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Judiciary Branch


Submitted By Jessnef
Words 1371
Pages 6
Fiction vs. Reality

Jessica Nefedov

University of Phoenix

The United State’s judicial system is one that controls the everyday sentencing and hearing of cases. These cases range from civil matters, such as divorce, evictions, small claims and child custody to misdemeanors and felonies. Misdemeanors and felonies are criminal cases. Our Judicial system is made up of three branches of government; the Legislative branch which examines, debates and votes on bills, the Executive branch that initiates and administers the law, and the Judiciary branch, that we will be discussing in this paper. The Judiciary branch applies the law, as is seen in courtrooms across America and in homes on televisions.

Television shows are popular for their dramatics, which increase their ratings. The more dramatic and action packed a show is, the more people tune in to watch it, therefore making it a successful show or series. In the world today popular crime shows such as Law & Order, CSI, Raising the Bar, and Peoples Court, show the dramatics of a case. Of these shows, Law and Order and Raising the Bar, both portray the legal drama and police procedures taken in a case. Upon watching an episode of Law & Order or Raising the Bar, one will see a lot of discrepancies of the fiction versus reality of today in the courtroom. It is important to remember that television shows are not real, unless stated so. Again the idea of creating a successful series is to have it appeal to the audience; drama, crime, and blood draw in a great percentage of audiences, therefore making the show a hit.

Upon entering the courtroom in a televised series, it is often noticeable how the drama unfolds throughout the case. Both the prosecution and defense attorneys are often seen arguing a case outside of the courtroom, bargaining for a lighter sentence, and at times arguing

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