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Juana La Loca


Submitted By Minty333
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Pages 5
Movie: The Love of Siam (2007)
Two young boys are best friends living quiet family lives in Bangkok. Their lives are disrupted when one boy's older sister goes missing on a jungle trip. The shattered family moves away, separating the boys. Years later, now in their late teens, the boys meet again. One of them is now the leader of an aspiring boy band whose managing assistant bears a striking resemblance to the lost sister. The boys must deal with their family and social lives and their feelings for each other.
Story Structure:

I. Exposition
Ten-year old Mew and Tong are neighbors. Mew is a soft-featured but stubborn child, while Tong is a more masculine, energetic boy who lives with his parents and sister, a Roman Catholic ethnic Chinese family. Tong wants to befriend Mew, but the quiet boy and his outgoing neighbor are not initially close. At school, effeminate Mew is teased by several other students and harassed until Tong steps in to defend him. Tong receives injuries and they then begin a friendship. Mew plays on his late grandpa's piano and is joined by his grandma, who begins to play an old Chinese song. Mew asks his grandma why she liked this song and his grandma responds that it was played for her by his grandpa. She explains that one day, Mew will understand the meaning of the song.
Tong's family goes on vacation to Chiang Mai and his older sister, Tang, begs her mother to allow her to remain with friends several days longer. Tong buys Mew a present, deciding to give it to Mew piece by piece in a game similar to a treasure hunt, a tradition in his family. One by one, Mew finds all of the pieces except for the last one which is hidden in a tree. The tree is cut down just as Mew is about to retrieve it leaving the present Tong bought for Mew incomplete. Tong is disappointed at their misfortune, but Mew remains grateful for Tong's efforts.

II. Crises
Tong's parents are unable to contact Tang in Chiang Mai, and go there to look for her, fearing she may be lost in the mountains. Tong, devastated that his sister is missing, cries and Mew tries to comfort him. Tong's parents are unable to find Tang, and the family decides to move to Bangkok. After giving Mew some parting words, Tong looks back to find Mew wiping his eyes with his sleeve as Tong's family's car drives away.
Six years pass. Tong's father Korn is a severe alcoholic, due to his guilt for losing his daughter. Tong has a pretty—but uptight—girlfriend, Donut.

III. Rising Actions
Tong and Mew are reunited during their senior year of high school at Siam Square. The musically talented Mew is the lead singer of a boy band called August. The meeting stirs up old feelings that Mew has harbored since boyhood: his love for Tong.
The manager of Mew's band, Aod, instructs the young musicians — their songwriter Mew in particular — that they must write a song about love in order to sell more records. He assigns them a new assistant manager, June, who coincidentally is identical to Tong's missing sister, Tang. When Tong eventually meets her, he and his mother, Sunee, devise to a plan to hire June to pretend she is Tang, in hopes that it will pull Korn out of his alcoholic depression. June's performance convinces Korn, despite gaffes such as saying a Buddhist prayer instead of Catholic Grace one at the dinner table. Amazingly to Sunee, June seems to already know much of the family's past. June passes it off as her creative imagination.
Mew is also the object of an unrequited crush from an obsessive neighbour girl, Ying, who is trying to use a voodoo doll and other tricks to make Mew like her. Unfortunately for her, Mew is more interested in his boyhood friend Tong, who has become his inspiration for writing the new love song. Aod and Mew's bandmates are impressed with Mew's composition.

IV. Climax
As part of the deception with "Tang," a backyard party is held in honor of her return, and Mew's band August provides the entertainment. Singing the new love song for the first time in public, Mew's eyes lock intensely with Tong's. After the party, when everyone has left, the two boys share a prolonged kiss.

V. Falling Actions
Unseen, Sunee accidentally witnesses their kiss. The next day, she firmly commands Mew to stay away from her son. When Tong finds out that his mother has interfered, an argument ensues, but her actions succeeded in creating a rift between the teens. Mew is heartbroken and loses his musical inspiration, so he quits the band.
Korn's alcoholism leads to a liver condition which sends him to a hospital. While in the hospital, June questions the effectiveness of the "Tang" ruse, noting that Korn has not reduced his alcohol consumption. She leaves, and does not answer when Korn asks her whether she will return for Christmas. After she leaves, Korn starts eating more and begins takes his liver medication.

VI. Denouement
At Christmas time, as Tong and his mother are decorating their Christmas tree, he shows her how controlling she is. June has saved money and heads off in a bus to Chiang Mai. It is not clear whether June and Tang were the same person.
Tong goes to Siam Square for a date with Donut. Mew has rejoined the band, and they are playing nearby. Tong abandons Donut, telling her they are no longer together. He then rushes to see Mew sing and is guided there by Ying, who has accepted the fact that Mew loves Tong. After the performance, Tong gives Mew his Christmas gift, the missing nose from the wooden doll that Tong gave him when they were children. Tong then tells Mew, "I can't be your boyfriend, but that doesn't mean I don't love you."
The film ends with Mew putting the missing nose back to the wooden puppet, saying "thank you" and crying quietly.

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