...The Future of Nursing an IOM Report Grand Canyon University June 08, 2013 The Future of Nursing an IOM Report The Need to Transform Practice The Institute of Medicine’s Report (IOM) on the future of nursing was very informative and brought very valid points for the need to reform nursing. Registered Nurses (RN) do not practice at the level that are trained. According to the IOM’s report that need to change. For example some states do not allow nurse practitioners to perform at their educational there practice is governed by state laws (Institute of Medicine of the National Academies [IOM], October 2010)). With escalating health care costs advance practice nurses (APRN) need to be playing a larger role in the health care system, both delivering and decision making about health care. APRN’s need to be working from health promotion to disease prevention. States may need to streamline scope of practice regulations that reflect the full extent of the APRN educational level. The Federal government is well suited to reform changes at the states level and offer incentives for adopting best care practices. The IOM’s Report also recommendations changes need to occur within the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, Congress needs to ensure that nurses practice at their educational level (IOM, October 2010) The Need to Transform Education As health care advances so should nurses. Nurses need to be encouraged at the educational to be lifelong learners. As patients present with...
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...The Impact of the IOM’s 2010 Report on the Future of Nursing With the creation and passing of 2010’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), nurses in particular are poised to be a gatekeeper for the public’s understanding and application of the new parts and pieces of this legislation. Also in 2010 the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in partnership with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) released a report that was two years in the making. The goal for the committee formed between the two entities was to produce a report that would address the lack of a roadmap for change needed to help steer the profession of nursing through the many coming changes in the modern American healthcare system. This paper will address three main components of the IOM report. The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Education The profession of nursing is unlike many of its colleagues within the healthcare community. Currently there are four different tracks to becoming an RN. It has been noted that the different paths of reaching the same goal of becoming a practicing RN has been a contributor to confusion among not only the general public but also the profession itself. “Perhaps the belief that ‘a nurse is a nurse is a nurse’ developed because, even though registered nurses may be prepared in educational programs that vary in length, orientation, and content, the graduates all take the same licensing examination, and, superficially all seem to be able to provide the same level of care” (Catalano, 2009...
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...THE IMPACT OF THE INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE REPORT ON NURSING Looking back, the health care system has changed rapidly within decades. Medical discoveries and technical improvements in health care have resulted in exceptional complexity. To be able to provide the best possible care to meet those standards, it becomes a necessity to review and revise guidelines to meet these goals. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) prepared and published its ambitious report to support the development of a new health care system for the 21st-century. It calls for nurses to take leadership to transition to a high quality care for an increasing number of patients ("IOM," 2010). To meet this goal, a transformation in education, nursing practice and leadership is demanded. It is imperative for nurses to be knowledgeable and to play an active part in this interesting but challenging time of change. To be prepared for the healthcare modification, the key element towards success is education to build a strong workforce. To ensure safe care and foster critical thinking skills for more complex patient needs, irremissible competencies are required. Beside the basic educational nursing standards, new competencies are emerging. The focus for competencies as improving quality, understanding research and evidence- based practice, making decisions, thinking systematically and leading a team must become part for every nurse in any level of education. A higher level of training becomes necessary...
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...The Impact of The IOM Report on Nursing Mariama Jalloh Grand Canyon University Professional Dynamics NRS-430V-0500 Teresa Gaither June 21, 2015 The Impact of The IOM Report on Nursing The Institute of Medicine (IOM) is an independent, nonprofit organization, which was established in 1970. Their aim is to provide advice to all level of healthcare sectors to ensure that effective healthcare policies are being implemented. In the late 2010, IOM released a special report “The Future of Nursing: Leading change, Advancing health”. The report contains three messages related to nursing, which focus on the following sections: transforming practice, transforming education and transforming leadership. This paper focuses on the IOM report and how it impacts nursing education. This paper will also discuss the role of a nurse as a leader and their practice, particularly in primary care. Lastly, this paper will disclose how I would change my practice to meet the goals of the IOM report. Firstly, the IOM report also stated that it is crucial that a nurse must have training from an accredited institution system to so they can be ready contribute at their work (IOM, 2010). Educational standard has influence perceptions about nurses. Academics and professionals have hotly debated the minimum education needed by nurses for several decades. The IOM report also discuss and offer the reason why nurses having a higher level of education is a must; Nursing practice have expand greatly, they...
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...The Impact On Nursing of the 2010 IOM Report On The Future Of Nursing GBUllet, RNC Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V Professional Dynamics As the largest single profession in US healthcare, Nursing plays a major role in the healthcare delivery in both rural and urban areas. The nursing profession is a work in progress and constantly evolving. Nurses in this era in many ways are far different than what it was at its inception. Today’s nurses must embrace change and incorporate evidence based medicine, creativity and the enthusiasm with discipline. Currently nurses are limited with their ability to deliver care with the changing healthcare practice in US. In order to be an effective participant in the evolving and transforming healthcare system, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) and Institute of medicine (IOM) launched an initiative in 2008 which created a report with eight recommendations for the future transformation of the nursing profession. The IOM report had 8 key recommendations for the future of nursing. The following key messages were the framework for the recommendations. * Recommends that nurses should be able to practice to the full extent of their training and education * Recommends that nurses should attain higher levels of schooling and training through an enhanced education system that encourages seamless academic advancement...
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...of Nursing in Reference to the IOM Report In Transforming Nursing Education, Primary Care, and Leadership Grand Canyon University: NRS-430V October 23, 2015 Impact and Future of Nursing in Reference to the IOM Report in Transforming Nursing Education, Primary Care, and Leadership Nursing’s future is greatly impacted by the need for major transformation as recommended by the Institute Of Medicine report (IOM, 2010). Nursing must act fast and come forward as leaders to make changes in their practice. Demand for highly educated nurses and the growing healthcare customer needs are the focus point of IOM report. This paper shows the impact of the IOM report on nursing education, primary care, and nurse leadership. Changes that could be made to the daily practice of nursing to meet the goals, as well as some of the writer’s thoughts, are also explained. If the IOM report (2010) recommendations are not followed, the future of nursing could be negatively impacted because nurses have to be well educated and adequately prepared to practice nursing to their full magnitude of training; more advanced practice nurses (APRN) are needed to meet the growing healthcare needs of society, and nurses need to be involved in decision making affecting the health of future population. For the future of nursing, current nursing education needs to be transformed. Compared to other healthcare professions nursing is undereducated starting with one year practical nursing programs...
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...The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Grand Canyon University Nurses are an integral part of today’s health care system. Making up the largest group of all providers in the healthcare field, nurses are at the forefront when delivering care for patients. Nurses hear all the time that the aging American population is growing faster than they can keep up with and provide care for. Aside from this older patient population, the healthcare field is also seeing the rise in health problems affecting the younger population as well. For example, more prevalent than every before is type 2 diabetes and obesity-linked conditions in American teens and adolescents. Because of the rapidly evolving health care system nurses must be able to adapt and evolve with it. Obstacles to reaching their maximum practicing potential can sometimes prevent nurses from advancing health. In 2010, the Institute of Medicine with the partnership of Robert Wood Johnson Foundation published their study on the future of nursing, which envisioned expanded roles for nurses in all fields practicing in this country’s health care system. (Hasmiller, S.B., 2013) This study helped pioneer changes in three key fields of nursing practice: nursing education, nursing practice, and nursing leadership. Included in the 2010 IOM report was the recommendation that a minimum of 80% of all nurses have a baccalaureate degree by the year 2020 as opposed to 50%, which was the current number at...
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...IOM report and future of Nursing Sunu Saju Grand Canyon University NRS 430V April 07, 2013 IOM report and future of Nursing IOM (Institute of Medicine), in partnership with RWJF (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation), developed the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing health on October 5, 2010.This detailed study focus on the significant connection between the health needs of various, varying populations and the actions of the nursing staff. The health care delivery system and nursing profession consider this report as a framework for transformation. The changes in health care system and nursing workforce are directed to health care researchers, payers, national, state and local government leaders, professionals and executives comprised of nurses and others, and individual policy makers. These changes are also directed to educational organizations, licensing departments, and charitable and legal institutions who advocate for customers ("Institute of Medicine," 2010). Committee of IOM created key messages that constitute its suggestion for this change, which focus on education, leadership, and practice in nursing. The need to transform practice is addressed in first key message of Institute of Medicine, “Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training”. United States is proud to have more than three million nurses today. Nurses in each state have scope of nursing practice developed by the state board of nursing. The scope of nursing...
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...The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Lori VanDerveer-Hand Grand Canyon University October 6, 2013 The Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Key Message #1:“Nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (Institute of Medicine of the National Academies, 2010, p. 85). The impact that the IOM report has had on nursing and it’s future, as we know it has been colossal already. The report that was obtained in 2010 shows us the importance of nursing in patient centered care and the delivery of more primary care than specialty care as well as the focus of shifting care into the community instead of the acute care setting. If we as professionals can alter this shift in healthcare we will provide advanced quality care, decrease errors and provide better safety. The call for the advanced degree practitioner (APN) and physician assistant (PA) is vast; the IOM report is calling for advanced degree practitioners (APN) and physician assistants (PA) to be able to practice to the extent in which they were trained so that they may be able to take some of the burden off the shrinking medical profession and an already fragmented healthcare system. The hope is by giving the APN and PA a less restrictive role in health care it will help to streamline the fragmented healthcare system as well as significantly bringing down costs. These streamlined plans have already proved effective in the Geisinger Health...
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...The impact of IOM report on nursing In 2011, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) partnered with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) to publish The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health. This report is a collaborative report written by a committee of scholars nationwide. Its purpose is to put forth recommendations that allow nurses to “(1) ensure that nurses can practice to the full extent of their education and training (2) improve nursing education, (3) provide opportunities for nurses to assume leadership positions and to serve as full partners in health care redesign and improvement efforts, and (4) improve data collection for workforce planning and policy making” (The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Institutes of Medicine [RWJF and IOM]. This report sets a blueprint to assist nurses in achieving these goal. One of the topics discussed in this report is the future of nursing education. The changes being made to our country’s healthcare system must include changes in nursing education prior to licensing and post license practicing nurses. With this change comes the need for a larger amount of nurses entering the workforce to have a bachelor’s degree or obtain it very early in the career. This report states that nurses must be adequately trained to care for a diverse population and to provide all patients safe and quality care and to perform as a leader. Nurses also must be prepared to care for patients in different care settings, such as, community...
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...Running head: IMPACT OF THE IOM REPORT ON NURSING Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing Grand Canyon University: NRS 430V April 27, 2012 Impact of the IOM Report on Nursing On October 5, 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM), in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), released the report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.” This detailed report explores the need of the nursing profession to evolve and prepare for the impact that will occur as a result of the health care reform and the transformation that will be seen to our complex health care system. With the recent passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), millions of Americans who were previously uninsured now find themselves with the opportunity to seek out and obtain the much needed medical attention that was previously denied to them. With the heightened number of individuals who are now able to receive primary care, there is concern as to whether or not there will be enough providers available to handle the massive increase in patient load. The reformed health care system now brings on new challenges and these challenges offer nurses the opportunity to practice with more freedom in order help close the gaps within our health care delivery system. The IOM committee formulated key messages that structure its recommendation for this transformation, focusing on three crucial areas including nursing practice, nursing education, and nursing leadership. The IOM’s...
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...The Institute of Medicine’s 2010 report on The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health acknowledges the changing healthcare sector in the US and describes future vision of healthcare and the role of nurses to fulfill that vision. The United States always strives to provide affordable and quality healthcare to the entire population of the country. In order to achieve this goal an overall restructuring of the healthcare system was necessitated. Nurses are considered to be the central part of the healthcare system to provide high quality and safe patient care. Nursing in the US is the single largest segment of the healthcare workforce with almost 3 million nurses working in different areas across the county. The changing conditions in the healthcare system and new legislations to make the system more patients centered will place many demands on the healthcare professionals. The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which was enacted into law in 2010, is expected to add another 32 million people, who were hitherto uninsured, to the country’s healthcare sector. The new law provides enhanced health care through extensive health insurance reforms making insurance providers accountable, reducing health care costs, and providing quality health care for all Americans. The report uses the terms Nurse, Nursing, and Nurse Practitioner (NP) to refer to the nursing profession. Since nursing is the most important and central core of the healthcare system, there is no doubt that the newly...
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...The Impact of the 2010 IOM Report on the Future of Nursing Nursing has evolved so much from its original intent. Nurses progressed from being classified as disorderlies to a well respected name in the health profession. However, even though nursing has come a long way, there are still more changes to come in relation to the shift of focus of healthcare from acute care to community health. As the US population continues to become diversified, nursing too will require adjustments to the ever-changing population. The health care system is now reforming to a prevention rather than cure model. With changes in the healthcare system and the population, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) developed a report depicting the need for nursing to be transformed in the areas of practice, education and leadership. I believe this report will have a strong impact on the future of nursing as it relates to expanding practice, furthering education and demonstrating leadership, all of which will enable a nurse to work at the maximum potential within their scope. Transforming the practice of nursing will be beneficial in its future. It will enhance quality, promote health, prevent illness, and care for people of all ages and ethnicities. One concept involved in this transformation, is providing patient-centered care in all aspects. The IOM report refers to this as nurse guided care. “The nurse providing guided care offers eight services: assessment; planning care; monitoring; coaching; chronic disease...
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...The IOM report of 2010 regarding the Future of Nursing: Leading change, advancing health is one of the most viewed on line reports in the IOM’s history. This milestone report calls for the leaders and amour bearers to act on its recommendations, including changes in public and institutional policies at the federal, state, and local levels. For this purpose, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) has collaborated with the AARP on the future of Nursing: Campaign for Action. The vision for this campaign is for all Americans to have access to high quality, patient - and family-centered care in a health care system where nurses contributes as essential partners in achieving success. It is focused on three main pillars for change. • Advancing Education transformation, • Removing barriers to practice and care • Nursing Leadership Advancing Education Transformation In 2110, the IOM issued a report in which it recommended that the proportion of nurses in United States who hold at least a bachelor’s degree be increased from its current 50% to80percentage by 2020. It emphases that if nurses were to be as effective as possible in helping to provide high- quality patient-centered care, they will need to be better prepared as a care becomes more complex and moves into the community. It recommended that more nurses with advanced degrees are needed to provide primary care and teach the next generation of students. The education of nurses may seem to be the least pressing matter than...
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...Abstract Nursing career is one of the few fastest growing fields in the health care industry not only in the United States but also in the world. Nurse practice has drastically changed in the last decade and as a result the need for changes in nursing practice is becoming more and more important. The Institute of Medicine report discusses so many aspects in nursing but this paper requires detailing the impacts on Nursing Practice (Transforming Practice), Nursing Education (Transforming Education), and the Nurse’s role as a Leader (Transforming Leadership). These three key aspects are discussed in the following pages. Professional Development of Nursing Professionals: Impact on Future of Nursing The key points that the Institute of Medicine report covers are that nurses should be able to practice their full potential and extent based on the training and the education (Transforming Practice); the nurses should be able to achieve excellence in improved system of education and as well training (Transforming Education); and nurses should partner in full with doctors and professionals in health care in the redesigning of practices (Transforming Leadership). Impact of Report on Transforming Education The report recommends five core competencies to be integrated in the nursing education. They are, patient centered care, working with other interdisciplinary teams, emphasize practice based on evidence, seeking improvement in quality, and informatics. Computer skills and information...
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