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Letting Go Monologue

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Letting Go

Everything happened rapidly. If only I had a chance to say goodbye. All my life I had spent with her.

My mom and I had been working on a project with the sewing machine, all alone with our two dogs, Bruiser and Bogo. They were both sleeping, Bruiser on the couch, Bogo in front of my dad’s recliner. Bruiser was the younger one, only a couple of years old, Bogo being around ten and a half. We had been working contently when Bogo, the oldest one, started to wheeze and gasp for breath. Bruiser woke up and started towards her, worriedly poking his nose around her. That was when I ran to her and tried a trick we learned for Boxers when they struggle like this, plugging their nostrils with two fingers and holding under their jaw for …show more content…
My peanut-sized arms draped over her body as I wept, my eyes a waterfall. Something about how she wasn’t supposed to go like this, how it wasn’t time spilled out of my mouth. Her time was then, however.

I darted to my room, battling the obstacle course of chairs and stairs as my mom called the vet. My sister dances with a girl who’s mom is a vet, so she was the one we called. Several times I tried to leave my room, putting myself together, however each time I saw her with a towel spread over her body, I could feel myself collapsing over and over again with the memories of her filling up my brain.

Walking in my room, my mother asked if I wanted to go with my grandparents while the vet came, I said yes. She made a couple more calls, to my grandparents and my dad. Since my grandparents lived in town, they easily picked me up. They walked to the door and my mom spoke to them about how it happened. Greeting them with a wet face, puffy eyes, and a hug, their arms wrapped around me in sorrow and condolences. I walked out to their car in my unicorn onesie that I had been wearing at the time, and got in their car, no shoes. They told me that they hadn’t eaten dinner yet and that they were going to stop by Arby’s. My appetite was out of the window at that point. When we got to their apartment, my grandma got out some vanilla frozen yogurt and diced strawberries. We sat in the microscopic

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