Premium Essay



Submitted By coldcuts
Words 324
Pages 2
Travel Brochure of a Cell

Create a travel brochure that describes an animal or plant cell as if it were a museum or amusement park.

Your brochure must attract visitors to spend money to visit a plant or animal cell. You can think of it as a huge amusement park or a small roadside attraction. Your attractions will “delight and amaze” your potential visitors.

You must accurately DRAW, DESCRIBE and EXPLAIN THE FUNCTION of the required organelles (marked with *).

Required organelles are marked with *, others are extra credit.
Cell Wall (* - plant cells)
*Cell membrane
Nuclear membrane
Chloroplast (*-plant cells)
*Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
*Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
*Golgi Body
Humor and creativity are strongly encouraged!

|Category |16-20 points |11-15 points |6-10 points |0-5 points |
|Content-Accuracy |All names and functions |At least 8 of the names |At least 6 of the names |Fewer than 6 of the names|
| |of organelles in the |and functions of the |and functions of the |and organelles |
| |brochure are accurate |organelles are accurate |organelles are accurate | |
|Graphics/Pictures |Graphics go well with the|Graphics go well with the|Graphics go well with the|Graphics do not go with |
| |text and there are |text with minor accuracy |text, but some |the text or appear to be |
| |accurate representations |errors. At least 8 of |significant errors in |randomly chosen. Fewer |
| |of all of the organelles.|the organelles have |accuracy. At

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