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Leaders and Leadership in Organizations: Understanding the Dynamics


Submitted By TINK114
Words 1752
Pages 8
Leaders and Leadership in Organizations:
Understanding the Dynamics

Leaders and Leadership in Organizations:
Understanding the Dynamics The subject of leaders has been greatly researched through out history. In this time of economic turmoil, it is vital for an organization to evaluate their leaders and leadership styles in order to be successful. Leadership styles vary, as well as what kind of leaders exist and the behaviors they participate in. It is necessary to examine each theory to conclude what is the most effective in an organizational structure. Exerting an incorrect Leadership Development Plan that does not correlate with the organizational culture will result in failure. In order to assist in evaluating an organizations leaders and leadership we will address the following concepts: 1. What is leadership and who are the leaders of an organization? 2. What are the types of leadership theories, styles and behaviors? 3. What elements affect leaderships? 4. How do leaders and leadership impact organizations?
In reviewing these four focuses, it will become clear in understanding the dynamics of leaders and leadership in organizations.
What is Leadership and Who Are the
Leaders of an Organization? Although there are different styles of leaders, the concept of leadership is fundamentally the same. The leadership notion is best described by Etzioni (1965, p. 690-691) in Organizations -Structures, Processes, and Outcomes as:
“the ability, based on the personal qualities of the leader, to elicit the followers’ voluntary compliance in a broad range of matters. Leadership is distinguished from the concept of power in that it entails influence, that is, change of preferences, while power implies only that subjects’ preferences are held in abeyance” (as cited in Hall & Tolbert, 2009, p. 91).
There are two different forms of those that

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