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Legal Morals


Submitted By kramertroy
Words 294
Pages 2
The question is do I agree with legal moralism? I would say yes due to a lot of things that we do here in the world and out in the public we need a moralism law. This due to us as people wearing clothes out in public, if there was not a law to put on clothes while in a public place just thinks about how immoral it would be serving people food with no clothes on. Doing a production job with no clothes, on teaching a class with no clothes on, that’s if you in a classroom. For long as we are behind close doors, or were they allow you to go without clothes that are fine. We needed these laws to help us as people keep almost everything we do with respect to others and ourselves. The only thing I don’t agree with is a mother breast feeding out in public, funny story me and my family was at a park, and my 3 year so this mother breast feeding her 7 or 8 month old baby, so he asked me what was she doing to the baby I said breast feeding, he says what I said milk, so he walks away and plays for a while the he goes or to the lady and says can I have some I really like milk and my mom only gives me milk in my cup from a jug, and she does not have anymore with her yes he ask if he could have some PLEASE. But there are a lot of good things about legal moralism, and yes we do need it while we are on earth not saying they are all good, but there are more good ones then bad ones.

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