Zaba provodi se uz pomoć tokena koji služi za autorizaciju klijenata i koji se dobiva na korištenje od banke prilikom ugovaranja usluge. Usluga se naplaćuje 10 kn mjesečno za građane, ali isto tako usluga može biti besplatna ukoliko se s bankom potpiše ugovor o korištenju nekog drugog proizvoda banke[6].
Što se sve može s E - Zaba uslugom? • unijeti nalog s budućim datumom provedbe, • proslijediti primatelju potvrdu o izvršenju naloga e-mailom ili poštom, • pregledati stanje i promete svih svojih računa i računa po kojima ste opunomoćeni, stanje i promete svojih kredita, ulaganja i oročenja, • provjeriti rate kredita, kamate te troškove i limite po karticama, • platiti režije, rate kredita, • prenositi novac na druge račune, • primati izvatke po računima te obavijesti o učinjenim troškovima po karticama, • kupovati bonove za mobitel, • kupovati i prodavati strane valute te konvertirati valute, • kupovati, prodavati te prenositi udjele u ZB Invest fondovima.


Privredna banka Zagreb nešto je ranije od Zagrebačke banke uvela uslugu Internet bankarstva, točnije sredinom 2000. godine. Usluga se naziva PBZ365@NET. Isto kao i u Zagrebačkoj banci usluga je namijenjena građanima i poslovnim subjektima. Prilikom ugovaranja usluge naplaćuje se jednokratna naknada od 45 kuna, ali često banka ima promotivna razdoblja za vrijeme kojih se ta naknada ne naplaćuje. Mjesečna naknada iznosi 8 kn. Korisnik pristupa aplikaciji Internet bankarstva uz pomoć čitača kartica što je najsigurniji oblik elektronskog bankarstva i zbog toga je Privredna banka Zagreb dobila certifikat za sigurnost ISO 27001. U nastavku su prikazane neke od usluga koje banka nudi kroz PBZ365@NET uslugu[7]. • pristup svojim bankovnim računima, • provjeru stanja i prometa po tekućem, žiro, poslovnom i deviznom računu, kunskoj i deviznoj štednji i oročenjima (za posljednjih 12, odnosno 15 mjeseci), • mogućnost ugovaranja deviznih i kunskih oročenja, • prijenos sredstava s jednog računa na drugi unutar Privredne banke Zagreb (tekući računi i žiro računi), • plaćanje računa u kunama na području cijele Republike Hrvatske s tekućeg, žiro ili poslovnog računa, • uplate rate PBZ kredita te uvid u detalje kredita, • kupnju i prodaju deviza po povlaštenom tečaju 0,15% povoljnijem u odnosu na službene važeće tečajeve Privredne banke Zagreb, • kupnju, prodaju i zamjenu udjela u investicijskim fondovima, • uplata računa komunalnih troškova za tvrtke s kojima Banka ima sklopljen ugovor, bez naknade, • devizna razročenja bez potrebe dolaska u poslovnicu i to ne samo za ugovore koji su sklopljeni putem Interneta, već i za važeće ugovore sklopljene u poslovnicama, • pregled kompletnog portfelja korisnika, • mogućnost zadavanja naloga u najavi, nalog za plaćanje koji ste autorizirali danas izvršava se na datum koji sami odredite - unutar 12 mjeseci u budućnosti, • personalizirana ponuda proizvoda i usluga namijenjena isključivo pojedinom korisniku, • kupnja SIMPA, VIPme, Tomato i Tele2 prepaid bonova, itd.

4.3 Erste & Steiermarkische Banka

U ovoj banci usluga Internet bankarstva naziva se NetBanking. Uvedena je relativno kasno u odnosu na druge banke, odnosno krajem 2002. godine. Kao i u ostalim velikim bankama uslugu NetBanking koriste fizičke osobe i poslovni subjekti. Kod ove banke autorizacija se odvija na treći način, odnosno upotrebom TAN kartice. Ova banka ne naplaćuje naknadu za ugovaranje usluge Internet bankarstva, TAN karticu dodjeljuju također besplatno, a mjesečna naknada je 5 kuna. U pogledu naknada za plaćanje opće uplatnice što građane najviše i zanima ona iznosi 0.25%, minimalno 1 kunu, a maksimalno 20 kuna. Kao i kod prethodne dvije banke slijedi pregled nekih usluga koje nudi ova banka kroz Internet bankarstvo.[8] • pregled stanja svih računa otvorenih u Erste & Steiermärkische banci, uključujući tekuće, štedne, žiro, kreditne i devizne račune, a isto tako i račune na koje korisnik NetBankinga ima punomoć, • pregled prometa po svim navedenim računima, • pregled svih transakcija zadanih putem NetBanking-a (proknjiženih, neproknjiženih, storniranih, neizvršenih i deviznih), • prijenos sredstava s jednog računa na drugi unutar Banke, • plaćanje svih vrsta računa u kunama općom uplatnicom (npr. račun za potrošnju vode, struje, telefona ili bilo kojeg drugog računa...), • oročenje sredstava po važećim kamatnim stopama, • pregled, otvaranje i zatvaranje trajnih naloga, • devizno plaćanje u korist pravnih i fizičkih osoba u inozemstvu, sukladno zakonu o Deviznom poslovanju, • kupnju i prodaju deviza, • kupnja/prodaja/zamjena udjela u Erste Invest investicijskim fondovima, • korištenje raznih alata i kalkulatora.

4.4. Raiffeisen BANK Austria

RBA iDIREKT naziv je za uslugu Internet bankarstva u ovoj banci. Usluga je uvedena u prosincu 2000. godine. Kao i u prethodnim analiziranim bankama uslugu koriste fizičke osobe i poslovni subjekti. Za korištenje je potrebno biti komitent banke i imati token koji se dobije prilikom ugovaranja proizvoda. Karakteristika ove banke kao i Erste banke je da ne naplaćuje pristupninu, dok je mjesečna naknada 10 kuna. U nastavku je pregled usluga koje je moguće obavljati putem RBA iDIREKT usluge[9]. • plaćanja svih vrsta računa u kunama s kunskih računa na području Republike Hrvatske, • plaćanja u inozemstvo, • plaćanja u korist članica Raiffeisen Grupe i UNIQE s tekućeg i žiro računa bez naknade, • plaćanja obveza po RBA kreditima građana i troškova po RBA kreditnim karticama bez naknade, • prijenos sredstava unutar kunskih računa u RBA bez naknade, • kupoprodaja deviza (do maksimalnog iznosa protuvrijednosti 100.000 kuna), • oročavanje i razročavanje sredstava, te pregled stanja oročenih depozita, • mogućnost zadavanja zahtjeva za smanjenje iznosa dopuštenog prekoračenja po RBA Flexi tekućem računu, • kupnju, prodaju, pregled transakcija i stanje udjela u investicijskim fondovima pod upravljanjem Raiffeisen Investa, • pregled prometa po RBA računima i kreditnim karticama.

Svrha ovog projektnog zadatka bila je da spoznamo više o Internet bankarstvu, jednom od glavnih vrsta elektroničkog poslovanja koje je u velikoj mjeri prisutno kako u poslovnom svijetu tako i u privatnom životu. Definirali smo Internet bankarstvo, naveli njegove prednosti korištenja i uvjerili se u sigurnost koju pruža svojim klijentima. Također smo analizirali Internet bankarstvo u Hrvatskoj te naveli nekoliko primjera banaka koje nude usluge Internet bankarstva.

Naš je zaključak da nam korištenje usluga Internet bankarstva u znatnoj mjeri štedi vrijeme, povezuje nas s drugim klijentima i pruža mogućnost usluge 24 sata dnevno. Budući da se svijet iz dana u dan sve više digitalizira, a Internet bankarstvo unapređuje, ono postaje važan čimbenik u daljnjem napretku poslovanja privatnih i poslovnih korisnika.

Hrvatska gospodarska komora: Bankarski sustav u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 2010.

Francesca Arnaboldi, Peter Claeys: Internet Banking in Europe: a comparative analysis, Research Institute of Applied Economics, University of Barcelona, 2008.

Internet izvori:

[1] [13.12.2010]
[2] [13.12.2010]
[3] Hrvatska gospodarska komora: Bankarski sustav u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 2010.
[4] Hrvatska gospodarska komora: Bankarski sustav u Hrvatskoj, Zagreb, 2010.
[5] [14.12.2010.]

[6]!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3hvI3cLdxMLIwt3ywAXAyM3F3dT49AwQwMDY30v_aj0nPwkoMpwkF48ag0h8gY4gKOBvp9Hfm6qfnBGkX5BdnCQhaOiIgAeqiKi/dl3/d3/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnZ3LzZfSzJHOEc0ODI4RzJKMTAyRkRETVFDMzJFQzM!/?WCM_GLOBAL_CONTEXT=/wps/wcm/connect/zaba_hr/zabautils/onlineusluge/e-zaba+gradjani/438bf1804c9651a3a12de163a8bd6242 [14.12.2010]
[7] [14.12.2010]
[8] [14.12.2010]
[9] [14.12.2010.]

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...June 2012 Many large decentralized systems rely on information propagation to ensure their proper function. We examine a common scenario in which only participants that are aware of the information can compete for some reward, and thus informed participants have an incentive {\em not} to propagate information to others. One recent example in which such tension arises is the 2009 DARPA Network Challenge (finding red balloons). We focus on another prominent example: Bitcoin, a decentralized electronic currency system. Bitcoin represents a radical new approach to monetary systems. It has been getting a large amount of public attention over the last year, both in policy discussions and in the popular press \cite{NY11,technology-review}. Its cryptographic fundamentals have largely held up even as its usage has become increasingly widespread. We find, however, that it exhibits a fundamental problem of a different nature, based on how its incentives are structured. We propose a modification to the protocol that can eliminate this problem. Bitcoin relies on a peer-to-peer network to track transactions that are performed with the currency. For this purpose, every transaction a node learns about should be transmitted to its neighbors in the network. As the protocol is currently defined and implemented, it does not provide an incentive for nodes to broadcast transactions they are aware of. In fact, it provides an incentive not to do so. Our solution is to augment the protocol with...

Words: 323 - Pages: 2

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...E-Commerce Commerce over the Internet is Relatable Safe Insert Name Insert Grade Course Insert Tutor’s Name 23 November 2010 Outline Introduction This section defines the term internet commerce and gives a brief overview of its history. Requirements for E-commerce It gives some of the major requirements involved in starting up an E-business. This includes; 1. Online store- for processing or transactions, and making purchases 2. Website- for marketing products 3. Secure interface- for preventing unauthorized people from accessing critical information Benefits of E-commerce This section gives some of the benefits and opportunities accrued to a business involved in E-commerce. They are; 1. Large number of potential customers- A large number of people rely on the internet thus they are likely to access information pertaining a particular product 2. Timeliness- transactions are facilitated quickly and customers get their products on time 3. Reduced marketing cost- requires very minimal marketing costs as compared to direct marketing 4. Reduced communication cost- communication is done online which is a bit cheaper than use of mobile phones or mails Limitation and challenges This part of the research paper gives some of the disadvantages associated with E-commerce 1. Limitation on the type of product- not all products can be sold over the internet because some require huge shipping...

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Monitoring Employees on Networks: Unethical or Good Business and have their employees use email is that it’s a most convenient way to get in touch with someone, instead of sending a bunch of letters you can select multiple groups of people at once, and you can send attachments such as pictures, documents, and other files. Depending on the type of organization they may want to limit the use of email for the employees since email can also be used for personal needs. When an employee uses email for personal use then productivity within the organization will also drop. This also can lead to employees sending out confidential information, potentially embarrassing company e-mails and trade secrets. The path of an email is meant to go directly from the sender to the receiver but can be sent over the internet to other sources and be obtained by hackers and unintended individuals either intentionally or by unintentional means so using private networks are a widely used method to avoid this from happening as much as...

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Social Media and Political Change

...states as well as Spain and Uganda. The role of social media in these uprisising has been dubbed the “Twitter revoulitons.” Does social media, really deserve all those accolades? Revoultions have been overthrowing oppressive governments long before web 2.0. Iranians in overthrew the Shah in 1979, Filipinos overthrew President Marcos in 1986, and the Communist bloc in Eastern Europe crumbled one after another in 1989. This paper will explore the phenomenon of social media nad its role in promoting and prompting progressive political change, particularly in countries with oppressive leaders. Social media has been defined as “a group of internet based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0, which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content”. (Kaplan) “Web 2.0” is the name for internet platforms which allow for interactive participation by users thereof. It may be contrasted with Web 1.0 platforms, which simply provide content to users, without giving them the opportunity to interact with or modify that information online. This content is all considered user generated content. The OECd has specified there criteria for content to be classified as “user generated”: it should be available on a publicly accessible wegsite or aon a social networking site that is available to a select group; it entails a mininmal amount of creative effort, and it is “created outside of professional routines and practices”. This definition...

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Internet Research

...Project 3 – Internet Research Name Institution Search Engines | Directories | Meta-search Engines | Databases | Bing | | KAYAK | Altis | Duck duck go URL: www.duckduck | | BLINGO | eevl | | Lycos | HOTBOT | Gesource | | Yahoo! | INFO.COM | Humbul | | AOL Search | EXCITE | SOSIG | The following reports are related to cyber ethics: Sudi, V. (2011, March 25). Safer internet: Cyber Ethics. Retrieved Nov 11, 2013, from Marshall University. (2011, Feb 11). Information Security: Cyber Ethics. Retrieved from Nov 11, 2013, from Marshall University. (2011, Feb 11). Information Security: Cyber Ethics. Retrieved from Nov 11, 2013, from The Web page above displays information about what entails cyber ethics. The information relayed in the site is relevant to the reader in the sense that it cautions them to use the internet safely and responsibly while conducting themselves online. It intended to inform the general public or the internet users to learn the need of navigating safely on the internet. In the broader sense the user is being informed on the basics that they should be aware of in the event they access the internet. The reader is...

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...changed on how we use the internet. Google is well known for being one of the best internet search engines to grace our world today. Along with that Google has been a part of the mobile technology world since the introduction of Android phones and has been the best friend for many for wanting to know something in a hurry. Naturally as the mobile demand grows Google will want to be a part of that market share. Google’s attempt to buy into the wireless spectrum was part of Google’s idea of bringing the internet to everyone everywhere. Google knew that the large key players such as AT&T and Verizon, although doing their best to provide internet access to rural areas Google could do it better because it has so much more money to invest in the research and development to succeed. The interview by Marguerite Reardon with Chris Saca, head of special initiatives for Google he explains why Google is so interested in the 700 MHz spectrum: Q: Why is Google so interested in the upcoming 700MHz auction? Sacca: The 700MHz spectrum auction represents the last big chance that the United States has to create an opportunity for meaningful change in access to the Internet for the broadest set of people possible. But why is Google, in particular, interested in this spectrum? Sacca: I think it's consistent with our company mission statement and consistent with our history of interaction with users. We have fought hard on a number of fronts to make the Internet as available as possible...

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Internet Use

...Internet and Society Shaneil Drummond Indian River State College PSY 2012 Professor Greene March 21, 2010 1,020 Words Abstract This essay will explain the usage of the internet and how society deals with it. The world known idea of suicide and cyber bullying have taken over the internet. The articles used to complete this essay are very informative about the person you may be on the internet versus the person you really are. Internet addiction is a well know idea but not a fully developed research. This essay also includes how the internet can create social vampires in society. Not knowing how to interact in real life but a internet sensation otherwise. The internet has become a worldwide phenomenon where everyone has access to almost everything on the web. The books and articles available online about the internet and the different views and ways to use it has help many people realize that the internet is not all that it is cracked up to be. An article illustrates the addiction people have had with the internet over the past decade and how it has impact adolescents and young adults. “Internet users can be considered addicted if he or she scores high on six criteria” (Brown, & Blinka, .2012, p382). The six criteria they mention were...

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Google's Orkut in Brazil

...about themselves on the internet. Users are able to create their individual profile and to communicate with friends or new people. It's popular because it helps people meet others with similar interests and similar tastes. It creates virtual communities among people who want to connect with each other, but might never meet without the mediation of the networking site. 2. Why was Orkut so successful in Brazil? What caused problems later? Google was already well known and had very good reputation in Brazil. Besides, it served a Brazilian market gap with its social networking site, which attracted the extremely community-oriented Brazilians. Orkut was also popular because it was brilliantly marketed. Managers used known cultural attractions like the name of a popular yoghurt drink, the colors of the Brazilian Football World Cup team, and such to make the site attractive. Orkut had problems with their internet security. The site was abused by some users who turned it into a meeting place for illegal activities, such as child pornography and drug dealing. The company did not control such users and did not even react when other users complained. Google even resisted requests from Brazilian legal authorities to share information, when the courts were investigating users committing serious crimes. Orkut was not able to negotiate with the Brazilian law in an appropriate way. The company failed to understand that Brazilian law does not protect internet privacy as strictly as...

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The Shallow's Essay

...What the Heck has Internet Done to Our Brains? Section I: Introduction and Context Imagine going back in time and staying there permanently. Out of all the things that will be missed, there is no doubt that the one thing would be technology. The Shallows: What Internet is Doing to Our Brains is nonfiction book written by Nicholas Carr who asserts and cautions the effects that internet has on everyone to this day and even more so in the future. People nowadays can communicate with people all around the world using many different types of communications such as social networking sites, cell phones, emails, etc. Carr brings in many different scientific research as well as a couple of personal experiences to show the great change in technology and the internet. The author chose to write The Shallows from an epiphany he had realized, “It (his brain) was hungry. It was demanding to be fed by the net feed...I wanted to check email, click links, do some googling. I wanted to be connected” (Carr 16). The way that technology has changed and developed the internet has made Carr want to stress the fact that although technology is very useful, it can be very harmful to peoples’ brain in a way that it affects a person’s deeper level of thinking. Section II:The Author’s Background Nicholas Carr is a columnist, member of the Encyclopedia Britannica's editorial board of advisors, as well as an executive editor. Carr writes about technology, culture, and economics which have made his books...

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Digital Divide

..."A term used to describe the discrepancy between people who have access to and the resources to use new information and communication tools, such as the Internet, and people who do not have the resources and access to the technology. The term also describes the discrepancy between those who have the skills, knowledge and abilities to use the technologies and those who do not. The digital divide can exist between those living in rural areas and those living in urban areas, between the educated and uneducated, between economic classes, and on a global scale between more and less industrially developed nations ( ." I guess from my opinion I am still stuck on the digital divide process also. In the area that I live it is very low income and at least 90 percent of the parents are using the government to pay their child care. This speaks volume for the need of computers in this town. I talk with many parents on where to go on the internet to find a job and almost all of them tell me that they don’t have a computer. Then I suggest they go to the library and now I learned that the library only have four computers. When I look around this town I see why most people have not progress to better living. Since you and I know that it takes a computer most of the time to find a job, because no one want to use paper application anymore. The web is the maximum advancement of knowledge in my lifetime the of destroyer applications for the computer. Believe it or not there...

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The Impact of Information Communication Technology

...the Internet, the E-Mail. I will also explain current development in C/T and discuss the role of legislation on the industry. Mobile Technology: Mobile Technology is the technology used for cellular communication. They come into use in 1990’s. When first introduced, it way a luxury item, today it is viewed as an essential to our existence. Old mobile technology consisted of a large handset, battery and signal difficulties and was very expensive. Since the start of this millennium a standard mobile device has gone. Today mobile are slim line, cheaper and can perform of many functions: Personal Mobile use: * To call * To Text * Camera functions * Games * Alarm * Email * Internet * Calendar * App Store Business use: * To communications with staff, customers/business partners Advantages of Mobile Technology: * 24/7/365 contact * Accessible at all time * Variety of services available via any mobile * Mobile Marketing reaches new and existing customers * Sending out special offers and tracking responses. * GPS in phone can help to locate hard-to-find places and be on time for appointments. Disadvantages: * No escape from its demands * Health risks * Bullying * Hacking problems * Costs * Lack of information control * Privacy issues * Safety issues This completes my overview of mobile Technology. For the purposes of this essay: Internet The Internet is a...

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Bis 320 Week 2

...Week Three Student Guide This week’s topics cover collaboration tools and Internet technologies and their use in meeting business goals. Reviewing some of the chapter one readings will help you with the other chapters. You will become familiar with Internet terminology, such as B2B, B2C, B2G, Web 2.0, and Social CRM. Knowledge of collaboration tools can make you very marketable as a business manager, because many companies use these tools in their team work. This week covers using these collaboration tools to improve communication as well as document sharing. Internet and Collaboration Tools OBJECTIVE: Determine how and when to use Internet technologies in business. Resources: Ch. 1 & 8 of MIS Essentials Content • Ch. 1: The Importance of MIS o Q1: Why is Introduction to MIS the Most Important Class in the Business School? o Q2: What is an Information System? o Q3: What is MIS? o Q4: Why is the Difference Between Information Technology and Information Systems Important to You? o Q5: What is Your Role in IS Security? • Ch. 8: E-Commerce, Web 2.0, and Social Networking o Q1: What Types of Interorganizational Systems Exist? o Q2: How do Companies use E-Commerce? o Q3: Why is Web 2.0 Important to Business? o Q4: How Does Social Capital Benefit You and Organizations? o Q5: How Does Social CRM Empower Customers? OBJECTIVE: Determine collaboration tool needs based on business function. Resources: Chapter Extension 2 of MIS Essentials, Article...

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Need Info

...and to reconnect with old friends. Social networking sites offer people new and varied ways to communicate via the internet, whether through their PC or their mobile phone. Examples include MySpace, Facebook, Skype etec. They allow people to easily and simply create their own online page or profile and to construct and display an online network of contacts, often called ‘friends’. Users of these sites can communicate via their profile both with their ‘friends’ and with people outside their list of contacts. With SNS it is easy to communicate with your classmate, discuss class assignment and even submit project to your lecturer, watch videos, make comment on your friend page etc. This study will focus on the effect of SNS on student academic performance, using GAU as a case study. What are student using SNS for, does it affect their studies, or help them to learn easily. This project will talk about the history of SNS, development and the users of SNS especially by student and lecturers in communicating with colleague and student as well. A 15 question personally administered questionnaire was designed and sent to about 50 students from different country and department in GAU. CHAPTER ONE 1.1 Introduction Since the introduction of social network sites years ago, to communicate with friends and family has been easy once you have access to internet. The internet has given us the ability to connect with people from around the globe with a few clicks of a button.  And you can easily...

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Social Newtworks

...INF103: Computer Literacy Instuctor: Carolyn Hughes October 28, 2013 “Social Networks its More Than Meets the Eye” In the past 10 years, social networking websites have become increasing popular among internet users, especially young teens, who use sites like Facebook and Instagram to meet people, communicate and exchange information with their peers. With anything there is always a down side; social networking does have its peaks and benefits such as the ablity to connect with business partners, family, friends, exchange and share photos and even your current emotions and locations. Ollier-Malaterre,Rothbard and berg discuss the effects that social networking site have on professional relationships and what happens when the professional collides with the personal. Many companies and politicians’ use social media sites to reach the masses in a matter of seconds with little to no overhead costs, and the same way these agencies use the sites to promote products and services they also use them to locate and research persons of interest. In, Wilcox and Stephen’s research “Are friends the Enemy” they discus and probe the theory of social networks in comparison to self-esteem and self control. The web is just like being at the park or a community pool; it’s a public places that can be accessed by anyone. While it may appear to be a private place to share your inner most thoughts it is defiantly not. Online social networks...

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