Premium Essay

Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness


Submitted By jlrbrooke
Words 696
Pages 3
What does Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness Mean to You?

The Declaration of Independence is the most important piece of all American historical documents. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness might ring a bell, but for others it’s a whole different story. “Freedom is Intended as a Challenge” by Naomi Wolf mentions in her reading about Thomas Jefferson who was one of the writers of “The Declaration of Independence” had two main ideas which were individually and happiness, the pursuit of happiness. As Wolf researches she comes up with the idea that Jefferson had the idea that we would live a life that was guaranteed, Wolf explains “liberation is not about a historical moment that had happened in the past it is more of a destination of the mind” (636). Life is not all about being born in America and being free, people around us must continue their happiness, and find their own meaning of liberty.
Wolf is a piece that takes a deeper look into the current perception of how the Declaration of Independence. Wolf believes us present day Americans have a right sense of what really happened in the late 1700’s. Wolf explains how many American’s now just look at the Declaration of Independence as just a piece of paper, and not taken as serious as it should be. The Declaration of Independence is supposed to be looked at on how free America is, as the Declaration of Independence states, “We hold truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness” (625). As Wolf argues that America is not the same as it was before she explains “This sense of the world descended to the revolutionary generation from Greek literature: to the founders of ‘happiness’ meant the development of one’s full power as an individual, and ones

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