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Just Me


Submitted By Mandy0712
Words 499
Pages 2
Acupuncture Acupuncture originates from China and has been practiced there for thousands of years. Although there are records of acupuncture being used hundreds of years ago in Europe, it was during the second half of the twentieth century. Acupuncture started to spread rapidly in Western Europe, United States, and Canada. It does have some therapeutic benefits, including pain relief and alleviation from nausea caused by chemotherapy. You don't need Chinese philosophy either to make it work, or to practice it. The Chinese have developed complex theories and philosophies of acupuncture that form the foundation of their traditional medical system. Without argument, they were the most influential in developing this unique form of medicine into what it is today.
Acupuncture works in many different ways on a human body. Acupuncture involves the insertion of very thin needles through the patient’s skin at specific points on the body the needles are inserted to various depths. Acupuncture points are seen by Western practitioners as places where nerves, muscles and connective tissue can be stimulated. Acupuncture practitioners say that the stimulation increases blood flow while at the same time triggering the activity of our own body's natural painkillers. Through 350 acupuncture points in the body, these meridians and energy flows may be accessed. Illness is said to be the consequence of an imbalance of the forces. If needles are inserted into these points with appropriate combinations it is said that the energy flow can be brought back into proper balance.
The patient will be asked to lie down, either face-up, face-down or on his/her side, depending on where the needless are inserted. The acupuncturist should use single-use disposable sterile needles. As each needle is inserted the patient should feel them, but initially without pain. However, when the needle reaches the right depth there should be a deep aching sensation. Sometimes the needles are heated or stimulated with electricity after insertion. Once inserted, the needles will remain there for about twenty minutes. Acupuncture generally involves several weekly or fortnightly treatments. Most courses consist of up to 12 sessions. A visit to an acupuncturist will involve an exam and an assessment of the patient's condition, the insertion of needles, and advice on self-care. Most sessions last about 30 minutes.
Even though acupuncture is commonly used on its own for some conditions, it is becoming very popular as a combination treatment by doctors in Western Europe and North America. The use of acupuncture to alleviate pain and nausea after surgery is becoming more widespread. A study found that acupuncture may help indigestion symptoms commonly experienced by pregnant women. The benefits of acupuncture are that there are very few side effects. When performed correct it is safe. It is useful for patients who do not want to take medication. The risk for doing this is it is dangerous for people who have a bleeding disorder. Unsterilized needles may infect the patient. There may be bleeding, bruising and soreness at the insertion sites

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