Free Essay

Lifa as Teenager


Submitted By Bar2lin
Words 282
Pages 2
R.J Meaddough, III: The Death of Tommy Grimes

Setting: When and where does the story take place? Characterize the social environment. Comment on their language, hobbies, the setting and their class.
In what way does the setting influence the plot of the story?
Back your arguments by finding quotations in the text.

Point of View and narrative technique:
Which point of view is used in this story, and how does it affect the readers’ comprehension of the text?
Account for the plot of the story in a chronological order. What is the effect of the extensive flash back technique that the author uses in this story?
Back your findings with quotations from the text.

Character characterization:
Characterize the father. Among other things you should account for his values. What reasons are there to kill, according to Pa? Account for the nature of the relationship between father and son. In what way does Tommy’s father succeed as a father and in what ways doesn’t he? Back your findings with quotations from the text.

The beginning and the ending:
Account for what is going on in the opening paragraph, and compare this to its closing counterpart. Pay special attention to the symbols used in both sections. What development has Tommy undergone during this day?

Symbols: In this text, nature is often used to describe the characters’ feelings as well as the general atmosphere. Find at least five examples of this in the text and explain what the effect of it is.

Title, themes and message: Explain the title – how does it relate to the events of the story? Account for the themes of the story. What do you think the message is?

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