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Leadership Theories That Are Best for a Leader


Submitted By sohaib19
Words 2827
Pages 12
This report is based on defining leadership and its theories. Steve Jobs and Jeff Bozes leadership approach and style is analysed and which leadership skills are acted upon by these leaders and how they fit in the skill approach model. Furthermore, it would be analysed whether the leadership approach practiced by Steve Jobs and Jeff Bozes could have been successful in a slow moving industry such as construction or banking industry. In the end, the reflection of the most appropriate theories that I would prefer to use when opening a company like Amazon or Apple with 5 experienced people. In addition, critically evaluation of the relevant theories is also analysed.
Leadership and Theories
Leadership is a process in which one individual influences others towards the achievement of group or organizational goals. Leadership is a social influence and it cannot exist without a leader and followers. Leadership results in the behaviour of the followers that is meaningful and goal-directed in an organized setting. Despite the efforts of a standard definition of leadership, Fred Luthans, mentions in his book Organizational Behaviour (2005), ‘’it [leadership] does remain pretty much of a ‘black box’ or unexplained concept.’’ Leadership also means awakening passion among its followers, to have an ability to transform dreams in to reality. Leadership is an on-going process that persuades people to do right things for better future where one person encourages, inspires and motivates for betterment of society. Leadership encourages people to go on the path they do not want to go but they ought to. In short, leadership deals with ‘influence’.
Following are various theoretical approaches of leadership:
1. Great man theory: The individual characteristics of leader are born, not made.
2. Trait theories: Individuals possess certain qualities that make them leaders. It can

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