Premium Essay



Submitted By allenserranooo
Words 797
Pages 4
NAME: SERRANO, Allen O. DATE: 062915

VARIABLE * Is a primary storage location that assumes a different numeric (number) and/or alphanumeric (combination of numbers and letters) value. * Start with a letter * 1 to 32 character * 1 word * NO SPECIAL SYMBOL ASIDE FROM UNDERSCORE (_) * Not a KEYWORD

TYPES OF VARIABLE 1. Constructive – It doesn’t change 2. Destructive – It change to another value

DATA In the C programming language, data types refer to an extensive system used for declaring variables or functions of different types. The type of a variable determines how much space it occupies in storage and how the bit pattern stored is interpreted.
The types in C can be classified as follows: S.N. | Types and Description | 1 | Basic Types:They are arithmetic types and consists of the two types: (a) integer types and (b) floating-point types. | 2 | Enumerated types:They are again arithmetic types and they are used to define variables that can only be assigned certain discrete integer values throughout the program. | 3 | The type void:The type specifier void indicates that no value is available. | 4 | Derived types:They include (a) Pointer types, (b) Array types, (c) Structure types, (d) Union types and (e) Function types. |
The array types and structure types are referred to collectively as the aggregate types. The type of a function specifies the type of the function's return value. We will see basic types in the following section, whereas, other types will be covered in the upcoming chapters.
Integer Types
Following table gives you details about standard integer types with its storage sizes and value ranges: Type | Storage size | Value range | char | 1 byte | -128 to 127 or 0 to 255 | unsigned char | 1 byte | 0 to 255 | signed char | 1 byte | -128 to 127 | int

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