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Job Satisfaction in Management and How Faith Provides Satisfaction


Submitted By laxplyer7
Words 6274
Pages 26
Fall Semester 2013
Productions & Operations Management
BUM 4013 (01)
Research Paper
November 4, 2013

Job Satisfaction in Management And How Faith Provides Satisfaction

Abstract ____________________________________________________ 1
Pay _______________________________________________________ 2
Promotions _________________________________________________ 4
Supervision _________________________________________________ 5
Coworkers __________________________________________________ 8
Work Itself __________________________________________________ 10
Altruism ____________________________________________________ 12
Status ______________________________________________________16
Environment _________________________________________________17
Conclusion __________________________________________________18


Job satisfaction is key in finding enjoyment in your day-to-day work experience. Sadly, people have substituted satisfying jobs with jobs that they took just to make a living. The problem is that people get scared that they cannot make it with the passions they have. One might think that they cannot make it as a musician so they settle for something else. One might think that they cannot make it as a professional athlete so they settle for something else. I have explored many journals, articles, and other research papers to figure out why that is. As a result I have found that people are born with a fear of living essentially. This fear is because we need to always provide for ourselves the basic necessities of life to survive. One of those necessities is making money as a means to purchase things for other needs. I will seek to reveal to the reader the need for an external force to get rid of this fear and pursue what they know will make them truly satisfied with their jobs.

We all know what truly drives human beings. It’s money. Unfortunately we need it to survive right? Jesus teaches us differently. He says that the love of money is in fact the root of all kinds of evil. “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (1 Timothy 6:10, New International Version) “In 2012, six out of ten employees indicated that compensation was very important to their overall job satisfaction, putting it only three percentage points below opportunities to use skills and abilities and only one percentage point below job security. Compensation, along with job security, has consistently remained on the list of the top five job satisfaction factors most important.” (“Employee Job Satisfaction,” 2012) This means that only four out of every ten employees are content with whatever they get paid. We cannot get away from the fact that we have a fear of not having income to buy the things we need to survive (e.g. food, shelter, water). “Satisfaction with pay, as with the attainment of any valued outcome, is likely to be a function of several different processes. At the simplest level, people could respond fairly directly to the money itself. Earnings permit them to purchase the goods and services they desire, and as a consequence, the greater their income, the stronger should be their satisfaction. In a somewhat more complicated manner, they might also evaluate their pay in terms of a standard regarding these economic benefits. One standard is a sense of equity. Are they getting what they deserve? Another standard involves social comparisons. Is his or her pay as much as someone else's? In this case, apparently, it is not the absolute value of the earnings that is considered so much as the degree to which this outcome meets the relevant standard. Yet another process involves satisfaction with some other aspect of their job. Positive feelings could generalize from, say, intrinsic job satisfaction to their pay, or a conscious trade-off could be accepted in which one satisfaction substitutes for another.” (Berkowitz, Cochran, Fraser & Treasure, 1987) As Christians we learn to be content in whatever circumstances we face. “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” (Phil. 4:11-13) We have a faith in God that makes us realize that no matter what we are getting paid we will be all right because God is our ultimate provider. If those six out of ten people realized this then they could possibly become more satisfied with their jobs because they are less stressed about making enough. It seems that even our top professors at prestigious universities around the United States cannot even grasp this need for a Savior. In a New York Times article on Job satisfaction vs. a Big Paycheck, Korkki (2010) quotes Daniel Kahneman, a professor emeritus of psychology at Princeton, in saying “The lack of money no longer hurts you after $75,000.” Professor Kahneman thinks there is a set amount of money to reach in order to be completely satisfied. He says, “When you are wealthy you are able to buy more pleasures.” It seems that this professor also thinks that more pleasures are what it takes to be satisfied. In a mind such as this there is such deception that Satan has created to make people believe that “all that glitters IS gold” if you will. Without a Savior you constantly look for more to fill the emptiness that only Christ can fill. (Korkki, 2010)
When you step into a job that you believe you can climb the ladder in you expect certain promotions as you gain experience. This promise comes from the first day you work for that company. Your employer tells you that you will have the opportunity to work your way to the top of the organization. “Promotions are also an important aspect of a worker’s career and life, affecting other facets of the work experience. They constitute an important aspect of workers’ labor mobility, most often carrying substantial wage increases and can have a significant impact on other job characteristics such as responsibilities and subsequent job attachment. Firms can use promotions as a reward for highly productive workers, creating an incentive for workers to exert greater effort. Promotions will only be an effective mechanism for eliciting greater effort if workers place significant value on the promotion itself. Otherwise, firms would simply use pay increases to reward effort and productivity. Workers may value promotions because they carry an increase in job amenities such as a bigger office or spending account (factors which are observable but for which we do not have the information) or because they enjoy the acknowledgement of work well done and the ego boost that comes with a promotion (factors which are not easily observable). Some workers might enjoy the increase in authority over co-workers that often accompanies a promotion. Given all of the dimensions in which promotions can affect workers’ careers and compensation, relatively little attention has been paid to the importance of promotions as a determinant of job satisfaction.” (Kosteas, 2006) In this article Kosteas tells us that promotions are highly valued by employees. Some may like the idea of a big office while others like the pay increase. Regardless of what value comes from a promotion it will never be enough without Christ. While there are verses that speak on God fulfilling all of our heart’s desires, this is only when we have already chose to walk with him in our day-to-day lives. “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Col. 3:23) God wants us to work hard but not for the worldly reasons most people work for. We work for the glory of God, to shine his light in every aspect of our lives and again be content with whatever benefits or pay we receive whether it be a promotion or from elsewhere. In a study done on nurse’s intention to leave Shanghai, a Likert scale was completed on what these nurses were most dissatisfied in their jobs. It seems that extrinsic rewards were the most dissatisfying to these nurses. Those would be things like pay, bonuses, benefits, and promotions. (Liu, Zhang, Ye, Zhu, Cao, Lu & Li, 2012) Promotion is a need everywhere among many other extrinsic rewards. This is not because Shanghai nurses are taken advantage of for low production costs but because we as human beings need a feeling that we have worked hard to achieve something. With the Lord all things are possible and hard work may not be in the form of a promotion here on earth but we have already been promoted to the Godly men and women we became when we gave our lives to Jesus Christ.
“The relationship an employee has with his or her supervisor is a central element to the employee’s affiliation to the organization, and it has been argued that many employee behaviors are largely a function of the way they are managed by their supervisors.” (“Employee Job Satisfaction,” 2012)
Lets be honest, most of the time you hear a story about how bad someone’s boss is or you are telling the story yourself. A lot of the time your boss drives you up a wall seemingly more than doing good things or things that you like. It’s tough to be under supervision because we have a tendency of wanting to be our own boss or be totally independent as an entrepreneur might be. Your boss takes the place of your nagging parents wanting you to do your best but just bothering you at the way they go about it. A boss is no different. He or she wants you to work hard for the success of the company so that your boss won’t get in trouble for work you didn’t do. It’s a long way to the top of the organization and a lot of pressure can come down on you.
Jesus wants us to love our bosses good or bad. This can be hard to do when your boss does not abide by the same law as you do in the Bible. However, this is an even greater chance to let your light shine out among you supervisor. Perhaps he or she will be lead to Christ by the seeds you planted in his or her life. Besides, that is our main goal in life anyways. In doing this you will be more satisfied in your job than if you and your boss had an okay relationship and you just were work partners.
We should always look at a boss as someone who is just like us. They have an even higher boss watching over them. Because of this line of management, stressors can come down on the low-end employees from somewhere along that line. The best way to handle this is obedience.
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but as slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.” (Eph. 6:5-8)
These verses show such obedience. We are technically slaves to earthly masters in the workplace. Without our bosses hiring us and paying us, we would be out of money and eventually wind up homeless. To some that may sound depressing but it is the same type of obedience that we find such joy in and satisfaction with Christ. If we can always remind that we are really serving the Lord and not our boss then burdens are lifted and walls torn down so that satisfaction in our job can come from relationships with our bosses that are for the purpose of leading your boss to Christ or fellowshipping with them if they are already Christ followers.
The number one way to start building this relationship is through communication. One incredibly effective way of doing this is through the leader-member exchange theory. “Communication style between supervisors and subordinates has been found to differ in high- and low-quality LMX (leader-member exchange) relationships. LMX quality is negatively related to the level of dominance exhibited by supervisors when communicating with subordinates. Subordinates in high-quality LMX relationships use communication behaviors that reinforce affect and relationship building with their supervisors, whereas subordinates in low-quality LMX relationships use antagonistic and adversarial communication behaviors.” (Kacmar, Witt, Ziynuska & Gully, 2003)
High quality LMX relationships are ones that are about relationships. It is so similar to our relationship with Christ that it is amazing how blinded some people are. To gain this high quality relationship takes work. Our maturity as Christians takes an eternity to grow into. We are learning more and more everyday by walking with him. In the leader-member exchange our relationship with our boss starts with role taking. Our manager communicates what he or she expects us to do in our jobs. This phase is where our boss observes our strengths and weaknesses or talents. The next phase involves role making. This is where the expectations that we have in a job, (pay, promotion, benefits, etc.) get mixed in with the expectations that our boss communicated to us in the role taking phase. The boss then realizes that he or she must provide rewards, pay, or other forms of motivational resources, to motivate us to work for them.
The relationship between your coworkers and how satisfied you are with your job is very similar to the relationship between your boss and job satisfaction. “If you work with someone who constantly complains or who mistreats fellow employees, you may dread coming to work even if you like your job. Employees have a profound impact on their co-workers' job performance and job satisfaction, and a poor work ethic and attitude can drive colleagues to other employers. Behavior can be contagious in the sense that employees often model -- whether consciously or unconsciously -- the actions and attitudes of their workplace peers.” (Williams, 2012)
Williams lets us know of three ways that coworkers affect job satisfaction. One of these if bullying. “When employees witness their co-workers being bullied, the experience hurts morale throughout the company or department.” (Williams, 2012) We can see that bullying goes beyond our own satisfaction. When we are bullied we tend to get down on ourselves and ultimately become unproductive in our jobs causing the company we work for to take a hit on productivity. This cries out for an even greater leader overseeing his employees to make sure that bullying does not and will not go on.
Sometimes there is a bit of complaining at your job by a coworker that can distract you and make you work unproductively as well. These are coworkers that are negative, belittle the company, challenge authority, and complain about everything else. (Williams, 2012) The danger here is when this coworker spreads his attitude to others who are on the same page as that person or just believe they can now express complaints because other people are doing it. This causes a headache for you as the employee, but mostly your boss who has to handle all of these complaints and get everyone back to working effectively.
While bullying and complaining is something that nobody wants at their job, there is an even greater effect that coworkers have on our job performance. This comes in the form of social loafing. Unless hard working colleagues, that strive to work hard for the company, surround us, we will start to slack off and not work as hard. This starts with peer pressure. You might be really behind on paperwork at your job when some of your coworkers, who you are now good friends with, want to go grab lunch for an hour or two. You realize you are behind and need to work but procrastination sounds better. It takes a lot of discipline to say “I can’t go” and if your coworkers judge you for it then you cannot allow it to affect you.
Again this is where a relationship with Christ becomes key. We should really only care what Christ thinks about us because there will be times when all of your friends are doing something wrong (social loafing) when you know that the right thing is to work. Besides, with this diligence comes respect in the end. Your coworkers will consistently see how productive you are and how you always pick the right choice in a situation and they will respect you. At the end of the day you will be more satisfied with choosing the choice that you know God would choose then if you let Satan convince you to take the easy way out. It is that same joy we received from the Holy Spirit that we feel in this situation.
Work Itself
“The work itself” aspect means how interesting, challenging or exciting an employee’s job is. It can be difficult for employees to remain motivated, satisfied and engaged with their jobs if their work is not stimulating. More than half (52%) of employees indicated that the work itself was very important to job satisfaction. Employees with post-graduate degrees were more likely than employees with a high school diploma to select the work itself as a contributor to job satisfaction.” (“Employee Job Satisfaction,” 2012)
Obviously a post-graduate degree will allow you to have better options in terms of jobs. Most people who do not get degrees past high school wind up in minimum wage jobs that are not enjoyable. I can’t stress enough how important passion is here. Just like the passion we have in following Jesus Christ, we should truly pick a career that we are passionate about. If you love music, be a musician. If you love finance, be an accountant. If you love flying, be a pilot. This is the number one point when selecting a career. Don’t focus on the money but instead focus on what you are passionate about. Better to be happy with what you’re doing then sad making a lot of money.
Brown looks at work itself in a subjective manner. “This subjective approach to job quality can be contrasted with an objective approach that defines job quality in terms of the fulfillment of work-related needs such as autonomy over work, opportunities for skill development and the creative content of work, which can be measured objectively.” (Brown, Charlwood & Spencer, 2012)
A lot of people like to do work themselves. When their boss assigns different people to do different parts of a project some people get frustrated because although their part of the project was done well, others were lacking and it can be a reflection on the ones who did their jobs correctly. People also like creativity in the workplace. No one wants to sit behind a desk and file paperwork all day. Most employees want fun jobs every once and a while that they enjoy doing. This keeps motivation high for the things that they don’t want to do.
Eve Marder gives us another perspective here on the work itself. “When I was a child, my father told me that the secret to a good life was tricking the universe into paying you a salary to do what you loved doing. He said that he watched, with great sadness, friends who were aspiring poets, painters and musicians who worked jobs they hated to pay the bills, and then tried to paint and write after they were tired by days filled with tedium. In contrast, I get paid to do a job that I enjoy; I choose to work long hours because I spend most of those hours doing things I value.” (Marder, 2012)
Again it’s all about what you enjoy doing. God has given each and every one of his children talent in some area that we will use throughout life to truly be satisfied. As long as we know what that is, we need to recognize it as a gift from God and take advantage of it. Duffy tells us that these gifts are given in the form of a “calling” towards some line of work.
“People differ considerably in the way they express and experience their careers. Whereas some may work only to pay the bills or satisfy achievement needs, others may feel “called” to a particular career. A number of definitions of “calling” exist in the literature. Dik and Duffy attempt to combine key elements and conceptualized calling as an approach to work that aligns with a sense of personal meaning, is motivated by prosocial values, and arises in response to a transcendent summons.” (Duffy, Bott, Allan, Torrey & Dik, 2012)
It is very similar to that pit of your stomach feeling and satisfaction you get when you give your life to Jesus and watch him work throughout your life. You can’t explain it but you know it’s real. What better to do with our lives then to do what Christ has destined us to do before we were even born. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jer. 1:5)
Even with all these gifts that God has given us to use we let our own selfish plans get in the way. “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jer. 29:11) The worst thing we can do is put plans that we have selfishly made in place of the plans we know that God has for us and trust me he reveals them to you. There is no better plan than one that Christ has made himself. Unfortunately Satan makes money shine a little brighter for those who aren’t saved.
Altruism. This is in my opinion the most important part of job satisfaction as it is what Christ has truly created us for, to live for others and love unconditionally. “Altruism is a general phenomenon that involves taking the interests of the other as one’s own; it is often identified with the Golden Rule—do unto others as you would have them do to you. The Golden Rule seems to identify altruism with morality, but it is far from clear whether acting from the golden rule is always moral.” (Scott & Seglow, 2007)
“What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” (James 2:14-17)
Throughout all of Jesus’ life here on earth he taught his disciples to die to themselves and live for others. How many times do we see a poor man in need and drive right passed him? Christ calls us to action. Give to that man so that he may be well. It is the “take the shirt off your back” teaching that Jesus wants all of us to have and what we know true believers show. Scott & Seglow are two of many people who believe in the Golden Rule of doing unto others, as you would have them do to you. This is a biblically based principle that stems from a relationship with Christ.
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) This altruistic teaching is only done with Christ. A branch that has broken off from the vine is dead. The question of whether or not it is always moral is one that only Christ can answer. As true believer you can feel a wonderful sense of joy in giving so in part that is what you receive from it. This, however, is not immoral. We choose to live for others because we want to live for others and because we are devote followers of Jesus Christ. When we entered into a personal relationship with Christ we were given the Holy Spirit and with it a heart to help others.
An example of altruistic behavior takes place in the world of ants. “Altruism can be found with ease in most gardens. A colony of ants is generally composed of one queen, who spends all her time laying eggs, and hundreds to thousands of workers who do all the other jobs, from rearing the eggs through to adulthood or foraging for food. These workers are sterile, and therefore unable to reproduce themselves. They altruistically give up the opportunity for reproduction, and instead spend their time helping to rear the offspring of the queen. As the queen is usually their mother, they are rearing brothers and sisters, and so kin selection can explain this altruism.” (West, Gardner & Griffin, 2006)
This story can even relate to teachings of Jesus. The queen is like our God who has made each and everyone of us in his own image. We are the servants of that God doing all the work on earth but only with the strength Christ has given us. We are truly unable to reproduce ourselves for it is only through God that the breath of life can be given to an individual. Instead, we care for our brothers and sisters here on earth that God has blessed us with. It is so cool that God can even us the tiniest of creatures to show his sovereignty.
In my opinion, the greatest example of altruistic behavior is shown in the parable of the Good Samaritan. “On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”
In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’ “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?” The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.” Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:25-37)
Not the priest or the Levite but the Samaritan helped the man. Jesus used someone that everyone hated to show how Christ’s love can be shown through anyone. It is sad that we tend to turn a blind eye to the poor and needy but become beggars in other areas of our life. We sit in our thousand dollar cars watching people beg on highways but don’t have the altruism to roll down the window and help the man or woman out. True richness lies in giving. We have been blessed with things so that we can bless others.
“Work centrality or recognition of work as the dominant value in an individual’s value system rather than thinking of work as merely a way to make a living is “shaped by the socialization of the individual.” (Khanin, Turel & Math, 2012) In our jobs we like to have recognition. We crave a status in our social life, our work life, and our family life. It is what drives us to have things like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. We need acceptance and to be liked. Christ teaches us that this invites pride into our lives. We want people to think we are as good as we think we are.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9) We are not put on this earth for a status from men. We are already highly regarded by our Lord and Savior, and do not need recognition from others. Because of the fall of man and the pride we face, we must practice humility.
“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
This humility can only come from God the father through our Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins so that we are forgiven of those sins. There is no better status than the one we receive in heaven as a servant of the Lord. At the end of the day others will see how you value others before yourself and they will wonder why. In that moment and throughout your life you will lead others to Christ and to a practice of the same things they see you do in such a loving humble way.
The last topic of job satisfaction is the work environment. This is how comfortable and safe you feel in the workplace. It really combines all of the previous topics and more. Pay, promotions, supervision, coworkers, work itself, altruism, and status all have a hand in the work environment. However, the main part of the work environment is safety and comfort. “According to SHRM research, 27% of HR professionals reported that their cur- rent organization experienced an incident of workplace violence within the past five years; 15% indicated that incidents of violence had increased in frequency. In another research study by SHRM, 16% of HR professionals reported that physical assaults have occurred in their workplace. While at work, employees expect their organization to take measures that ensure their safety. About one-half of employees (47%) indicated that feeling safe in the work environment was very important to their job satisfaction. Female employees considered feeling safe in the workplace an especially important job satisfaction factor compared with male workers, as did employees with some college education compared with employees with post-graduate degrees. Feeling safe in the workplace was more important for black employees than for white employees as well.” (“Employee Job Satisfaction,” 2012) No one wants to be working in a violent environment with coworkers who could potentially harm you whether it be physically or mentally. It is not surprising that female workers put feeling safe in the workplace as a higher priority than males. With all the sexual harassment that takes place today, women in the workplace want to be respected for things other than their bodies. It is also not surprising that black people have a need to feel safe in the workplace more than white people. It’s sad but true that racism still takes place. Even as common jokes black people are made fun of. Some take no offense to the jokes while other internally hate it.
Once more, safety lies in Christ. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord you God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) We have nothing to fear when we know Christ is right there with us. Nothing can happen to us outside of his will. If a coworker is harassing you, bullying you, physically abusing you, pray for that person and watch Christ do a work in that persons life.
As you have read, everything that has to do with job satisfaction involves putting Christ first. He is our everything and can be your everything if you choose to follow him. It is really simple. When we enter into a relationship with Jesus Christ, we learn that everything is taken care of in our lives and that we should choose to be satisfied in every aspect of our job when we remember what he did to even give us this life we’re living. He is the vine and we are the branches. At times we may feel we are falling off the vine because we are not satisfied in our jobs and even more, our lives, but he is right there with his mighty right hand to bring us back up. Be satisfied knowing that we’re here for the Lord and not for a job.

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Motivation in Organization

...People management and organizational behavior Table of Contents Serial No. | Particulars | Page No. | | Introduction | 3 | Task 1 | Application of any two theories of motivation to motivating the supermarket staff | 4 | | Team | 4 | | Principles the two factor theory | 6 | | Applicability of the factors theory | 7 | | Principles of the Expectation Theory | 7 | | Validity of the Expectation Theory | 8 | | Reliability of the Expectation Theory | 8 | | Applicability of the Expectation Theory | 8 | Task 2 | Explanation of what approaches the manager could use to build cohesive, cooperative and effective teams | 8 | | Process to build cohesive, cooperative and effective teams | 10 | | Conclusion | 11 | | References and Bibliography | 12 | Introduction Motivation is the process of guiding, initiating, developing and maintaining relationship with employees in the organization that why people of the employee should give their best efforts for the achievement of organization success. Motivation is one of the most important management techniques that must be used in the Human resources that include the top management to the last level employee of the organization. So every organization tries to think how to motivate their employees and how the goal of the company should be gained. And that’s why different types of motivation theories developed by the authors that was really more successful on the practical world of the organization. Among...

Words: 2950 - Pages: 12

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Kelsey Reorganization

...Reorganization Cetric Vazquez Contents Reorganization 3 Current Environment 6 New Orgaizational Structure 10 Developing Organizational Culture 13 References 16 Appendix A 18 Reorganization The City of Kelsey is a town with a population of approximately 625,000 residents. The City prides itself on being an earth-friendly community (City of Kelsey, 2011). In order to maintain this lifestyle, it has been determined that all potential candidates for city positions should take a personality test and those tests be made public. The reason for this is that the city wishes to maintain the earth-friendly atmosphere as well as the superior communities (City of Kelsey, 2011) that have been built. Unlike a business which may reorganize occasionally or not at all, the City of Kelsey basically reorganizes each time there are city elections. In order to meet the profile requirement, the city has chosen to use a Visual DNA profile test. The Visual DNA test works by having a series of questions that the person taking the test must answer. However, the answers that are available are pictures rather than words. According to the VisualDNA Understanding People website, the visual responses allow one to express their true selves instinctively without the need for precise wording (VisualDNA Understanding People, 2013). The Visual DNA test was chosen not only for the ease of taking the test, but for a more subtle reason of more accurate results. The test itself gives the...

Words: 3811 - Pages: 16

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Are Employees in Some Cultures More Satisfied with Their Jobs?

...Burhan Department : Management Sciences Degree : Bachelors of Business Administration Isra University Question : Are Employees In Some Cultures More Satisfied With Their Jobs? JOB Satisfaction ? Job Satisfaction Is The Most Widely Investigated Job Attitude, As Well As One Of The Most Extensively Researched Subjects In Industrial/Organizational Psychology Job Satisfaction Has Been Linked To Productivity, Motivation, Absenteeism/Tardiness, Accidents, Mental/Physical Health, And General Life Satisfaction. It Can Also Be Said A Pleasurable Or Positive Emotional State Resulting From The Appraisal Of One’s Job Or Job Experiences”. Additionally, Job Satisfaction Has Emotional, Cognitive, And Behavioral Components . The Emotional Component Refers To Feelings Regarding The Job, Such As Boredom, Anxiety, Or Excitement.  The Cognitive Component Of Job Satisfaction Refers To Beliefs Regarding One's Job, For Example, Feeling That One's Job Is Mentally Demanding And Challenging.  Finally, The Behavioral Component Includes People's Actions In Relation To Their Work, Which May Include Being Tardy, Staying Late, Or Pretending To Be Ill In Order To Avoid Work. There Are Two Types Of Job Satisfaction Based On The Level Of Employees' Feelings About Their Jobs.  The First, And Most Studied, Is Global Job Satisfaction, Which Refers To Employees' Overall Feelings About Their Jobs The Second Is Job Facet Satisfaction, Which Refers To Feelings About Specific Job Aspects, Such As Salary...

Words: 2328 - Pages: 10

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...transactional leadership is less important in today’s modern, fast-paced and technological world. This essay will explain the difference between both types of leadership and will present evidence which suggests that the rigid nature of transactional leadership breeds mediocrity, while transformational leadership encourages intellectual stimulation and exceptional performance. The author will also examine key factors which affect how a subordinate responds to a leadership style: these include innovation, employees’ own self-esteem, job satisfaction and the financial outcomes of an organization. Firstly, it is best to define transactional and transformational leadership in order to gain some context. According to Bass (1985), transactional leadership is based on an exchange process in which the leader provides rewards in return for the subordinate’s effort and performance. This is often referred to as contingent reward which means the subordinate is only given recognition when expectations are met. Another characteristic of transactional leadership is active management-by-exception; this is the constant monitoring of subordinates which leads to praise when goals are achieved and criticism when errors are made. The author believes that this aspect of transactional leadership could be construed as outdated as its passive and regimented. It’s better to be pro-active and liaise with the subordinate as this may help prevent mistakes in the first place. In comparing transformational leadership...

Words: 1203 - Pages: 5

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Reward System

...ISSN 1712-8056 [Print] ISSN 1923-6697[Online] The Effect of Reward System on Job Satisfaction in an Organizational Chart of Four Hierarchical Levels: A Qualitative Study L'EFFET DU SYSTÈME DE RÉCOMPENSE SUR LA SATISFACTION AU TRAVAIL DANS UN ORGANIGRAMME DES QUATRE NIVEAUX HIÉRARCHIQUES: UNE ÉTUDE QUALITATIVE Ekaterini Galanou1 Georgios Georgakopoulos2 Ioannis Sotiropoulos3 Vasilopoulos Dimitris4 Abstract: Rewards systems are one of the most significant issues of the human resource management. Throughout the literature, it is obvious that theorists and academics, as well as practitioners and managers emphasize the important factor of rewards. Additionally, job satisfaction is another crucial term within the same body of literature. Job satisfaction is likely to provide employees of all levels with feelings of fulfillment, achievement and even pleasure for their job. Thus, such feelings can make people more productive, creative and therefore more profitable for the organization. Furthermore, feelings of job satisfaction can strengthen the commitment and loyalty of employees with the organization, which is very necessary in present times where all firms are looking for competitive advantage and especially through their people. The objective of this study is to examine the correlation of the rewards systems and job satisfaction, based on a qualitative research. An attempt is also made to identify differences in (correspondent author) Department...

Words: 12803 - Pages: 52

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Orgaizational Culture

...Tindell and Garrett Bonne. The structure of the company stores were split into different sections like kitchen, laundry, office with their individual showcase. The company had a fundamental HR philosophy behind their ongoing success. Their philosophy was reflected in their activities and practice used which helped to develop an excellent organizational culture. The company provided huge effort and time to recruit and select employees by HR staffs. The firm spent enough time training its employee. They paid higher salary than other retail stores. The company was committed to provide excellent career opportunity for employees. The managers of the company used to keep constant communication with their employees, play as more team leader than supervisor. Sales at the firm have increased 20–25% each year. On HR measure, the employee turnover rate has averaged 15–25% yearly, compared to the 100% rate common in retail jobs. Obviously, the Container Store has the “right package” that enables its employees to be significant contributors to its success. General overview of the Company The Container Store: the original storage and Organization Store The Container Store established by Kip Tindell (Tindell), Garrett Boone (Boone), and John Mullen in 1978 was a leading storage and organization products retailer in the US. The store offered a range of storage solutions for home and office needs that were aimed at optimizing the customer's space as well as time. ...

Words: 1852 - Pages: 8

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Job Satisfaction

...Factors influencing job satisfaction Nowadays, being a professional is byzantine complex journey universally. In most of the profession, the “next gen” is increasingly hunting for a technology-focused globe and constantly transforming. Trede (2012) mention besides being knowledgeable and skillful, the individual must also trait sense of responsibility towards themselves, others and organization. Today for a nurse to hold on and work blissfully in one work place is challenging due to dissatisfaction of their job. Tang and Ghani (2012) argued nowadays, even though there are abundant opportunities available in Malaysia, nursing is no longer popular as it used to be. Chaulagain and Khadka (2012) stated one of the issue raise in quality improvement program is job gratification among nurses as it is a crucial issue being faced by most healthcare organization. The efficiency of healthcare services is affected due to increase rates of nurse’s turnover and absenteeism resulting from low job satisfaction. Understanding the factors that nurses are satisfied and dissatisfied will enable interventional measures be taken to improve the working conditions. Whereas such understanding will not improve the retention rate, it will improve the nurses’ work performance leading to better quality care to the patient (Newman et al, 2002). Judge et al (2002) assert the most widely investigated in the history of healthcare organization psychology, job satisfaction is the most widespread research topic...

Words: 3712 - Pages: 15

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...------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Case: Texas Roadhouse Won’t Scrimp on Making Employees Happy In: Business and Management Case: Texas Roadhouse Won’t Scrimp on Making Employees Happy “If we take care of our employees, they will take care of our customers” is a common phrase. In your experience, is it actually practiced or is it just a cliché on the wall? Discuss the implications of your answer. Solution: The above phrase holds true in today’s competitive world and is actually practiced, where the focus is on the customer. The phrase is very much applicable for the service-oriented companies, where employees play a huge role in the success of the company. It is believed that employee job satisfaction is directly related to customer satisfaction. The management should take decisions and develop measures to increase the motivation of its employees to serve their customers better. An employee can increase the service quality through five important dimensions, namely, discussed as below: Reliability: The ability of the employees to deliver the promised service to the customer, in promised time and error free transactions, would increase the customer base and boost sales. Assurance: The politeness, knowledge and courtesy of the employees towards customers, in dealing with the products sales and after-sales service, builds a huge amount of trust and confidence. Tangibles: The personality and well-dressed attire of employees, attractive and simple...

Words: 4735 - Pages: 19

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Evaluating the Straetgic Role of Hr in Modern Organisations

...on the Business 9 Recommendations to Bytes Electrical 10 References 11 Bibliography 11 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to identify the importance of strategic human resource management to Bytes Electrical. This role of strategical management in regards to a businesses most important assets – its employees, is heavily influenced by a number of stimuli outlined in this report, including the evolution of human resource management to what it is today, the employment relationship and the environment and legal context that the business must operate within. By outlining these influences on Bytes Electrical, this shall allow for the management team to clearly understand the importance of HRM in today’s context. The result of this report is to highlight and convey a summary of these influences and present a number of recommendations to Bytes electrical to ensure the continued and/or increased productivity and efficiency of the business. By presenting these recommendations it allows for the business to identify problem areas within the entity and implement these proposals as it see’s fit. The Evolution of HRM Human resource management is an ever-changing business function and is considered a fundamental aspect of modern day business. Human resource management deals with...

Words: 3595 - Pages: 15

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Organisational Behaviour

...the problems involving job satisfaction, attitudes, personalities and values in the company. During the global economic crisis, the top management of the company implemented some measures to counter the crisis. The finance manager was monitoring company’s expenditures very tightly, freezing all overseas business travels and stopping all product trainings. The managing director applied huge pressures to the entire sales & marketing team hoping to cut cost and generate more sales revenues, these including pays cut and setting unrealistic sales target. At the same interval, the Indonesia’s branch manager was caught working with two different companies at the same time period. When the branch manager was being confronted, he mentioned that moonlighting is very common in Indonesia. Lastly, we also use the famous motivation theories such as the Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factors Theory to explain the concept of motivation and how motivation is related to the problem described above. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION……….........................................................................................1 TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................2 BACKGROUND OF PROBLEMS..........................................................................3 - 4 JOB SATISFACTION .........................

Words: 2757 - Pages: 12

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Problems and Best Practices in Retention

...brought to the forefront the need to understand the individual/organizational relationship, namely the psychological contract. This is the employee’s interpretations and evaluation of their deal with the organization (Dietz, 2009). Past research has shown that in order for retention management to be effective, the employee’s and the organization’s expectation must be in line. Also job satisfaction, loyalty, and commitment can cause problems in relation to employee retention. Employees are no longer looking to work for one place for the rest of their life and make an average wage.   They are always looking for ways to advance in their careers. If these needs are not met by the organizations, this will lead to turnover. Individual employee performance can also lead to problems in retention. Motivation is the key. When employees have insufficient support to get tasks accomplished, their level of motivation declines. This problem can be due to lack of resources and adequate training. All and all employees simply want to be empowered to do a good job and be recognized for their contributions. Thus organizations must clearly communicate how employees can contribute to organizational goals and provide adequate training and performance feedback or risk losing their best...

Words: 1357 - Pages: 6

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Survey on Organisations to Check Organisational Behaviour

...conducted these surveys and have decided to have hypothesis about what we think that the outcome of these will be. These have been used as the focus of this report. The reason that we chose these candidates are they are different and diverse industries and we can compare the information given easily. We have also identified their role in the industry and we compared their roles against our research. We have also included the age, gender of the candidates we have chosen so that this can be compared with other factors. The articles that we have reviewed during this research are based on the topics of Stress/pressure/Burnout indicators, Conditions of employment, Staff perceptions of leadership performance, Staff Perceptions of Autonomy, Staff Satisfaction, Staff turnover intentions, Staff Wellbeing, Great place to work (work life balance, conflict and enrichment), Psychological capital and Staff commitment and motivation. * Literature Review Burnout The first article that I found...

Words: 7316 - Pages: 30

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Plastco Projectt

...The Plastco machine operators seem to be suffering from low job satisfaction and motivation. Make suggestions for solving these problems by redesigning these jobs to add more intrinsic rewards. Self Esteem Management should encourage Plastco employees to express freely their thoughts, feeling and desire in a direct honest manner which will allow them to resolve issues. Employees should be able to approach each other directly and honestly instead of reporting to the supervisor/Manager. Demonstrate your trust in their abilities. Providing adequate training, trusting them to do their jobs well, allows them to know you have faith in them and that they should have faith in themselves and that will improve self-esteem of employees. Encourage employees to work as a team towards a common goal which will increase profitability, productivity and improve their morale. Managers should be pro-active and schedule preventive maintenance on the machines instead of waiting until it’s broken. Manager needs to investigate and determine the root cause of the frequent defects of the machines and should work on a resolution by being transparent with the staff. Employees feel good about the company and themselves if they have correct tools to perform their jobs. Every effort should be made to improve the culture, team-work and ownership. Growth By providing cross training opportunity for different jobs in the plant so that the employees could move around and working towards a specific...

Words: 449 - Pages: 2

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...Effects of employee’s satisfaction and commitment Name Institution Professor Date Abstract Employee commitment is an active way of improving the organizational satisfaction. In this article employee satisfaction is viewed as an independent variable while employee commitment acts as the independent variable, a moderating variable is taken to be employee performance. The sample for the study comes from various public and private organizations of cities such as Lahore, Karachi, and Faisalabad. Data collection is through close- ended questionnaires and analysis done through Statistical Package for Social Sciences by using descriptive statistics, as well as the t-test. The results describe a moderate interdependence between the variables. Satisfaction Studies in the past reveal a two-way relationship between job performance and employee satisfaction while modern and recent studies indicate a unidirectional relationship with regards to employee satisfaction that improves job performance yet weak relations occurs upon analysis of job satisfaction as a basis for job satisfaction. It follows that employee’s satisfaction and performance in work place...

Words: 2149 - Pages: 9

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Implementing Empowerment in an It Organization

...Implementing Empowerment in an IT Organization By Student X GM591: Leadership and Organizational Behavior Dr. Ron Stone Keller Graduate School of Management Introduction 3 Problem Statement 5 Literature Review 5 Causes 14 Solutions 16 Reflection 19 Appendix 21 Introduction The organization I chose to study is Software Engineering (SE) in the Internal Information Services (IIS) unit of Defense Contractor X’s Information Technology (NGIT) Sector. The mission of the organization is to conceive, develop and maintain software engineering solutions for the IT Sector of Defense Contractor X. SE is comprised of a Director, Tens Level Managers, Unit Level Manager, Team Leads and Software Engineers. The Director and Tens Level Managers have three to eight people reporting to them. The Unit Level Managers have from fifteen to twenty people reporting to them. In order to manage such large numbers of people, the Unit Level Managers are encouraged to empower their employees to take ownership of their jobs. The Team Lead role is used as a substitute for a Unit Level Manager, with increased responsibilities, but there is no increase in pay or grade when someone assumes the job. Often managers use the Team Lead role to groom future managers of NGIT. Many of the Team Leads are motivated, self-directed individuals who have a certain amount of autonomy in their current roles, which pre-disposes them for managerial work in the organization. OCI...

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