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Life in the 6


Submitted By Hotmail87
Words 576
Pages 3
Tuesdays 8-10 REDO Was is the most important lesson you can learn in life? The most important lesson you can learn in life is value. For example, valuing your life and your family is key to having an important life. This shows that If you don't value what you have, then how can you expect to be happy in life? In addition, Not everything will come to you, you must learn to step out of your comfort zone to go get it. Lastly, Value is in the exact same boat with love, if you can't learn to value who is in your life or what is in your life, how are you supposed to show love? In my opinion this is the thing Morrie learns is the most important thing in life. Value has so many traits to go off of, such as value the life you had, valuing the people around you who give you endless love and support, and in conclusion valuing the great opportunity God has given you to grow and prospers in today's society. Should we embrace self pity? They're pros and cons to self pity. First, self pity should be accosted if someone just went through a tragedy. For example, if someone just lost their loved one, their job, or God forbid their home they just be allowed to mourn. This shows that you loved what you had and really miss it, and would give anything for it to come back. In addition, to much self pity can lead to a drinking or drug problem, depression, and even is serious cases suicide. For instance, if a man loses his house he should be allowed to feel self pity, but in doing so it shouldn't stop him from going out to try and get a job to get his house back. Self pity doesn't necessarily resemble weakness, it shows that you loved what you had, but to much self pity can lead to depressing life. If Morrie only felt self pity he would sit around all day waiting for the disease to finally strike. Instead, he was living his life to the fullest trying to make other people's

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