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Introduction to Personality


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Introduction to Personality Paper
The etymology of the word “personality” points to the Latin persona, which denotes the mask that an actor wears during theatrical performances of Roman and Greek drama (Feist & Feist, 2006). These actors wear their persona as a means to superimpose a false appearance onto their plot character. However, the modern-day definition of personality has little to do with false appearances and everything to do with observable behavior, as describe through traits and characteristics. Traits account for behavioral consistencies in an individual over time; and characteristics explain the unique attributes of an individual, such as temperament, intelligence, and physique. Collectively, the definition of personality entails, “…a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior” (Feist & Feist, 2006, p. 4). The full breadth and scope of the psychological understanding of personality is forthcoming in the course of an examination of the theoretical approaches to the study of personality and an assessment of the factors that influence the development of individual traits and characteristics.
Theoretical Approaches to the Study of Personality
Quantifiable Human Nature
The study of personality in the field of psychology is largely predicated on the assumption of a basic human nature, which finds its articulation through the perspectives, viewpoints, and world-views of individual researchers. The entirety of the subject-matter on human nature in the area of psychology falls within six dualistic dimensions: 1) determinism versus free choice; 2) pessimism versus optimism; 3) causality versus teleology; 4) conscious versus unconscious determinants of behavior; 5) biological versus social influences; 6) uniqueness versus similarities. Free choice entails the belief

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