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It and Its Contribution on Society


Submitted By Shafig
Words 4090
Pages 17
ETL Conference, 2004, Logan Campus, Griffith University: Craig Furneaux

How does Information Technology impact the methods, potential and purpose of education?
Craig Furneaux School of Management Queensland University of Technology Abstract: It is evident that information technology has affected changes to the methods, purpose and the perceived potential of education. While various authors differ in their opinion on the degree, desirability and destiny of these changes, all agree that change processes have certainly been underway. However, the process of change is far from over. Numerous authors auger grave peril for education institutions that refuse to integrate information technology into every level of the education institution. Some authors argue that the very nature of education itself will change. Information technology, whether perceived as a power for good or a power for evil, certainly has not been neutral. While effecting change has been difficult in many situations, contemporary information technology has by its very nature, been an agent of change in education institutions. Introduction Lyon (1988) argues that the term “Information technology” refers to “the cluster of computing and communications technologies based on microelectonics” (p. 40). In recent years, this convergence of technologies has provided the infrastructure for significant change in our society and education in general. Our society has become increasingly centred around the management and manipulation of knowledge (Smart, 1992; Wresch, 1996). In educational contexts, the changes brought by the introduction of information technology have variously been perceived as either: a great good (Hill, 1999), a virilent evil (Brabazon, 2002), or neither (Shields, 2000). Regardless of its relative value, all authors agree that information technology has greatly impacted education activities, aims

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