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Investments Market


Submitted By abhishapaul
Words 1007
Pages 5
According to IANS, investments in India is very likely to pick up in the current year. A survey has revealed that many companies will be expanding during this current year which would increase the economic growth of the country.
In the current financial year, 44% of the companies are planning to expand their domestic investment according to (CII) Confederation of India Industry’s survey. And the survey also mentioned that thought the economy is currently slowing down, 37% of the investors said that their investments did not decline.
50% of the investors did not find any increase in their foreign investments whereas 37% saw there was an increase I their investments. In spite of the negative sentiments in the economy, this seems to be an encouraging situation or development.
On measures required to revive growth, 52 percent of the investors said their first priority was to clear 50 large projects worth more than Rs.1,000 crore and 200 large projects worth between Rs.250 and Rs.1,000 crore in the coming six months.
The topmost policy for 24% of the respondents to the survey was the CRR and the policies set by RBI. The survey, conducted among 75 national council members of the CII, predicted that the turn-around in growth may take place only from next fiscal. In this circumstance 80% of the respondents do not see increase in the GDP crossing 5.5%.
The investment growth during the year 1/4/12 to 31/3/13 was 5% which was the lowest in a decade.
China--a perennial favourite among international investors, an example of the distinction between growth and return. With an economy growing at upward of 8% a year, China certainly appears enticing at first glance. After all, a Chinese company with stable market share should enjoy growth that is at least commensurate with the broader economies. But viewed through the focused lens of value, the country's much-hyped GDP

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