Premium Essay

Latin Root Words


Submitted By liakim419
Words 608
Pages 3
Below is a list of common Latin root words and prefixes. Memorize them and use them to better understand the words below

Ject – to throw
Vol – to wish, to choose, or to will
Sub – under ore below
Supra – the greatest, the highest
Spect – to look at to see
Male/mal – bad, evil, negative
Bene/bon – good, well, positive
Dict – to say
Contra – against
Ante – before, prior
Primus – first
Pro – forward, outward
E, ex – out
Ego – the self
De- down, apart
Aud – sound, hearing
Terr/Terra –earth
Liber – free
Lect/Lig – to choose
Sol – sun
Luna - moon
Intra – in, with
Circum – circle, encircling
Fect/fact/fec – action, making, doing
Vir/Potens – power, strength, authority
Vict – to conquer, to overcome.
Noc/noce – to cause harm, to wound
Re- back, return
Miss/Mitte – to send
Cred/crede – to believe/to trust
Mens/mente – the mind
I/in – not, a negation
Spir –breathe
Per –through
Mor – customs
Mort/Morb –death/dead
Cog/ Cogni – concerning knowledge; to be known

These paragraphs each contain a bold faced word. Infer from context what the definitions are. Write down what you think the definition is and then look at the dictionary for the definition. Remember, it is more important to try to infer from context, than to get the definition right the first time.
After you are sure of the definition, write three sentences using the boldfaced word.

1. Calvin, of Calvin-and-Hobbes, declared himself supreme dictator and potentate for life of the “Git Rid of Slimy Girls” club. His pet tiger was the second in command. 2. While I was shopping, the United Alien and UFO People asked me to donate to their cause. They told me that they wanted to expose the secret government cover ups. A percentage of their donations would purchase tin-foil hats for poor children. Incredulous to their strange beliefs, I politely declined and continued

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