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Submitted By atb93
Words 544
Pages 3
Setting: Tree House
(Brain and Arthur are playing chess, talking about the sugar bowl)
10 seconds later*****DW and Muffy walk over
**Arthur goes to the bathroom
Brain- Hey DW, you should hide one of Arthur’s pieces.
DW- Yeah, that’s a good idea!!!....wait, what if he tells mom on me? Then I’ll have to sit in timeout.
Brain-Alright fine…..MUFFY!
Muffy- What do you want, Brain?
Brain-You should hide one of Arthur’s pieces…it’ll be funny.
Muffy- No! Because if I do that then he might steal driver.
Arthur (back from bathroom)- What are you all talking about?
DW-Brain was trying to have us steal one of your chess pieces…
Brain- **Dirty look** DW!
Mom (overhears conversation) Did I hear you kids talking about stealing?
Brain-We were just joking around.
Mom- Brain, how would you feel if they were trying to steal one of your pieces?
Brain- Well, I would feel cheated because it’s against the rules.
Mom- Exactly. See, now that’s why we don’t lie and steal because you wouldn’t want somebody to do it to you.
Muffy-See! You should have listened to me!

Setting: Sugar Bowl (all standing in line)
Mom- Okay kids, you can each only get one scoop of ice cream in either a bowl or cone.
DW-Would I get more ice cream in a bowl or in a cone?
Arthur- They’re the same size, DW!
Muffy-Does it even matter which color scoop I get? Aren’t they all the same.
Brain- No Muffy. Each of the different colors is a different flavor. Green is mint, white is vanilla, and so on.
Mom- Okay. So what do you guys want?
DW- I want a bowl, not a cone because a bowl is definitely bigger than a cone.
Arthur- DW…..what kind of ice cream??
Mom- She’ll have vanilla in a bowl. Muffy, what would you like?
Muffy- I want the white one with the black in it.
Brain- So, you want chocolate chip ice cream?
Arthur- Hey Mom, what is in Carmel Brownie Ice Cream?
Mom-Well, there is carmel, brownie, marshmallow and chocolate chunks.
Arthur-Yeah, I’ll have that… a bowl.
Brain- And may I please have pistachio. Thank you Mrs. Reed.

Setting: Walking to/in Sunday School
Mom, Arthur, DW driving in car
Mom-Do you remember what you learned last week in Sunday school?
DW-There was a bush on fire!
Mom-How about you Arthur, what did you learn last week?
Arthur-Yes, there was a burning bush….but it was in the story of Moses.
Mom-The burning bush is really who, Arthur?
DW-Who is Jesus?
Arthur-He is my friend.
DW-You have an imaginary friend, too???
Arthur-Well, He’s not imaginary. He is the Son of God, DW!
***Park and walk into church****
Mom (leading Sunday school) – Do you guys remember what we talked about last week?
Muffy-The burning bush! DW-*goes and makes beautiful artwork* Mom-So, this week we’re going to talk about Jonah and the WHALE. Improv a lesson on large whales… Mom-Ends lesson. Mega carpool.

5:30---MONDAY NIGHT. Fishbowl.

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