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Line Graph


Submitted By mo0mo0juice
Words 373
Pages 2
Homework #2

My graph depicts the change in the U.S minimum wage over time. This graph has data starting at the implementation of the minimum wage act in 1938, up to more current data in 2014. The gray bar data represents the nominal value for an unadjusted dollar. The yellow bar accounts for the inflation of the dollar, turning it into a 2014 dollar. This depicts what the minimum wage change would look like in constant data value. Looking at the unadjusted graph, there is a bigger discrepancy between the start and end minimum wage. The gray graph has a slow increase of to minimum wage over time. The adjusted wage data depicts many more fluctuations in the data. The yellow bar depicts a more significant increases in the beginning particularly between 1950 to 1970. There are large decreases to the minimum wage around 1975, the end of 1980 and 2008. These decreases do not populate on the nominal value chart. The yellow data shows that the minimum wage has not been a constant an increase like the nominal data. The adjusted dollar is a more realistic and reliable interpretation to the change in the minimum wage. It's interesting that minimum wage has been "higher" in the past then by 2014's minimum wage value.
Graph on Page 2
Citation: Taylor, S. L. (2014, February 1). A Basic Fact About The Minimum Wage. Retrieved February 20, 2016, from
Velocity Graph Descriptions
1 This graph is at a constant zero velocity over the time interval. The data line is on the X axis, Y is at zero throughout the test, which would make this a stationary object.
2 This graph is at a constant velocity over the time interval, the subject was at a constant speed of meters over seconds for the test. This chart in comparison to chart #1 was at a higher velocity, but not a stationary object.

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