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LInux and the CLI


Submitted By dcor
Words 310
Pages 2
Discuss your thoughts about dealing with issues like formatting output from the command line. Would you rather deal with a graphical interface to handle such tasks? What are the pros and cons of the methods suggested in terms of speed and efficiency? Ensure that familiarity and habit are also discussed as factors in your decision.

Formatting using the CLI, while works fine for simple forms, is too limiting for complex documents. We have not gotten far enough to input things like pictures/graphs/diagrams ect, but when using a GUI I know from personal use that it is relatively simple. I will say, however, that when dealing with formatting from version to version of a program (lets say from a .doc to a .docx) can be frustrating. I have had times that there was no way that the file could be fixed, and that I had to make a whole new document, because the newer program would just not accept the old file in its original format. This is an advantage when using the CLI. .txt is .txt no mater what program it was created on, or platform that you were using. This is a HUGE advantage that using the CLI has over the GUI. If I am using Open Office on a Linux system to create a document, and then you want to open that same document using Microsoft Word on a Windows system there are huge problems in the “conversion” process. Even if you save said file using Open Office as a .doc file, when opening with Word, Its just not right. I think we have all ran into this issue, and it can be vexing. So I think that using the CLI to create and manipulate files is, overall, more efficient; we will always be visual beings and want to have our pretty buttons to

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