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Key Technology to Reduce the Residual Stress Levels of High Strength Steel


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中冶南方工程技术有限公司 武汉 430223 丁文红
摘要:针对传统热轧平整工艺无法满足高强钢精整加工需求这一技术难题,开发出带压力增益调节功能的高强钢矫直平整工艺(Leveler and Temper passing Process with Dual Servo Valve 以下简称LTP-DSV)。LTP-DSV工艺利用矫直机降低高强钢的残余应力水平;利用双伺服变增益轧制力控制技术提升高强钢的性能稳定性;借助平整加工改善高强钢的表面质量。在保证高强钢性能的前提下充分降低产品的残余应力水平。实际生产数据表明:LTP-DS工艺能全面提升高强钢的性能及质量。
中图分类号:(TG335.5) 文献标识码:A 文章编号:

Key technology to reduce the residual stress levels of high strength steel

Ding Wenhong
WISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Limited WuHan 430223 China
Abstract:Since traditional hot-rolled temper passing process can not meet the technical problems of high strength steel needs, leveler and temper passing process with dual servo valve (LTP-DSV) has been developed in this paper. Leveler has been used to reduce the residual stress. Temper mill with dual servo valve has been used to get high strength steel products with stable property, lower the quality defects of the products surface. Practical application demonstrates that the LTP-DSV process can effectively improve the quality and property of high-strength steel.
Key words: high strength steel, residual stress, leveler, temper passing


采用高强钢减少材料用量,降低环境影响,是现代工业的一项重要研究内容。在汽车制造领域,运用高强度钢板减轻车身重量,已成为该领域的重要技术发展方向[1] ,与此相适应,钢铁行业将高强钢加工技术作为新的研究热点,通过合金强化以及再结晶过程控制,不断提高材料强度,优化使用性能[2],使高强钢的应用领域不断拓宽。 各类高强钢中,热轧高强钢具有显著的成本优势,发展更为迅猛,占客车、货车用钢量的60%-70%[3];在桥梁、机械制造领域,热轧高强钢的用量也在持续增加。然而,与普通热轧产品相比,热轧高强钢具有更高的残余应力水平。在后续使用过程中,高强钢内部的残余应力逐步释放,造成材料变形,尺寸、形状精度降低。 针对上述问题,笔者对热轧高强钢板内部的残余应力分布进行了研究,提出采用矫直平整工艺,降低具有板织构特征的热轧高强钢板残余应力水平的工艺方法,在此基础上进行了实验验证研究。实验结果表明:矫直平整工艺能够显著降低具有板织构特征的热轧高强钢的残余应力水平。



1 平整工艺的机理及降低残余应力的能力限制

1 带钢内部的板织构特征

经过热轧加工后的钢板,其内部形成轧制板织构,致使组织内部的残余应力分布具有如图1所示的确定的方向性。这种与轧制方向平行的应力显著大于其他方向上的应力值,是造成热轧板残余应力高以及板形质量差的主要原因。 导致热轧板内部形成图1所示的应力分布的原因主要有两个,一是为了消除疏松、孔隙等铸造缺陷,热轧通常采用大压缩比进行轧制;二是由于热轧板表面温度高,芯部温度低,造成轧制过程中表层与内部具有不同的流动性特征。因此,在热轧板中存在显著的具有板织构特征的残余应力。改变这种板织构应力分布,是降低产品残余应力水平的唯一途径。
图1:热轧后沿带钢厚度方向的内应力分布 实际生产表明:平整工艺能够在一定程度上降低热轧产品的残余应力,进而改善板形,这主要是基于摩擦机制和延伸率机制[4]。

2 作用机制及其能力瓶颈

图2:平整机降低带钢残余应力的摩擦机制 从上述摩擦机制可以看出:平整工艺降低残余应力的能力受两个因素影响,一是带钢与轧辊间的摩擦系数,二是平整过程中所采用的轧制力。而钢板表面的粗糙度由产品表面状态要求确定,轧制力由平整产品的性能决定,因此,对于既有表面粗糙度要求又有性能要求的产品,平整工艺就存在一个能力瓶颈。因此,传统平整工艺无法满足热轧高强钢的加工需求。机制不难推断,受产品表面的粗糙度要求的制约,在平整过程中,借助摩擦机制降低高强钢残余应力水平的能力有限。 延伸率机制是通过在带钢轧制方向上施加一定的延伸量,使带钢变形的不均匀程度得到改善,因而降低带钢内部的残余应力。由于高强钢对产品的性能有着严格的要求,为保证其性能,需要在加工过程中限制其延伸率水平。 因此,对于残余应力水平相对较高,且性能敏感度也很高的热轧高强钢产品来说,传统热轧平整工艺无法满足产品降低残余应力的需求。

2 平整工艺的性能缺陷

从高强钢的强化机制看,加工过程必须对高强钢的性能进行严格控制。因此,作为降低高强钢残余应力的工艺必须兼具降低残余应力与控制材料性能双重功能。普通平整工艺,在材料性能控制方面存在系统缺陷,将其应用于高强钢加工,必须进行性能控制技术的提升。 普通平整工艺采用恒延伸率方式控制材料性能。在延伸率闭环控制模式下,当实际延伸率与设定延伸率之间出现偏差时,采用调节轧制力的方式使延伸率保持恒定。因此轧制力动态控制精度的高低直接决定了平整加工后带钢的性能稳定性。平整机的伺服控制系统采用流量伺服阀调节平整机的轧制压力。在负载情况下,流量伺服阀的零位压力增益较大,因此,实施动态轧制力调节时,较小的电流输入会造成很大的压力变化量,降低轧制力的动态控制精度,造成产品的性能稳定性不高。传统平整机的伺服控制系统无法满足热轧高强钢的性能控制需要。


如前所述,降低热轧高强钢的残余应力水平的关键是减小钢板上下表面与中部的应力差,而增加钢板上下表面的变形量,是降低具有轧制板织构特征热轧产品的最直接手段。同时,作为高强钢的加工工艺,还必须能够准确控制材料的性能。综合上述两项要求,我们研制出具有高精度性能控制能力的高强钢矫直平整工艺(Leveler and Temper passing Process 以下简称LTP)。

1 矫直降低残余应力的机制

[pic] [pic] a:矫直过程的辊缝设定 b:矫直过程的材料变形

2 矫直平整工艺设计

1-开卷机 2-入口转向夹送辊 3-矫直机 4-平整机 5-出口转向夹送辊 6-带钢 7-卷取机 热轧高强钢矫直平整机组主要包括开卷机、入口转向夹送辊、矫直机、平整机、出口转向夹送辊、卷取机等关键设备,并在入口转向夹送辊、出口转向夹送辊处配置延伸率控制编码器。 在热轧高强钢精整加工过程中,通过矫直机充分降低轧制后高强钢内部的残余应力水平;利用入口转向夹送辊、出口转向夹送辊的延伸率检测以及平整机的实时动态调整功能控制加工后高强钢产品的性能;借助平整机的平整加工提升热轧高强钢产品的表面质量。因此,LTP工艺既具有强的残余应力控制能力、稳定的产品性能控制手段,又具有优异的产品表面质量改善功能。 平整机利用伺服控制系统可以实时调控材料的性能,但在性能控制精度上还无法满足高强钢的性能控制需求。针对高强钢的特点,还需要进一步改进平整机的性能控制能力。

3 提升高强钢性能稳定性的变增益伺服控制系统

平整机采用轧制力调节方式控制材料性能,实现轧制力动态调节控制的技术手段为借助流量伺服阀对轧制力实施控制。由于流量伺服阀在负载情况下零位的压力增益较大,轧制力的动态控制精度低,无法满足高性能高强钢产品的性能稳定性需求。针对这一问题,我们研制出:变增益轧制力控制技术。 1. 双伺服变增益轧制力控制技术 为了降低轧制力控制系统在负载状态下的压力增益,采用大、小两个伺服阀的并联组合替代传统的伺服阀,如图5所示。在正常工作时,用小流量伺服阀进行轧制力动态控制,用大流量伺服阀调整系统的压力-流量系数,降低系统的压力增益。在靠辊压下以及快开等工艺操作过程中,两伺服阀同时投入,满足各种工况的工艺需求。这就是变增益轧制力控制方法。将其应用于LTP工艺,形成满足高强钢性能需求的矫直平整工艺(Leveler and Temper passing Process with Dual Servo Valve 以下简称LTP-DSV)。
图5:双伺服变增益轧制力控制技术 2. LTP-DSV的性能模拟 图6为系统启动过程中,双伺服变增益轧制力控制系统与传统单伺服阀轧制力控制系统控制腔压力曲线变化情况的比对。实线对应双伺服变增益轧制力控制系统,虚线对应传统单伺服轧制力控制系统。


为验证LTP-DSV工艺的实际应用效果,我们对LTP-DSV工艺与传统热轧平整工艺进行了对比性试验。比较了两种工艺对不同强度级别、不同厚度规格带钢平直度的改善情况。并在此基础上分析了两种工艺对产品残余应力水平的控制能力。 采用宽度为1500mm,厚度分别为3.4mm、4.5mm、6.35mm、12.7mm的10号钢、50号钢、80号钢进行试验。将同一批次原料分为两组,一组采用传统热轧平整工艺进行加工,另一组采用LTP工艺进行加工。对加工后的带钢进行分条,测量分条后最长带钢与最短带钢间的长度差ΔL,计算加工后的平直度。由于带钢的平直度是带钢内部残余应力水平的反应,因此可以通过平直度的改善情况分析残余应力的改变。平直度计算公式如(1)所示。 [pic] (1) 式中L为最短带钢的长度,单位mm。

1 对不同强度级别带钢残余应力改善情况比较

图9:两种工艺加工后同种带钢平直度的比值 从图8可以看出:对于各种强度级别的带钢,LTP工艺均比传统平整工艺具有更强的残余应力改善能力。从图9可以看出,与普碳钢相比,LTP工艺对高强钢具有更强的残余应力改善能力。这主要是由于高强度带钢具有更高的抗表面不均匀屈服能力。

2 对不同厚度规格带钢残余应力改善情况比较

图11:两种工艺加工后同厚度规格带钢平直度的比值 从图10可以看出:对于各种厚度规格的带钢,LTP工艺均比传统平整工艺具有更强的残余应力改善能力。从图11可以看出:LTP工艺对厚规格带钢残余应力的改善能力强于对薄规格的改善能力。造成这种现象的原因是:为了保证试验数据的可比性,在实验过程中对各种厚度规格的带钢采用了相同的压入深度。在实际生产中可以根据厚度调节上矫直辊的压入深度以得到满意的效果。


充分降低产品的残余应力水平以及提升产品的性能稳定性是生产热轧高强钢产品的两个关键要素。笔者研制出带压力增益调节功能的矫直平整工艺(LTP-DSV)解决了热轧高强钢生产的技术难题。LTP-DSV工艺通过矫直机降低产品在轧制过程中形成的残余内应力;依托平整机改善产品的表面质量;利用精确控制矫直平整工艺段的总延伸率,保证产品加工后的性能稳定性。实际生产数据表明: 1) LTP-DSV工艺较传统热轧平整工艺具有更强的产品残余应力以及性能稳定性的控制能力。 2) 对于不同强度级别、不同厚度规格的带钢,采用LTP-DSV工艺加工后的残余应力水平均大幅低于采用传统热轧平整工艺加工后的残余应力水平。 3) LTP-DSV工艺对高强度级别带钢残余应力的控制能力优于对普通热轧产品残余应力的控制能力。

[1] 马鸣图. 我国汽车钢板研究与应用进展[J]. 钢铁. 2001(8): 64-69.
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[3] 丁文红. 平整机的板形改善机制及其应用[J]. 轧钢. 2012(1): 26-28.

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...Division of the School of Arts and Sciences In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Organizational Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2006 NUCOR CORPORATION: A STUDY ON EVOLUTION TOWARD STRATEGIC FIT Approved by: ________________________________________________ Program Director ________________________________________________ Advisor ABSTRACT For much of its century long history, Nucor Corporation and its predecessors displayed turbulent financial performance. Several attempts at a strategic realignment proved unsuccessful, and in 1965, the company faced insolvency. Since that time, however, the company has rallied around its steel operations to become the largest steel producer in the United States, with $12.7 billion in net annual sales. This thesis examines Nucor’s development from an unprofitable conglomerate to a highly efficient enterprise. Specific focus on the evolution of the activity system underlying the...

Words: 18185 - Pages: 73

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Court Visit

...Internship Project Report Abstract Steam Turbine is a prime mover which converts the energy associated with the steam into mechanical energy which results in the rotation of the turbine rotor. It is nearly an ideal working device among all heat engines and prime movers and widely used in Power plants and in all industries to generate power because of its greater thermal efficiency and higher power-to-weight ratio. Presently, 80% of all electricity is generated by using steam turbines alone. In this project report, I have mainly concentrated on the turbine-rotor-blades. Because, the rotor is the heart of the turbine and it affects (i.e. blading of rotor) the efficiency of the steam turbine. In this manufacturing of blades is widely focused. Key Words: Steam Turbine, Blades, Rotor BY k.sai sailender Summer Internship Program 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I would like to express my deepest appreciation to all those who provided me the possibility to complete this report. A special gratitude I give to Prof. V.Srinivas, Head of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, GIT-GITAM, Visakhapatnam. Furthermore I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the staff of BHEL Hyderabad, who gave the permission to use all required equipment and the necessary materials to complete the task “ASSEMBLY OF STEAM TURBINES” Last but not least, many thanks go to the guide of the project, Mr.VIVEKANADA MANDAL , Sr. Engineer, Bay-03, Blade shop, has invested his...

Words: 6878 - Pages: 28

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Tev Study

...Part-A: - Executive Summary: 1. Project background & promoters 1.1 PROJECT AT GLANCE 6 MVA * 1 Sub merged Arc Furnace for Manufacture of Ferro Manganese, Silico Manganese SHARANYA NATURAL RESOURCES & INFRA PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMITED H NO 1-2-110 Shanthi Nagar, Adilabad Andhra Pradesh 1. Sri Sanjay Kumar Makhariya 2. Sri P Shankar 3. Smt P Uma Adilabad, Andhra Pradesh Ferro Alloys - Silico Manganese (SiMn.) / Ferro Manganese (FeMn.) Used in Steel Industry 6*1 MVA Furnace Sub merged Arc Furnace for Ferro Manganese, Silico Manganese (4800 TPA SiMn and 7000 TPA FeMn based on equal utilization for both the products) Rs. 1792.33 Lakhs (Say 1792 lakhs) 60% 85% 90% Rs.868.00 lakhs Existing Proposed Term Loan – NIL Rs. 925.00 Lacs CC Limit – NIL Rs. 403.00 Lacs LC/FLC -NIL Rs. 50.00 Lacs One (1) Year Moratorium from Commercial production + 6 Years – Total Seven (7) years from Commercial production Name of the Company Registered Office Names of the Board of Directors Plant location Product Application Installed capacity Project Cost Capacity utilization of Year 2013-14 Year 2014-15 Year 2015-16 & onwards Promoter’s Contribution Banking limit - Term loan - Cash credit - LC/FLC Repayment Period Debt-Equity Ratio Project total (overall) TERM Loan (only) 1.53 : 1 1.07 : 1 3.49 times 5.05 times 40.51% Average DSCR - Gross - Net IRR SHARANYA NATURAL RESOURCES & INFRA PROJECTS PRIVATE LIMITED H NO 1-2-110 Shanthi Nagar, Adilabad Andhra Pradesh Page 1 of 76 1.2. ABOUT...

Words: 26448 - Pages: 106

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...Division of the School of Arts and Sciences In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Organizational Dynamics at the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 2006 NUCOR CORPORATION: A STUDY ON EVOLUTION TOWARD STRATEGIC FIT Approved by: ________________________________________________ Program Director ________________________________________________ Advisor ABSTRACT For much of its century long history, Nucor Corporation and its predecessors displayed turbulent financial performance. Several attempts at a strategic realignment proved unsuccessful, and in 1965, the company faced insolvency. Since that time, however, the company has rallied around its steel operations to become the largest steel producer in the United States, with $12.7 billion in net annual sales. This thesis examines Nucor’s development from an unprofitable conglomerate to a highly efficient enterprise. Specific focus on the evolution of the activity system underlying the...

Words: 18185 - Pages: 73

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...Journal of Materials Processing Technology 211 (2011) 787–829 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Journal of Materials Processing Technology journal homepage: Electromagnetic forming—A review V. Psyk a,∗ , D. Risch a , B.L. Kinsey b , A.E. Tekkaya a , M. Kleiner a a b Institute of Forming Technology and Lightweight Construction, Technische Universität Dortmund, Baroper-Strasse 301, 44227 Dortmund, Germany University of New Hampshire, Kingsbury Hall, 33 Academic Way, Durham, NH, USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Electromagnetic forming is an impulse or high-speed forming technology using pulsed magnetic field to apply Lorentz’ forces to workpieces preferably made of a highly electrically conductive material without mechanical contact and without a working medium. Thus hollow profiles can be compressed or expanded and flat or three-dimensionally preformed sheet metal can be shaped and joined as well as cutting operations can be performed. Due to extremely high velocities and strain rates in comparison to conventional quasistatic processes, forming limits can be extended for several materials. In this article, the state of the art of electromagnetic forming is reviewed considering: Article history: Received 10 September 2010 Received in revised form 7 December 2010 Accepted 15 December 2010 Available online 23 December 2010 Keywords: Electromagnetic forming Impulse forming High-speed forming • basic research...

Words: 20412 - Pages: 82

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Assesement of Effect of Cutting Fluids

...BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF INDUSTRIAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING SEMINOR TOPIC ASSESSMENT ON EFFECT OF CUTTING FLUID ON MACHINING COURSE NAME GRADUATE SEMINOR COMPILED BY: TESFAYE KASSAHUN MSC/00017/03 SUBMITTED TO: Professor (Dr.) RANTAM UPPULA September, 2013 Abstract During machining operation, friction between workpiece-cutting tool and cutting tool-chip interfaces result high temperature on cutting tool. At such elevated temperature the cutting tool if not enough hot hard may lose their form or stability quickly, wear out rapidly, resulting in increased cutting forces, higher surface roughness, shorter tool life and lowers the dimensional sensitiveness of work material. Different methods have been reported to protect cutting tool from the generated heat during machining operations. The selection of coated cutting tools is an expensive alternative and generally it is a suitable approach for machining hard materials. Another alternative is to apply cutting fluids in machining operation. Cutting fluids used to provide lubrication and cooling effects between cutting tool and workpiece and cutting tool and chip during machining operation. As a result, important benefits would be achieved such longer tool life, easy chip flow and higher machining quality in the machining processes. The selection, method of application, storage and disposal of cutting fluids should be carefully carried out to obtain optimum result in machining...

Words: 13821 - Pages: 56

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...Rubberwood Processing Manual CFC/ITTO/72 PD103/01 Rev.4 (I) “Demonstration of Rubberwood Processing Technology and Promotion of Sustainable Development in China and Other Asian Countries” Research Institute of Wood Industry Chinese Academy of Forestry Beijing 2007.6 Rubberwood Processing Manual Authors of this manual: Zhou Yongdong, Associate Professor Jiang Mingliang, Professor Gao Ruiqing, Associate Professor Li Xiaoling, Senior Engineer CFC/ITTO/72 PD103/01 Rev.4 (I) “Demonstration of Rubberwood Processing Technology and Promotion of Sustainable Development in China and Other Asian Countries” Project leader: Ye Kelin, Professor, Director of CRIWI Lu Jianxiong, Professor Executing Agency: Research Institute of Wood Industry Chinese Academy of Forestry Beijing 100091 P.R.China Tel: +86-10-6288 9482 Fax: +86-10-6288 1937 Email: 2 Table of Contents Foreword...........................................................................1 Chapter 1 Sawing of Rubberwood .................................3 1 Sawing Equipments ............................................................. 4 2 Sawing technique................................................................. 8 2.1 Quarter Sawn ............................................................ 8 2.2 Back Sawn .............................................................. 10 2.3 Live Sawn ............................................................... 13 2.4 Radial sawn......

Words: 13493 - Pages: 54

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Dac Test Document

...BRE Building Elements Foundations, basements and external works Performance, diagnosis, maintenance, repair and the avoidance of defects H W Harrison, ISO, Dip Arch, RIBA P M Trotman BRE Garston Watford WD25 9XX Prices for all available BRE publications can be obtained from: CRC Ltd 151 Rosebery Avenue London, EC1R 4GB Tel: 020 7505 6622 Fax: 020 7505 6606 email: BR 440 ISBN 1 86081 540 5 © Copyright BRE 2002 First published 2002 BRE is committed to providing impartial and authoritative information on all aspects of the built environment for clients, designers, contractors, engineers, manufacturers, occupants, etc. We make every effort to ensure the accuracy and quality of information and guidance when it is first published. However, we can take no responsibility for the subsequent use of this information, nor for any errors or omissions it may contain. Published by Construction Research Communications Ltd by permission of Building Research Establishment Ltd Requests to copy any part of this publication should be made to: CRC Ltd Building Research Establishment Bucknalls Lane Watford, WD25 9XX BRE material is also published quarterly on CD Each CD contains BRE material published in the current year, including reports, specialist reports, and the Professional Development publications: Digests, Good Building Guides, Good Repair Guides and Information Papers. The CD collection gives you the opportunity to build a comprehensive library...

Words: 167696 - Pages: 671

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Term Finance

...STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL BSRM Information Memorandum for: Term Loan Facility: BDT 1,987 Million Arranger Agrani Bank Co-Arranger IDLC of Bangladesh Limited February 2006 Disclaimer This confidential Information Memorandum (IM) on BSRM Steels Limited, in connection with the proposed Syndicated Term Loan of BDT 1,987 Million has been compiled by Agrani Bank (Lead Arranger) & IDLC of Bangladesh Ltd. (Co-arranger) with a view to assisting the lenders in assessing the merits of the offer. The information, opinion and projections contained in this Information Memorandum have been supplied by the client. BSRM Steels Limited has confirmed to the Arranger & Coarranger that, to the best of its knowledge and belief and except as otherwise provided in this Information Memorandum, such information is true and fair in all material respects as at February 2006, that all such opinions are honestly held by the company, that all such projections are fair and accurate in all material respects having regard to the circumstances now prevailing and in the light of the assumptions made and that the Information Memorandum does not omit any information such that its omission would make this Information Memorandum or any information contained herein inaccurate, untrue, or misleading in any material respect. Agrani Bank & IDLC Of Bangladesh Ltd., in their role as Arranger and Co-arranger respectively have not independently verified the information, opinions or projections referred to in the IM. No...

Words: 25087 - Pages: 101