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Is Climate Change Manmade?


Submitted By marcmcclenty
Words 1611
Pages 7
Marcus McClenty
W. Steward
Environmental Issues EG481
22 February 2015
Outline: Is Climate Change Manmade?
Hypothesis: Climate change is not manmade. The climate is changing, the globe is warming, both these terms express an action is taking place. Why are these actions taking place? Are these actions caused by man or nature? Is the correct terminology being used when describing this phenomena? These are just a few questions that will be explored in this report.
The term global warming is an attention to temperature increases in the earth’s surface atmosphere. Climate change refers to the long term effects of transformations in the earth’s atmospheric conditions. From these two terms one could derive global climate change defined as the increase in the earth’s surface temperature and the effects of that change within the atmosphere over the long term. Both these terms are used in American politics,” partisans routinely use the power of terms to frame political issues in ways that promote ideologically consistent attitudes and beliefs… The term ‘‘climate change,’’ in contrast, may recruit more general associations of temperature changes, which can easily accommodate unseasonably cold temperatures and record snowfalls. In addition, Whitmarsh (2009) observed that ‘‘global warming’’ evokes stronger connotations of human causation, whereas ‘‘climate change’’ evokes stronger connotations of natural causation.” (Schuldt, Konrath, and Schwarz 2011) From these authors observation’s the use of the terms differ by political orientation.
The general consensus of climate scientists within the political arena is that man is causing this climate phenomena to take place more rapidly than it should. What is causing the global phenomena which deserves so much attention? “Science tells us that an increase in global average temperature of 2°C (3.6° F) constitutes the planetary

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