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Leadership Communication Skills Assessment


Submitted By jarratta
Words 1449
Pages 6
Leadership Communication Skills Assessment

Read through the list of skills and for each one check off your present capability in the chart below.

Excel = You have mastered this skill and are excellent in it. Competent = You are competent in this skill but could polish it some. ✓ Need to Develop = This is a skill you need to develop further.

| | | |Need to |
|Area and Skill |Excel |Competent |Develop |
|Part 1 – Assessment of the Core Abilities |
|Audience Analysis and Strategy | | | |
|Analyzing the context for communication | | | |
|Analyzing audiences | | | |
|Tailoring messages to different audiences | | | |
|Selecting the most effective medium (channel) | | | |
|Developing a complete communication strategy | | | |
|Written Communication | | | |
|Deciding on communication purpose | | | |
|Clarifying your purpose

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