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Submitted By nabilahusna
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Thesis Review
Silat means a game that composed of quick movements in attacking and defending (Anuar,1987). Olahraga means the capability of silat exponent to perform specific techniques which are striking and defensive actions such as punching,kicking, throwing, catching, parrying and blocking and any skill related to silat techniques. There are also three kinds of silat contests which are championship, showmanship and freestyle.
Silat olahraga also can be divided into two categories which are artistic and contact while one of the rules in Silat olahraga that must have three division categories, there are first youths aged from 12-14 years old, second tenager aged from 14-17 years old, and third is adult category. These participants are arranged according to age ,gender either male or female and different body mass of the participants.
In silat tournaments, there will be two participants compete each other in a circle, known as bidang laga measuring seven metres. Meanwhile, the lingkar pemisah is the circle measuring two metres in diameter in the middle of bidang laga. This circle separates the two participants before the contest starts. The whole contest consists of three rounds of two minutes each with one-minute interval between rounds. The main points awarded by the five judges that focus on for toppling an opponent, successful defensive blocks, and offensive punches and kicks to the chest, abdomen and flanks, leg sweeps and throws (International Pencak silat Federation, 1999). Example of silat step patterns are straight pattern,rectangular,U shape,zig zag,triangular, S shape, and diagonal pattern.
Most of silat involvement started actively involved in silat training as part of co-curriculum activities in school that are organised as part of the school and they learn from silat instructor that has a valid certificate in coaching from their own silat institutions who are registered under the Malaysian silat Federation (PESAKA) and Ministry of Education. Silat is growing fast all around the world until the number of countries that participated in the World silat Championship competition has increased from 7 – 25 countries (Anuar, 1993). Among the objective of the thesis are to identify of work and rest within international matches,anlyse the pattern of silat during match, and develop silat-specific fitness tests.
Performance analysis is a discipline that involves analysis of actual sporting performance and as part of an academic investigation into sports performances or as part of applied. The difference from other disciplines that it is concerned with actual sports performance rather than activity undertaken in laboratory settings or data gathered from self reports.
It can be separate into two but related disciplines which is notational analysis that analyzed using a number such as distance cover, and the other one is skill analysis where any skill or activity performance is analysed based on the key. The major objectives are analysis of movement,tactical evaluation,technical evaluation,performance modeling and coach and player education.
The phenomenon notational analysis have been developed and can be found in variety of games. One of the early development analysis was notation the distance covered basketball players that use a system of pen and paper made hand. The system are inexpensive, easily portable and could be used in real life situation.
The evolution of notation analysis undergoing some changes to technology used of audio and visual. Example analysed individual movement pattern in match and distance covered with audio combined with hand notation analysis. While video analysis used in permanent record for post-event analysis due to the speed of individuals movements. Among the advantage of notational analysis is the use of statiscal database enable more accurate predictions for outcomes in sporting competition. The other system used is computer based notation that only need simple recording methods that are more to efficient and easy to learn.
Time motion analysis is used to identify the quantity of movement patterns of various playing position and to understand physiological demands linked to the performance that need to measure the intensity. Beside that, this analysis helps produce information about activity profile and work-rate during competitive sports and also reduce the time it takes to analyse data and improved the way in which data can be presented. The component calculated includes frequency, mean duration and total time spent in activity.
Time-motion analysis is an objective observational analysis technique used to investigate work-rate in sport and exercise by using the POWER (Periods of Work Efforts and Recoveries) system that simplest computerised analysis system that records periods of work and rest. The ratio allowed them to determine wheather the duration of a rest period was independent of the duration of the work period that proceeded it. Time-motion analysis also provided information about player activity during the match in terms of work to rest ratios,the percentage of match time spent performing high intensity activity and the duration of the average high intensity bursts . Work and rest ration analysis basically is about the total or gap duration between playing games or doing activity with time rest in the game within seconds.
There are two methodologies which are fine and discrete movements that being analysed by computerized analysis. And the other one is gross and continuous movements that are recorded by notational analysis and provide overview performance. It also identified the pattern of exercise in multiple sports as intermittent and involve frequent alternations of activity such as standing and walking. Speed,agility,and quickness ( SAQ) are being used in attempt to make conditioning training into more specific to the games. The ability to identify and determine the movement that involve in competition will help the coaches to train the specific training for their fighter’s. In silat movement patterns, the fighter can move forwards, backwards, sidewards (left or right), diagonal, arced and in circle patterns while moving, parrying, catching, clinching or jumping.
There are several types of strikes can use during competition of silat olahraga. The judgement of winning or losing is based on standard of attack,the defence,the falls and clinching, techniques used and the beauty of silat that is portrayed,which are posture adopted and movement coordinations during competition.
Several skills involved in silat olahraga performance and each aspects will contribute to success of attacking and defensive movement of the fighter. The skill composed of punch, kick, swipe, block, dodge/evade, catch, self release, topple down (i.e. scissors skills “guntingan”), jump, fake punch, fake kick, and fake swipe. Measurement reliability is importand in sport in performance analysis and it is essential in order to get the information produced by performance analysis can be created with full understanding. This is because they are surveyed have been made and finding many investigations where the reliability of data collection was not reported and other investigations where the reliability test made inappropriate use of statistical techniques.
HR recorder is essential in provides a convenient method to monitor the response of the cardiovascular system during match situation. According to the research, hear rate (HR) and blood lactate (BL) will be different response from different age groups during competitive. The heat rate has linear relationship with work intensity. However, it will become non-linear as the work intensity once it reaches maximum. The work intensity will give significant impact on circulation and respiratory systems and the result made in this research shows that silat olahraga is a very high intensity sport.
A few test conducted in combat sports have been shown that require to test strength,power, speed, muscular endurance and skill to evaluate the physiological preparation of sport athletes. From the test result obtained shows that the VO2 max scores that are moderate and it suggests that silat is a predominantly an anaerobic sport, which can be supported by high HR and BLa during competition.
Growth, development and maturation are the terms used to describe changes that occur in the body starting at conception and continuing through adulthood. Growth refers to the increase in the body size because children become taller and heavier due to increase in lean and fat tissues, and their organs size. And maturation can be seen into two contexts which are timing and tempo.
Somatic growth is told about the rapid growth that occur from infancy until adult. And each stage have their own acceleration beginning, peak height velocity level in infancy and early childhood and the level it stop.
Physical performance is commonly measured as an outcome of standardized motor tasks requiring aspects of speed, agility, balance, flexibility, explosive strength, local muscular endurance and static muscular strength (Beunen and Malina, 2008).
Static strength increases linearly with age during childhood and the transition into adolescence in both sexes (Beunen and Malina, 2008). There are differences between boys and girls, boys isometric strength increases linearly with age from early childhood to 13 years old,while girls until 15 years old. It shows that sex different will give difference outcome in strength. Jumping performance of children in lower body power was reported by Malina et al., (2004) in standing long jump and vertical jump, where they found on average, performance in the standing long jump increases linearly with age in both sexes until 14 years in females and 18 years in males . Muscular endurance increases with age to 16 to 17 years in girls, but there is no clear evidence of spurt as in boys
The overhand ball throw for distance was used for distance as a measure to test coordination and muscular power of upper body performance, the mean performance of boys and girls in a softball throw for distance in between 6 and 18-year-old.
The theory and methodology of training have specific principles based on biological, psychological and pedagogical sciences .The guidelines and regulations, which systematically direct training, are known as principles of training that are reflect the particularities of fulfilling important training goals,which are skills and performance level.
Silat match is an intermittent sport characterized with high anaerobic and aerobic metabolic responses (Aziz et al., 2002) which required silat exponent to have maximum legs power and ability to perform short duration high intensity exercise in the lower body. Thus, circuit training programme is to be useful form of training in silat due to the flexibility to perform the combination of many anaerobic exercises performed consecutively (e.g. kick, punch, jump) with very short rest in between, besides to achieve a cardiovascular training effect (Taskin,

They are not too many research that can be compared with previously research about elite silat competition and it becomes complicated to make direct comparisons. The lack of comparative research considering the demands of elite silat competition. However, the results provide the evidence those exponents . The information provided in this chapter is essential important in order to condition silat athlete to familiarise with the work periods involved in a silat match.
The overall intensity of a silat match indicated an exertion intensity close to the individual’s maximal cardiovascular responses that was sustained throughout most of the match. This suggests that silat exponents are accustomed to numerous bouts of high force intensity actions alternating with lower intensity movements throughout a match. Furthermore, Aziz et al. (2002) reported that all the post-round lactate samples taken during the silat.
The study has provided too many information about the silat olahraga. I have been exposed with skills,movement patterns in silat olahraga and how analysed the movement using notation analysis technique. Beside that, I got to know about how does silat olahraga gave big influence in physiology of cardiovascular fitness. I also able to know the growth, development and maturation in youth that will affect to silat olahraga. And silat olahraga in youth actually have different levels according to gender and aged. The research prove that there are many factors that will help and improve performance of youth in silat competition.
As a conclusion, the research that have been conducted are really helps the people who read it especially because the contents that state in the thesis can be applied in another field of sports or aspect even though the research is about silat.
This is because silat is a combat sports that have a high intensity activity and the athlete that doing the high intensity activity can join or learn the sports. Although, a person also can start from below which is from low intensity training until it can further to the high intensity movements.

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