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Submitted By oaklinebacker42
Words 1634
Pages 7
As red blooded Americans people are inclined to view everything American as top of the line, and always having been that way. Whether it is the victory over the British in the American Revolution, or landing a man on the moon there is the sense that everything is encompassed by American lore. The humble beginnings of the American Military, the militia, do not avoid this. The militia has carried through time the status of being an effective first line of defense against any enemy faced during the early days of America. Upon broad speculation and based off results from history this lore would seem to be proven true. A more in depth look into the militia’s presence and actions during battles and wars reveals a much clearer view. Skirmishes the militia took part in included fighting against the Native Americans, in the Imperial Wars of Britain and France, against the British in the Revolutionary War and War of 1812, and finally the Mexican American War. These events coupled with the militia’s actions reveal much more truth to the myth of the militia than was seen before. Many militia actions show the militia as a force to be reckoned with and feared in some respects. Other actions show the militia as nothing short of a rag-tag group of undisciplined men whose continual goal was to fight, retreat, and drink. Members of the militia were required to supply their own weapons. Usually the men would show up in whatever they had, serving as a local defense or police force for the colonies. The militia was not an incompetent or ineffective force, but the statement of the militia serving effectively as the first line of America’s defense may have more exaggeration than needed. Starting with the very early days of America provide insight into the foundation that created the American militia. When colonists first arrived on the coast of the New World, North America,

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