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Legal Implication of Ecom


Submitted By sunnykings
Words 744
Pages 3
Legal Implications of Electronic Business
1. Introduction 2. Issues surrounding the laws of E Business in Ireland and EU Countries 3. Legal Background 4. Licensing 5. Websites 6. Selling online and Distance Contracts 7. Recommendations

According to research, Internet-based electronic business (e-business or EB) has been predicted to experience significant growth across Ireland and Europe. (Anderson Consulting 1999; Forrester Research 1999).
Legal Implications
The central issues of E-Business and the law include the development of E-Business, the role of consumers and regulation of E-Business in regards to consumer protection. E-Business is a new way of conducting business that takes place on the Internet, it has become an important way in which consumers purchase goods across the world as well as due to internet technology progressing rapidly in the last few years.

Although E-Business has a big effect on the global trade, governments also have a large effect on the growth of E-Business on the internet by regulating is accordingly. As Governments set regulations for E-Business organisations managers are starting to worry if the regulations will be too tight or may reduce the market in the online trade.

Regulation of E-Business is very important for the cyberspace market as it can help or stop the organisations working with E-Business, as well as being able to protect the consumers in the online market.

Security Implications
There are a few security implications that come about when setting an E-Business website, especially when handling sensitive information such as credit card information and personal details such as address. Many parts will have to be protected well including communication between the customer and the website server and the server itself from any hacker trying to intercept

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