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Submitted By lailaahmed1234
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Women In A Thousand Splendid Suns

...Through the use of characterization, structure, and setting, Hosseini is able to express the despondent tone, while at the same time convey the idea that hope and endless courage are the only ways to survive in a world tarnished by violence and consumed by hatred. Hosseini’s choice to illustrate women from two generations emphasises the injustice felt throughout the ages. Mariam and Laila both come from noticeably different backgrounds, but end up walking the same path in life for many years. While Mariam is considered a bastard child and lives in isolation with her mother, Laila grows up well-educated with two caring parents. The women are first mentioned together when Lalia, still a young girl, “and Tariq were...

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...Suns By Khaled Hosseini, Riverhead Books, May 22 2007 Laila, from Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns, is a product of her environment. She’s shaped by warfare, by her family and by her education. Laila was born in the city of Kabul, Afghanistan. In the course of time Kabul came under siege and became a war-torn city. “It wasn’t so much the whistling [of the shells] being fired itself, Laila thought later, but the seconds between the start of it and [its] impact, like a defendant about to hear the verdict” (Hosseini. 2.24.1-3). Every day Laila spends in war-torn Kabul she is at risk. The image of herself as a “defendant” symbolizes this. Laila is shaped by fear and by the warfare. Her judge [the shells], in her eyes is a crazy person, handing out punishments indiscriminately and without any regard for human life. Laila also surrounding by her parents.Laila knew that her “Mammy didn’t understand. She [Mammy] didn’t understand that if she looked into a mirror, she would find the one unfailing conviction of Babi’s [her husband] life --looking right back at her” [Hosseini. 2.21.59]. Mammy and [her husband] Babi had a difficult relationship. Mammy blamed him for the death of Ahmad and Noor. But it’s Babi’s unflinching devotion to Mammy that ultimately shown through, as Mammy eventually fell back in love with Babi. This love had an impact on Laila and how she viewed her family.Babi gives Laila a strong foundation,Mammy on the other hand,“She would never...

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Gender Roles In A Thousand Splendid Suns

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