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Submitted By adidas9017
Words 718
Pages 3
Usually, learning is the basis in relation of students and teachers in a classroom. However, with the emergence of online education, virtual classrooms are replacing the long-established classroom setting. Although online learning has many advantages for some students, it can also lead to some difficult challenges. In order for online education to be successful, it is crucial that those challenges are identified and efficiently dealt with. Organizational skills, time management, and effective communication are key elements for a successful online education.
Having organizational skills is one of the important keys for online education success. I will use the organizational skills I have learned in my professional career to arrange my work into time intervals that will allow me to complete certain parts that need to be completed at a given time. By using the strategy, the amount of time that I usually waste will decrease. Organizational skills are not limited to time and work; it extends beyond materials and workspace. Working with my newfound organizational skills will also make my work and everyday routine more precise and deliberate; I will be a lot more conscious and sure of what I will be doing later. By having, a schedule I will be more prepared and lessen the tension, and in turn, my daily function will be more efficient.
Another key for online education success is effective time management. No matter how one approaches time management, there will always be some limitations. The more organized I become, the more I will effectively be able to use each hour in the day. Ideally, each morning, I will make a list of everything I want or need to be complete that day. I will not think about which tasks are most important at this point, I will just write them all down. It becomes apparent that proper prioritization is essential for effective time

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