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Labour and Migration


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Reflective Essay: Labour and migration

According to O’Brien and Williams (2013), the concept of division of labour has long been practiced since before the 1800s. Nevertheless, division of labour may vary according to different variables like region, ethnicity and even gender. However, despite the existence and growth of massive inequalities around the world, people still seek to increase living standards and influence the division of labour in their organizations. Hence, the more advanced a society, the greater the division of labour.

In my opinion, Malaysia faces the challenges of labour as a developing country. The two major issues is the gendered or racial and ethnic division of labour. This situation can be observed in the administration of the Malaysian government where a woman as a leader is not unheard of, but definitely scarce. The same case applies to a non-Malay government servant who are only minorities in a Malay dominated administration.

The racial division is used to justify legal status and economic exploitation of these groups of workers (Persaud, 2001). Even since the pre-independent days, the Malays were focused mainly on agricultural activities, while the Chinese dominated Malaysian commerce. The Indians however were divided into two groups, the professional role or the plantation industry depending on their educational background. As a result, people tend to migrate to explore their options and opportunities.

Migration is an urban phenomenon and concentrates in major urban areas (McGrew, 2014). In the case of countries facing unequal distribution of income, local or international migration should be highly welcomed because it creates competition in a monopolistic market. It creates more job opportunities for the sake of the country’s economy. Therefore, migration should only be restricted to a certain extend by imposing quotas of migrants working for a company at any given time.

(291 Words)


McGrew, Anthony. (2014) ‘The Logics of Economic Globalization.’ In Global Political Economy. 4th Ed. John Ravenhill, ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

O’Brien, Robert and Marc Williams. (2013) ‘Chapter 9: Global Division of Labour’ in Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics. 4th ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

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