Premium Essay



Submitted By gracyc
Words 709
Pages 3
Leading thinkers make great philosophies, and great philosophies make great thinkers, and one of them is W. Edwards Deming. Deming changed our lives by developing better ways for people to work together. He was educated in engineering physics and became an early student of statistics. He derived the first philosophy and method that allows individuals and organizations, to plan and continually improve themselves, their relationships, processes products and services. His philosophy is one of cooperation and continual improvement; to steer clear of blame and redefines mistakes as opportunities for improvement.
Deming’s philosophy came about while he was in Japan, doing census work after World War II. He also taught statistical process control to leaders of prominent Japanese businesses. Japanese businesses started applying Deming’s philosophy and saw great improvement; their quality was way more superior then of their competitors. Deming’s points and philosophies apply equally to any kind of business, everyone could use his logic. After using his philosophy, the Japanese saw such improvement in their products and their businesses in general; their business was soaring and their cost was lower than that of other businesses. Japanese businesses soared and ruled the global market.
By improving quality, companies will decrease expenses as well as increase productivity and market share. Companies that were using Deming’s philosophy saw that they didn’t have to sacrifice quality to get things done right. Companies saw that by improving quality they lowered costs. He showed them that the customer is an important part of a business and that you need to satisfy the customer to have a successful business. By reducing waste, rework, staff attrition and litigation while increasing customer loyalty. The key is to practice continual improvement. Not only has the company to

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