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Library Management System


Submitted By greathimanshu
Words 1406
Pages 6

Submitted to: Submitted by:
Ms. Satindar Kaur Mr. Money Bansal
( Deptt. Of Computer) Roll.No.- R205A06 Reg.No- 10802676 Class- B.Tech-(ECE)


I Money Bansal of section 205 registration no. 10802676 and roll no. 06 of course B.Tech. ECE hereby submit my synopsis on foundation of computing. I have done this project of Library management system under the guidance of Miss. Satindar Kaur. This is my great experience of C programming to submit this synopsis. Miss. Satindar Kaur
(Lect. Found. of comp.)

‘C’ is a programming language developed at AT &T’s bell laboratories of USA in 1972.It was deigned by Dennis Retchie. This project of “LIBRARY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM” gives us the complete information about the library.We can enter the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library .We can issue the books to the student and maintain their records and can also check how many books are issued and stock available in the library. The library Management system is designed & developed for a receipt and issuance of books in the library along with the student’s details.The books received in the library are entered in books entry form.When the student wants to get the desired books the same is issued on the availability basis to the student. This program helps us to do many further aspects in the future.~~~~!!!!!!


There are many advantages of this system whose name is Library management System This system process made computerized to reduce human errors and to increase the efficiency.The main focus of this project is to lesson human efforts.The maintenance of the records is made efficient, as all the record are stored in the access database, through which data can be retrieved easily.
System Requirements and Analysis
A database to store the details about the books should be designed. A unique id should be given for each books in the library. This will be the key of the database. These are follows--- S. No. | Field Name | Field Range | Remarks | 1. | Article Id | Any valid 5 digit number | This is the key field of the database. We can have some alpha numeric character in the beginning to show if the article is a book/journal. | 2. | Name of the book | Up to 25 characters in length. | If a name exceeds 25 characters, the first 25 characters are taken. | 3. | Name of the author(s) | Up to 25 characters in length. | ___ | 4. | Publisher | Up to 25 characters in length. | If a name exceeds 25 characters, the first 25 characters are taken. | 5. | Year of publication | From 1900 to 2099 | This is the publication year. | 6. | Subject | Up to 25 character in length | Like mathematics, physics chemistry etc. | 7. | Borrower’s user Id | Up to 15 character in length | Id of the person who has currently borrowed it. |

Source Code :
#define nm 20
#define cal 2
#define idn 5
#define dt 2 void chk_name(char *p,int); void chk_id(char *p,int); int duplicate(char temp[]); int duplicatest(char temp[]); void studinfo(); void issue(); void returned(); void viewstfo(); void view1(); void stuissue(); struct lib { char bname[nm]; char bid[idn]; } lib1; struct isue { char sid[idn]; char bid[idn]; int isdate; int redate; } iss1; struct ret { char sid[idn]; char bid[idn]; int redate; } ret1; struct st { char sid[idn]; char sname[nm]; //struct lib lib2; //struct isue iss2; //struct ret ret2; } st1; void main() { int choice; clrscr(); gotoxy(1,1); do { printf("\nThis is library module\n1.Issue book\n2.Return book\n3.View issued books\n4.Student info\n5.View student info\n6.Exit\n7.Issued by one student "); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: issue(); break; case 2: returned(); break; case 3: view1(); break; case 4: studinfo(); break; case 5: viewstfo(); break; case 6: exit(0); case 7: stuissue(); break; default: printf("One among 1,2,3,4"); getch(); } }while(choice!='6');
} //Function definitions void issue()

{ char temp[idn]; char btemp[idn]; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("boissue.rec","ab"); printf("\nEnter book id:"); chk_id(btemp,idn); strcpy(,btemp); { struct date d; getdate(&d); printf("\nTodays date:%d",d.da_day); iss1.isdate=d.da_day; } iss1.redate=iss1.isdate+10; printf("\nEnter student's ID:"); chk_id(temp,idn); strcpy(iss1.sid,temp); fwrite(&iss1,sizeof(iss1),1,fp); printf("\nINfo saved , can be issued"); printf("\nExpected date of return is comming: %d",iss1.redate);
} void returned() { char temp[idn]; int ch; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("boissue.rec","rb"); printf("Enter book's code:"); chk_id(temp,idn); while(fread(&iss1,sizeof(iss1),1,fp)&&strcmp(temp,; ch=strcmp(temp,; if(ch!=0) { printf("No such book");} else { fseek(fp,ftell(fp)-sizeof(iss1),0); fwrite(&iss1,sizeof(iss1),1,fp); printf("Book returned"); } fclose(fp);
void chk_name(char *p,int size) { char ch,c[30]; int i=0; do { ch=getch(); if(((ch>='a' && ch<='z')||(ch==' ')||(ch>='A'&& ch<='Z'))&&(i<size-1)) { *p++=ch; i++; printf("%c",ch); } else if(ch==8 &&i>0) { printf("%c%c%c",8,32,8); i--; p--; } } while(ch!=13); c[i]='\0'; *p='\0'; } void chk_id(char *p,int size) { char ch; int i=0; do { ch=getch(); if((ch>='0' && ch<='9')&&(i<size-1)) { *p=ch; i++; p++; printf("%c",ch); } else if(ch==8 &&i>0) { printf("%c%c%c",8,32,8); i--; p--; } } while(ch!=13 || i<size-1); *p='\0'; } int duplicate(char temp[])
{ FILE *fp; fp=fopen("boissue.rec","rb"); while(fread(&iss1,sizeof(iss1),1,fp)&&strcmp(iss1.sid,temp)); fclose(fp); if(strcmp(temp,iss1.sid)==0) return 1; else return 0; }
{ int ch; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("boissue.rec","rb"); if(fp!=NULL)
while(fread(&iss1,sizeof(iss1),1,fp)) if(strcmp(iss1.sid," ")!=0) { printf("\nStudent ID:%s Book ID:%s Issue date:%d Due return date:%d\n",iss1.sid,,iss1.isdate,iss1.redate); } if(strcmp(iss1.sid," ")==NULL)
{ printf("Not found"); }} else

{ printf("Unable to open file"); } } */ void studinfo()
{ char temp[idn]; FILE *fp; if(fp!=NULL)
fp=fopen("studinfo.rec","ab"); do { printf("\nEnter unique student ID:"); chk_id(temp,idn); } while(duplicatest(temp)); strcpy(st1.sid,temp); printf("\nEnter student's name:"); chk_name(st1.sname,nm); fwrite(&st1,sizeof(st1),1,fp); fclose(fp); } else
{ printf("File not found"); } } int duplicatest(char temp[])
{ FILE *fp; fp=fopen("studinfo.rec","rb"); while(fread(&st1,sizeof(st1),1,fp)&&strcmp(st1.sid,temp)); if(strcmp(st1.sid,temp)==0) { return 1; } else return 0; } void viewstfo()
{ int ch; FILE *fp; fp=fopen("studinfo.rec","rb"); if(fp!=NULL)
while(fread(&st1,sizeof(st1),1,fp)) if(strcmp(st1.sid," ")!=0) { printf("\nStudent id:%sStudent name:%s ",st1.sid,st1.sname); } if(strcmp(st1.sid," ")==NULL) { printf("No records"); } fclose(fp); } else
{ printf("File not found"); } } void view1()
{ int ch; FILE *fp,*f; fp=fopen("boissue.rec","rb"); f=fopen("studinfo.rec","rb"); if(fp!=NULL) { while(fread(&iss1,sizeof(iss1),1,fp)&&fread(&st1,sizeof(st1),1,f)) if((iss1.sid," ")!=0) if(strcmp(iss1.sid,st1.sid)==0)
printf("\nStudent ID:%s Book ID:%s Issue date:%d Due return date:%d Student }


1. ISSUE BOOK 2. return book 3. view issued books 4. student informations 5. view student information

case 1: book issue.c

enter book id : 1234

today date is : 21 – 09 – 08 enter student id : 2343 information saved , can be issue expected date of return is coming : 21 – 09 – 08

Future scope of project

The problems, which existed in the earlier system , have been removed to a large extent . And it is expected that this project will go a long way in satisfying user’s requirements. The computersisation of the library management will not only improve the efficiency but will also reduce human stress thereby indirectly improvely human recourses.

refrences ansi c balaguruswami ANSI C KAMTHANI

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