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Law 531 Week 6


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LAW 531 WEEK 6

Prepare a Powerpoint presentation of no more than 15 minutes. In week 5, I will assign teams a set or multiple sets (depending on the number of teams) the Question #(s) to answer.

Your presentation should explain to the class the answers to the following questions:

Question 1: Explain the term of office for board of directors. Give an account of the director’s and corporate officer’s duty of care towards the corporation. Explain Self-dealing. And finally, What is the CEO and CFO provision laid out by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?

Question 2: Distinguish between general government regulation and specific government regulation. Explain in brief the types of federal administrative agencies with examples. Distinguish between substantive rules and interpretive rules. What is a statement of policy? When are searches by administrative agencies considered reasonable? And finally, How is the general public protected from harassment by administrative agencies?

Question 3: What is the United Nation’s Biosafety Protocol for genetically altered food? Give an account of the regulation of medicinal devices in the United States? What are the powers of the Consumer Product Safety Commission? Name some consumer products excluded from the purview of CPSC.

Question 4: Describe the purpose and requirements of an EIS? Give an account of state environmental protection laws. Explain the nature and enforcement of the NAAQS? Describe any two legislations that have been implemented to minimize the damage caused by oil spills. How are endangered species protected in the United States? Name three laws that protect wildlife species.

Question 5: Give an account of the Noerr doctrine. How is a relevant market identified by Section 2 of the Sherman

Act? What is a premerger notification? Explain the process outlined by the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvement

Act to execute a merger. What are the three statutory defenses under the Robinson-Patman Act for price

discrimination? Give an account of state antitrust laws.

Rubric will be provided in week 5.

WEEk 6 Quiz

Which of the following is an international organization of 153 member nations created in 1995 to promote and enforce trade agreements among member countries and customs territories?

International Monetary Fund

North American Free Trade Commission

General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

World Trade Organization


Which of the following is required under the Biosafety Protocol sponsored by the United Nations in the year 2000?

Genetically altered foods must be shipped in separate containers from foods that are not genetically altered.

All genetically altered foods must be clearly labeled as such.

Nations are free to prohibit the import of genetically altered foods without violating free-trade agreements.

Whenever genetically altered foods are offered for sale, comparable food that is not genetically altered must be made available at a comparable price.


________ is a clause in an international contract that designates which nation’s laws will be applied in deciding a dispute arising out of the contract.

Choice of law clause

Supremacy Clause

Equal Protection Clause

Forum-selection clause


Three of the largest automobile dealers agreed among themselves as to what price they would pay to manufacturers for windshields to put in new vehicles. Would this constitute illegal price fixing? If so, what kind?

No. This is not illegal price fixing.

Yes. This is buyers’ illegal per se price fixing.

Yes. This is sellers’ illegal per se price fixing.

Yes. This is both buyers’ and sellers’ illegal per se price fixing.


Which of the following products would be covered by the Consumer Product Safety Act?






Which of the following is codified under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act?

The choice of forum clause

The act of state doctrine

The principle of restricted immunity

The supremacy clause


Which of the following is provided under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act?

It regulates commerce between the United States and foreign nations.

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